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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. I Believe In Father Christmas - Greg Lake
  2. Some I have used.... While on the subject of makeup, I have one of the wife's old "blusher" brushes that I use for weathering, cleaning up etc. Old illuminated Xmas decorations can yield a lot of fibre optic strands. As described many times before, fly zappers + metal tea strainers =Static grass applicator Dressmakers pins = many uses, (pivot pins and safety rail uprights for Ratio Signals and others) Cocktail Stirrers = Shunting Poles, Yard Lamp Poles, probably many other uses. Jim
  3. Lovely Photographs - the last one in particular is an absolute stunner! Jim
  4. Walking into Clarksdale - Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
  5. Dare I?? Every (You know what) Is Sacred - Monty Python
  6. How about a Glasgow "Blue Train". 303066 & 303067 made it to Euston on the 4th September 1982, Hertfordshire Rail Tours "Blue Train Railtour" Jim
  7. Went to Prestwick on Friday to see the big planes arriving - irrespective of their contents they are impressive machines Jim
  8. Turn It On Again - Genesis (Again)
  9. Where did this fake news start? OK he is part Russian so there is a clue, however according to IMDB he was a totally normal 5' - 8". Am I missing a joke?
  10. I had hoped that having landed from the East that it would take off to the west, as my caravan site is right under the flight path, unfortunately it took off to the east, in pouring rain! Can't complain, the Police were remarkably relaxed about the whole operation, the area from which I took the photograph had been designated a public viewing area in advance and although there was a lot of police about they let us get on with taking photographs without hindrance, the crowd (must have easily been around 200 folk) responded by being well behaved and good natured, all in all it was a very pleasant evening. Jim
  11. Hi Martyn - sorry for not replying sooner, I was down at my caravan at Prestwick at the weekend. I will take the unit out tomorrow night and check all the angles, hoping it might be as simple as the fabricated unit is not quite bedded in, fingers crossed!! Had a visitor to the area while we were down! Jim
  12. Coming over to the Dark Side Gerald??
  13. Chelsea's mountain is like Ben Nevis compared with the Everest facing Gerrard. Rangers fans will expect nothing less than win the treble plus a good run in Europe, From what I hear the crowd started to get restless already at the performance, don't envy his position. Jim
  14. Thanks Martyn - as usual the taking of the photographs show up the flaws not immediately apparent from the normal viewing angle, there is a distinct lean on the vertical to the left, I think that the "module" is not bedded in correctly as it was OK before I put it in place - some fettling required obviously. Jim
  15. Its been a slow week, constructing the "back" section of the bridge support involved building a structure that would become both the girder bridge support, an arch bridge, and the support for a plate girder bridge over the Gateside line. This was not an easy task as the tracks that were adjacent to the bridge piers were not laid with a bridge in mind and the three tracks, two goods lines and the siding into the engineering company run at slightly different angles. Various small sheets of ply were cut to size and glued and pinned/screwed together until I had the initial frame This looks very rough, but once I stuck the first card overlay with the arch in place it looked much better [/url] The views from the other side highlight the very tight clearances, particularly between the bridge pier and the engineering company siding, but I checked it with a wagon and an 08 shunter and they pass OK, this siding is rarely used (it is more of a scenic feature so no big worries here. Much more work to be done but I am pleased with the progress so far. Jim
  16. Interesting that D4095 should crop up, this was new to Fort William Shed in August 1961, but was transferred to Inverness in November that year, D4096 arrived at Fort William in September '61 but was also transferred to Inverness in November. D4097 arrived to replace these two and was joined by D4098 in July 1962, D4097 went to Perth in 1968 and D4098 to Eastfield in 1970. Jim
  17. I was looking through some archive football stuff and I can across the results of the old "Football League XI" a concept that was discontinued back in the 1970s. Given the amount of time that commentators spend talking about the English League Clubs that the players in just about all the International teams participating in the World Cup the think it would be quite interesting to see this tried again, how about a "Football League XI" vs "La Liga XI"! Jim
  18. I will leave it to a Welshman (well born in England from Welsh Parents.
  19. Hi - A man after my own heart - my layout is based on the Central Belt, with representations of stations in Glasgow and Edinburgh. I agree with the allocation observations made by Alasdair, but apart from the class 37s which were latecomers to the region, the other classes mentioned made earlier appearances thanks to workings from the LM and ER, the Scottish Region was very capable of "borrowing" these locomotives for internal workings. If you check out George C O'Hara's excellent series of books, particularly this one https://www.oxfam.org.uk/shop/books/reference/br-diesel-traction-in-scotland-hd_101174849 you will see examples of many classes that you would not immediately associate with Scotland, class 45 and 46 Peaks were fairly common on internal workings, 47s worked in on WCML and ECML jobs from new and strangers like class 28s could also be seen. The DerbySulzers.com site also details a lot of the early workings. Jim
  20. Aye - back in the 1970s the mid league Scottish clubs like Airdrie could look forward to playing Manchester City, Derby County, Huddersfield and Nottingham Forest, now we have Sutton United and Boreham Wood - woo hoo! Jim
  21. Never mind the World Cup, Celtic have already got their European campaign underway and the good old low skill crappy Scottish League Cup starts on Saturday! Jim
  22. Personally I am being absolutely deluged by fake emails, close analysis shows that they are all from a website called viachroma.com. All of the links to unsubscribe or report as Spam obviously take you back to the source of the scam. They are all the same basic format, telling you that there is an invoice or a bank transfer outstanding, one even purported to come from Colas Rail!! I tried looking at the Viachroma Website but my anti-virus software warned me off. Just have to keep deleting as setting them up as Spam doesn't work as each email uses a slightly different address. Jim
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