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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Posted an hour and a half previously in the things that make you smile thread/
  2. The county now known as Midlothian was formerly known as Edinburghshire or the County of Edinburgh until 1890. Jim
  3. The Luftwaffe damaged the viaduct during WWII, the current refurbishment works are uncovering a number of areas where bullets and shrapnel had penetrated the steelwork https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/angus-mearns/667804/ww2-bombing-damage-unearthed-during-montrose-viaduct-refurbishment/ Jim
  4. At Coalburn the single platform passenger station was the terminus of the line. For locomotives to run around their stock before the return journey, they had to continue south, across a level crossing hard by the station, to Bankend where there was a passing loop. https://www.railscot.co.uk/img/6/588/ Jim
  5. I was looking back at some "Modern Railways" magazines from the 1970s and it is apparent from the articles in them that BR really pinned its future on the success of the APT project. One table describes the roll out of "squadron" APT sets on all main lines north and west from London, but not only that, this resulted in the cascading of HST to secondary lines such as Glasgow to Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness by the 1980s, (thirty years before the current deployment on the Scotrail routes). I think that this affected BR badly, as there was no plan "B" for many years, and the HSTs would have been far superior to the eventual replacements for loco hauled trains that did come along (Sprinters and Voyagers) Jim
  6. "when the real thing looks like a pretty basic unprototypical model" No weathering, too shiny, straight out of the box Nice photographs Martyn - Don't forget to wave for the camera at Goathland! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/124006-live-webcam-at-grosmont-nymr/page-11 Jim
  7. Watch this space - I am working on an Inglenook that will be portable! Jim
  8. 75009 was one of the last locomotives I saw being towed to Campbells Scrapyard in Airdrie, I later compiled a database of all locomotives scrapped in the Coatbridge/Airdrie area and have these notes: 75009, 75019, 75020 and 75048 last recorded at Carnforth 21/09/1968, noted on Carnforth-Leeds line 17/10/68 hauled by D206, broken up by Campbells Airdrie November 1968. For a small yard Campbells had a voracious appetite for steam locomotives, consuming some 215 locomotives between November 1961 and November 1968, Apparently their record was 42264 which arrived at the yard from storage at Polmadie on 16th September at 10:00am and was cut up by 4:15pm!! Jim
  9. Looking forwards to seeing Blair Atholl once again, seems like ages since I first saw it at the SECC (Or was it even McLellan Galleries) Jim
  10. Welcome to the Machine - Pink Floyd
  11. Hi Stewpot - Is it a class 31 fitted with a Hornby TTS Sound Chip while suffering from Masak Rot?
  12. Surely Rock Cakes would be more effective?
  13. But read on... POSTAGE WITHIN THE UK IS £10.00 VIA CURRIER Free Vindaloo with every order??
  14. BBC Radio Lancashire have posted this on their Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/BBCLancashire/videos/10156456407606069/ Jim
  15. Thanks Martyn - thought it was too simple and obvious to claim any originality! :-) Jim
  16. The Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix
  17. The Three Fates - Emerson Lake and Palmer
  18. Innovation time again! As I am a typical canny Scot I wanted to have some form of automatic uncoupling method for the Inglenook without paying out for some electromagnetic DCC super duper gizmo I therefore came up with this, don't know if it has been done before but basically it is a wire operated contraption which needs a bit of fine tuning. The basic idea is as follows. I dripped a hole in the board between two sleepers and pushed a piece of plastic tube through and cut to length flush with the top of the sleepers and just below the underside of the board I then fabricated the actuator using a piece of rod that is a nice sliding fit in the tube topped off with two layers of plasticard, the thicker layer on the bottom had a hole drilled to accept the rod. The small hole at the end of the rod will take the cable, it is important that this hole is at right angles to the plasticard strip of there will be a tendency for the top to turn when activated. The wire I used is picture hanging wire bought from Wilco for £1.50, this is anchored using a staple on one side and one of those self adhesive cable anchors on the other. The wire is passed through the little hole at the end of the actuator, I originally was going to use a weight to help the actuator reset but I found some spring in the odd things box and used that instead The cable has been temporarily wrapped round a piece of old rail, I want to use a lever mechanism eventually And the finished top looks reasonably unobtrusive between the rails, some painting and weathering will follow. Does it work - this video shows the first trials Hope this is of some interest Jim
  19. Can offer another ship - Burntisland Layout again Next - aircraft, but on the ground! Jim
  20. Having bought some of the Robert Adley books in the past I would say that your photographs and supporting text are far superior than his. It would be worth a punt I think Jim
  21. Heatwave? What Heatwave? This week was my second summer week holiday, and weather wise this one has been as miserable as the first was warm and sunny. Gave up watching the rain running down the windows of the caravan yesterday and came home. The upside of this was that I could get back to work on the layout! I completed the abutment for the bridge and started track laying, As usual last minute changes have been made and this resulted in an additional point being ordered from Ebay, I hope to have this over the weekend. The changes involved abandoning the idea of the run-down passenger platform and using the point that I had to make a loco siding and a brake van dock instead, this provides additional shunting interest when the freight arrives from off scene and the brake van has to be put of the right end of the train going back out after the shunt has been completed. The plan now looks like this The "Y" point will go where the Peco Label is sitting just now, and will be the entrance point for the two "Three Wagon" sidings, the "five wagon" siding has already been laid. As the weather is forecast to improve over the weekend we are planning to get back down to the caravan tomorrow, so that will be it until Monday Night. Cheers Jim
  22. Evidence here that he phoned a friend
  23. One think to remember is that Peco Streamline Points and Hornby Settrack points cannot be mixed in a formation (such as a ladder or crossover) . Peco Streamline points are a 12 degree angle of turnout, Hornby (and any other settrack) are 22.5 degree. Jim
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