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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Is that repaint job you are doing not finished in time for the big exhibition? Do you think that running it half complete would attract scorn from the purists? Then just show them this and tell them where to stick their opinions!!! https://www.donaldstirling.me.uk/ScottishRailways/Diesel-Traction/Scottish-Electric-Multiple/i-Q2P6FGg/A Jim
  2. The Magician's Birthday - Uriah Heep
  3. Hi all By 2018 standards it has been a while since I have posted on the layout thread, but I have been plodding on, just what I was doing hasn't been that interesting ! Continuing the "no brickpaper" rule for the Allenshaw Inglenook I have been building the bridge parapets in wood and plasticard. The plasticard being used was that suggested by Martyn and as used on his layout, Slaters 7mm scale Cotswold Stone which looks not unlike 4mm scale Ashlar, once painted it should look good. = Cheers Martyn!! As the Inglenook board is not a plain rectangle I have formed some timber to fill the notch that is necessary to fit the board around the roof beams. Hopefully more updates soon Cheers Jim
  4. When The Tigers Broke Free - Pink Floyd
  5. A relatively simple one for me, the 1960s Eastfield style class 20 in GSYP with tablet catcher recess, they have produced this before in sets with DCC and sound, I am just looking for a bog standard DC one at bog standard DC prices! Jim
  6. The ultimate open access. I think I would pass on using this service https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-asia-46828430/manila-s-trolley-boys
  7. Another forum reports that this was one of the coaches from 385045
  8. Was this sign seen near the castle where they filmed Monty Python and the Holy Grail, would have been most appropriate!
  9. Surprised the City fans didn't chant - "Are you Fort William in Disguise"
  10. The J36 was the first time that I pre-ordered, and I was pleased that I got it for the originally advertised price, saving me £10. Jim
  11. Unobtainium (aka L00K!!!! Rare!!!!) - an element sold by Gostube on Ebay, normally grossly overpriced. Should we start a froth thread "2019 elemental releases"? Some of them may be available before Bachmann get there products released!
  12. Given what comes out , the Thames Tideway Tunnel comes to mind
  13. Spent the weekend binge watching Luthor as I had never watched to before, by the end I was sure the producer was a railway enthusiast, nearly every scene had some type of EMU in the background Jim
  14. There used to be a massive layout at New Lanark, last time I looked at the website there was no mention of it, so I assume it has been dismantled as well Jim
  15. Sleeping car M395 (should that not be M395M) last reported at Carnforth in much poorer condition than that, what a waste. Jim
  16. Posted outside a Thai Restaurant perhaps? Just off to Wok the Dog, oops, sorry wrong spelling!!
  17. Wonder if they will get the Scotrail Mk3s in the shops quicker than Scotrail are getting the prototype!
  18. Hi Peter = if you are considering Arbroath, then Aberbrothock is your man - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/82459-arbroath-station/page-1 Jim
  19. Fort William having an extra bad day today 13-1 down to Formartine United with 12 minutes to go as I type
  20. Am I the only one that read the first line and thought of two coconut shells being knocked together?????
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