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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Pedantic point, up to the end all transactions were in Euros, why was the last on in dollars? A good lawyer would have pointed out that the Irishman had broken the agreement by not paying in the currency agreed and demanded his money back
  2. Bargain alert - Morrisons are currently selling the excellent Williams Bros. Brewing Co. "Ceaser Augustus" Lager/IPA Hybrid and Joker IPA for £1.20 a bottle (normally between £1:60 and £1.80 depending on where you shop). Stocked up with some last night! Jim
  3. Well that is the "bus on the bridge" cliché blown forever! Prototype for everything thread for this please!!
  4. Don't see the SWT Advent Calender, that's the one where nobody can agree who opens the doors
  5. C14066 is very interesting for the weid redundant turnouts and a loco sitting beyond the platform starter (prototype for everything contended) JIm
  6. There was a propelling move on the West Highland, and I think it was a Queen Mary Brake Van that was used, trying to find out where I found this information just now Jim
  7. First thought was definately Carstairs, bit the roof is wrong. But I was not far away, it is Stirling, looking South. Jim
  8. I hate to think what this bunch of scriptwriters would do with "The TIme Machine" or "The Shape of Things to Come", someone should take out a court order preventing them from producing any further adaptations of classic fiction. Having spent the last few years thinking that nobody could do a worse adaptation than the Tom Cruise version (at least it had the haunting burning train sequence), this was by far the worst.
  9. Lovely shot of D6841 in original condition in 1969 at Millerhill here https://www.railscot.co.uk/img/30/751/ . I was looking at the BR Loco Database and extracted the following data, so the first transfers were to Polmadie in August 1966, further transfers later resulted in the whole batch between D6837 to D6859 being Scottish Engines by 1972. This reflects the underlined numbers in my 1970s Ian Allens Edit - dates corrected
  10. Google street view would suggest the Wikipedia photo is reversed, the house is veru much modernised now https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.709034,-2.8619705,3a,75y,111.78h,78.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssU1mdqstUYnQ0S_hc0m_nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  11. Heard rumours this morning that Arsenal are considering Brendan Rodgers for their next manager, hope he has the sense to stays where he is.
  12. Back when the Hornby 110 and Lima 117 first came on to the market, I seem to remember nearly every other layout at Model Rail Scotland had a 107 built from that combination, think it is quite an easy build. I think the prototype 107's headcode box was less "domed" and the window was bigger than the Lima model. Jim
  13. I am thinking Glasgow Queen Street as a prototype example, in which case the signals would be ground positioned in the tunnel. Jim
  14. Cann't confirm the book, but I do remember this photo, I am sure it was at Seafield Colliery. Jim
  15. The fuelling point at Millerhill was a near perfect example of a "model" depot, the track plan with the headshunt and sidings would make a perfect layout, sadly now all gone as it got in the way of the new EMU depot.
  16. Apologies for the small size of these photographs, they were originally scanned for a website in the dark days of dial up and photos had to be kept to around 40kB if the page was to be loaded in a reasonable time First off, when you are told that a pair of class 33's are scheduled to head a railtour to Inverness and back you would expect to be surprised. When you are then told that the date of the tour is April 1st then the reaction is "Pull the other one - it plays Jingle Bells". However that is exactly what happened on April 1st 1995, 33116 and 33109 are seen returning south through Stirling on the "Skirl o' the Bagpipes" railtour. Next we have 58011 with 47972 providing ETH on "The Worksop Wanderer" 9th March 1994 photographed near Croy on the Edinburgh to Glasgow main line. Lastly we have a real rarity, I think this is the only appearance of a Western in Scotland, D1015 returning south through Coatbridge Central after a three day tour of the highlands on the "Western Chieftan" Sunday 21st June 2009 Jim
  17. Two things missing from this BBC offering 1) Richard Burton's awesome narration! 2) Jeff Waynes Music! Jim
  18. I wondered if Hawk could have been classed as a "Brush Type 1" as well, but when it was rebuilt by Brush they fitted a Maybach MD655 of 1,400 bhp. which put it firmly in the Type 2 category. Jim
  19. I remember as a nipper around 1967 making a point of heading for Whifflet Junction in Coatbridge as the "Type 3s" were rostered for the two evening fast freights from Sighthill to Carlisle, they made a pleasant change from the constant stream of Clayton and EE Type 1s and BRCW and BR Type 2s that were the normal freight traction on that line. Jim
  20. Wow - the first one at Turnberry is a real rarity, The station was on the Maidens and Dunure Light Railway and only lasted from 1906 to 1942. After closure the platform awning was sold to Dumbarton F.C. where it was used to cover part of the terracing. The station was immediately behind the hotel but you would never know it had been there now. I used to own a caravan that sat on the old trackbed near Dipple.
  21. My Grandparents were named Pearl and Dean but we just called them Grandma and Grandpapa.papa , papa, pa, papa, pa...
  22. Lets see how many that are not from the west of Scotland get this one!!
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