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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - The Pythons
  2. Going To California - Led Zeppelin
  3. Saw this on breakfast TV yesterday - incredible penalty kick https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/47865731 Jim
  4. Obviously too many people know what that is, I had to look it up! Honest!!!
  5. Drew 1:1 with Strathspey Thistle and 3:3 with Clachnacuddin
  6. Oh Deer! Fort William match was delayed by deer droppings on the park! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/47840723 Jim
  7. It has been announced by Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar of his intention to adopt the European standard of driving on the right hand side of the road after Brexit. During the period of the Backstop this will only apply to cars and motor cycles, with HGVs following suit once full Brexit has been agreed
  8. Closer examination of that photo shows that the 86 is in ex-works condition test/running in turn form Crewe Works?? Jim
  9. Yes losing to Sutton United was a big comedown from the heady days when we played Manchester City, Huddersfield, Derby County and Nottingham Forest in the old Texaco cup, (out of the eight matches, we only lost away to Derby)
  10. I think that the tender cabs were fabricated by the fitters at the shed using whatever sheet metal was available, any drawings would have been done on the first available fag packet and thrown in the firebox once completed! Jim
  11. When the Tigers Broke Free - Pink Floyd
  12. Don't make the same silly mistake that I did! I bought a Hornby TTS class 40 at Model Rail Scotland, shop owner tested it for me on DC and it ran perfectly, I got it home and it ran OK in one direction but would start and stop in the other direction, I asked for advice online and I was asked if I had a Relco, which I have - turns out I was lucky not to fry the chip as DCC chips and Relcos do not make good bedfellows apparently. Loco ran fine once the Relco was switched out of line. Jim
  13. That is a variation of one I heard years ago.... After sixty years, a Rabbi decides to retire. Taking the box of foreskins he has collected over the years of doing circumcisions, he goes to a leather goods manufacturer and says to the man, "Can you do anything with these?" The man says, "No problem, come back in two weeks." After two weeks the rabbi returns to the shop, and is presented with a wallet. In total dismay, he says to the craftsman, "After sixty years, the best you can do is a wallet?" The man replies, "Don't worry, just rub it a few times and it will grow into a suitcase."
  14. And the second most obvious decision in football is about to be made.... goodbye Mr MacLeish In fairness, bad results aside, apparently the man is unwell and there was a "deeply troubling episode" ahead of the win in San Marino that left the SFA concerned that McLeish's health is being adversely affected by the role.
  15. I Can't Quit You Baby - Led Zeppelin
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