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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Just reading the back story about the photo at Rogart on Flickr - worth following the link to see the other photos
  2. Being from a country far far away from 3rd rail land I don't know one unit from the other, I had to look up the Coach numbers to try and work out what class they were!! As an aside to my photographs of the Manchester Bury units, another "record" must be how far any unit was towed away from its original area for scrapping. Back in the early 1970s there were quite a number of SR EMUS scrapped at McWilliams Yard at Shettleston (on the south side of the Airdrie to Glasgow line). I saw several units, including 2HAL, 2BIL and others there in the early 1970s Jim
  3. I found this photo on Flickr of these units at M/C Metals in Springburn, which is further north and west than mine. https://www.flickr.com/photos/36034969@N08/6223768283/ Jim
  4. Some class 458 EMU coaches at Doncaster November 2014 [/url] Jim
  5. Mrs Luckymucklebackit is the gamer in our family, while I am up in the loft she is on her PS4 which I find quite convenient! She only took up the PS4 about two years ago (at the age of 60) and so far she has mastered and completed the full "Uncharted" set, plus a couple of others like "The Last of Us". I quite enjoy watching her play but I gave up video games with the Sinclair Spectrum, I was a dab hand at "Elite" and bought the version for the PS4, I cannot for the life of me dock the flaming ship so have given up! Another thing that was bought and subsequently sold was the VR kit for the PS4, after the initial ooh! and aah! of the simulations, neither of us could play anything without suffering from motion sickness after a very short time. Jim
  6. Hi - This has been discussed before http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/9593-far-north-highlands-of-scotland/ The consensus was that the 27 did t venture North or West of Inverness but very infrequently, the plausible reason being that they were not fitted with the headlights that were a requirement for these lines. Jim
  7. Surely the wording "all of which are currently occupied" is the important statement in this riddle - so the hotelier has to turn the travelers away.
  8. There is a gif on line that shows the impact, it is horrific viewing. Jim
  9. Same thing at Shieldmuir (we were also waiting for a Duchess), I have posted this before but offer no excuses for highlighting these individuals desregard for their safety Jim
  10. I was looking at the 1960s resignalling notices for the Glasgow Suburban area, this was a mix of existing manual signalboxes and some new power boxes, in general, the existing manual signalboxes were equipped with MAS, manual points and ground disc signals, new boxes on the same route (e.g. Hyndland) were equipped with MAS, electrically worked points and two position light shunt signals, this mix survived until the centralization of signalling at Yoker in the late 1990s. Jim
  11. Mother's Little Helper - The Rolling Stones
  12. Ah! so fake news has been around since 1968 then
  13. Yes most of them are still there, although some of the photographs are not in some versions but are in others, you have to play about with the time bar at the top, try the index page http://www.jhowie.force9.co.uk:80/contents.htm Jim
  14. This page gives some interesting arguments about the suitability of suspension bridges for rail traffic - https://engineering.stackexchange.com/questions/435/what-makes-suspension-bridges-unsuitable-for-railways Jim
  15. A Hazy Shade Of Winter - Simon & Garfunkel
  16. Unfortunately my website "died" a number of years ago due to a virus attack so that link is dead. However thanks to the wayback machine the content remains! https://web.archive.org/web/20040406163734/http://www.jhowie.force9.co.uk:80/carstairs.htm Jim
  17. Down By The Seaside - Led Zeppelin
  18. Hi all - Mrs Luckymucklebackit has gone off to the caravan so I have a week of evening modelling to my hearts content before I go down and join her on Friday for a week. The focus last night and tonight was on getting the cradle for the Allenshaw Inglenook and the Inglenook "Plank" constructed, last night was all about getting the levels right and mocking things up, a frustrating night where an extra pair of hands would definitely been a benefit, but tonight was much more productive and the plank is now complete with its frame and sitting in the cradle at the back end and on an existing support at the bridge end. The bridge end was a bit of a fiddle as the existing support was about 3mm too high for the framing and ply that I wanted to use, so I had to improvise with some thinner wood made up into a ply to get the height. General view of the plank and bridge.. The plank sitting above the fiddle yard, it is still possible to run the yard with the plank in place, but for a full "main layout" running session the plank would be removed. Couple of views looking down the trackbed Hopefully more progress tomorrow night! Cheers Jim
  19. Between Cologne and Frankfurt there is a summit on the ICE line that makes you feel as though you are going over a humped back bridge! Jim
  20. The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn) - Yes
  21. Remember that the 303 was not exclusive to the Glasgow Area as they worked out of Longsight to Glossop and Hadfield and often could be found further afield. Would need to be produced with the wrap round windscreens for earlier era layouts - the kits have the later flat windscreen. Jim Jim
  22. Bet they know what soixante neuf means
  23. State of Assembly: Ready to Go/Pre-built in the bin
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