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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. 10538 Overture - Electric Light Orchestra (Their first chart single)
  2. There definitely were two shades of blue used by Triang-Hornby in the early 1970s, I had three Blue/Grey Coaches, one of which was one of their CKD kits and it was a much lighter blue than the other two Jim
  3. Agree with your comments about the Bigot Brothers, they lose a few games and there is suddenly a crisis in Scottish football and the pundits pleat on endlessly about how they need to improve, no credit given to the smaller less wealthy teams who beat them fair and square. Jim
  4. Spot on Martyn - I can see that you have done some minimum space shunting in your time Jim
  5. Given the current form why would the City fans want Mourinho to disappear??
  6. Back from what turned out to be an interesting trip to Holland. Once the work was done I headed back to Ede-Wageningen station for the train back to Amsterdam, highlight of that trip was this beauty which was being hauled towards the west Anyway back to Allenshaw tonight and I finished off painting the track, a tedious but worthwhile task, I then gave the ballast a general coat of Railmatch Brown Paint Some stock on the layout, this will be the "start point" for any puzzle, with the trip freight having arrived behind a Clayton which has uncoupled and moved into the loco siding and the shunter then drawing the train forward into the headshunt There is a bit of a puzzle within a puzzle, in that the brake van is not part of the main Inglenook shunting puzzle, but still has to be at the back of the outgoing train, it is easily done once you work it out - any guesses?? Hopefully will get started with buildings on Friday! Cheers Jim
  7. Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin
  8. You could add F-it to the workshop list; Fitter utters profanity after hitting his finger with hammer
  9. Thanks Martyn - Progress has been slow due to business travel, but I finished off weathering the track on the bridge and have mounted it in place. Need to start the scenic work on the shunting area but I have some issues with the uncouplers, one lever broke and one other has stopped working due to the glue from the ballast gumming up the works. I am planning to dispense with the plastic levers and I bought copper tube at the Ayr model show to replace them. Hate having to go back and re-do stuff but it cant be helped Latest photos: Bridge back in place Detail of bufferstop and fence, I need to blend these together a bit, it is obvious that they were done separately, photo was a bit dark unfortunately. [/url] A taste of things to come, 16T mineral wagons have been bought to fill the yard And on the subject of bufferstops, I chose dark brown, but at Kings Lynn they paint these things a bit brighter!!! That's all for now Jim
  10. Yellow? Surprised the Flying Banana hasn't made an appearance yet, Jim
  11. Like I said before, the steam locomotives going to Campbells were at the back of a rake of 16T mineral wagons, these were the empty wagons that the cut-up bits of the locomotives would later leave the scrapyard. Jim
  12. Just a note on the destination blinds, it was rare to just have the destination as per the "GLASGOW" shown in the photo, Most of the time it would be (for example) "Airdrie", with "via Singer" in small print below, after 1974 because of the increase in routes an auxiliary blind was fitted to the middle window. Jim
  13. Excuse my ignorance, but I would assume that the size of battery needed to power these units for any reasonable distance will result in a considerable increase in the weight of the train, which will in turn increase the emissions as the diesel engine (when used) will need to work harder to move the train, especially up gradients. Jim
  14. Bud Light. Aka love in a punt lager Jim
  15. Obviously does not read the forum jokes thread - same meme posted yesteday
  16. The Hall of the Mountain Grill - Hawkwind
  17. Think the secret is to go on the Sunday (early) as there are no charges for street parking in Ayr, I parked up at the main bridge over the River and walked down to the Citadel Jim
  18. Yes - I was down this morning and had a thoroughly good time, great layouts and it also always seems to be a particularly good show for reasonably priced second hand stuff. Jim
  19. Warrior on the edge of Time - Hawkwind Ooops - that is an Album - Soldiers at the Edge of Time - is a track
  20. Afternoon everyone, - I didn't do my usual Friday night post as I was doing that which we all find most boring - ballasting I also managed to muck this up as I used that cheap PVA from "the Works" mixed 50/50 with water - this does not work as the PVA is already a dilute version of the likes of Unibond, so I had to nip up again this afternoon and mix a proper dilution and re-spray. This obviously is an initial base layer of ballast as it will need to be weathered/distressed substantially before it looks like the old set of sidings that it represents, similarly the bridge looks like it has just been freshly laid! The old fence - which is the laser cut kit from "model railway scenery" using the wire supplied in that kit has been weathered a bit with the wire painted a rusty brown and a couple of plasticard corrugated panels added to the gap, these need to rust a bit as well Cheers for now Jim
  21. Best of luck with your restarted project, Springburn used to be a favorite spotting location for me, here are a couple of bits of inspiration for you (although I don't think you need it!) All the best Jim
  22. The Deanside Transit Depot was built in 1942 and was originally owned by the Clyde Navigation Trust, it was one of two in the area, the other being further up the branch at Breahead. The site at Deanside also featured Bogmoor Road Storage Yard, which later was the site of Campbells Shieldhall Scrapyard in the 1960s jim
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