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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. The background of the last photo is interesting, I would guess these are class 311s heading south for cutting. I don't have complete records but 311093 was withdrawn in December 1987 and went to Mayor Newell, 311106 and 311100 went to Vic Berry's around this time 311096 also went to Vic Berry but via a period in store at Wolverton Wks and was cut in Blue/Grey (most of the rest were cut in MC Metals) so it is possible that these would be the units in the formation, difficult to see if thre are two or three units. Jim
  2. Sod Star Wars 60 days and counting to Model Rail Scotland. (With apologies to anyone in a panic to get their layout finished in time - know that feeling!)
  3. Regarding the Craigendoran to Leicester Service, previous posts have assumed that it went via Cowlairs which was not the case, these extras were run via Queen Street Low Level and Bathgate, conveniently putting them out of the way of the busy main line via Falkirk. Jim
  4. Superb layout - look forward to seeing it at the SECC. Newton was a regular haunt for spotting (when I was into that) I have quite a few photos of the station during one of the rebuilds. Hows this for an unusual feature, for whatever reason when they shortened the platform they left the old ramp in place for a while!!
  5. https://www.boredpanda.com/americans-place-european-countries-on-map/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic Some of these responses are classic Jim
  6. The Twelve days of Xmas - Glasgow Pub Crawl style... On the 1st day of Christmas My true love gave to me, a wee heavy and a half pint On the 2nd day of Christmas My true love gave to me, two nips of gin On the 3rd day of Christmas My true love gave to me, three black and tans On the 4th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, four Baby chams On the 5th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, five Happy Days On the 6th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, six Carlsberg specials On the 7th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, seven rum & cokes On the 8th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, eight nips of whisky On the 9th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, nine vodka'n'limes On the 10th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, ten creme de menthes On the 11th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, eleven Blue Lagoons On the 12th day of Christmas My true love gave to me, twelve Alka Selzers As sung by Bill Barclay
  7. Ironically, towards the end of that trains existance, the two passenger coaches returned from Perth to Carlisle (ECS) as part of one of the longest trains to run in Scotland, the Perth to Manchester Red Bank empty vans.
  8. Don't like apples. prefer a nice pear, bringing us nicely back round to the origninal post
  9. I don't have my WTT to hand but if this is for application to locos the prpbability is that they were not carried properly, the Scottish Region ws fairly lax in having the correct headcode. If they were carried I would imagine that the following would apply: ECS trains from Glasgow Central to Larkfield (presumably Larkfield was carriage sidings?? Larkfield was carraige sidings and a carraige shed adjacent to Gushetfaulds Freightliner Terminal, as per today's services it would be the headcode of the incoming service with the "1" replaced with a "5" e.g. 1S57 would depart to Larkfield as 5S57 assuming it wasn't diagrammed to return south. Light Engine moves from Glasgow to Polmadie shed would have been presumably the same with a "0" replacing the "1" Jim
  10. Interesting site that threw up a great trivia question - what links Los Angeles with Ayr (Townhead) Sidings, to save you looking that answer is LAX, think an OHLE engineer must have had his tounge firmly in his cheek when allocating that code Jim
  11. The ladder pic a few pages back reminded me of this one,
  12. A crazy world indeed, younsters buying coffee in Weatherspoons!! in my day it would have been a round of Lagers with vodka chasers.
  13. Paul - an interesting project in an era that I am familiar with. One memory I have of Perth around the time that you are modelling was that it was a major parcels hub and there was at least one 08 continually shunting parcels vans around, all four bay platforms could have vans in them as well as "behind the wall", so you might want to allow for more space to shunt vans (a fun practise I think) Jim
  14. Really looking forwards to seeing Shap in the flesh, 10 weeks this Friday, seems like a long time but I remember when I was an exhibitor with Cumbernauld it was the shortest 10 weeks of the year - roll on! (wonder if the NBL type 2s will be on sale) Jim
  15. As fitted on the not so low releif version I built for Northbridge! Pity about the squint ones
  16. If it is the building you are looking for I can help, I was given these photographs by someone that I forget, and I used them to produce a "scalescenes" type kit for the staiton building Edit to add - the real goldmine is here https://canmore.org.uk/search/image?SIMPLE_KEYWORD=haymarket station&images_page=1 Photos, drawings the lot! Jim
  17. Agree - conveniently network rail have a plan of the old station here https://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/resources/nrca130028s you can pick out platforms 8 and 9 on the top left of the plan Jim
  18. Scantily clad females? Where am I going wrong, I am getting ads for "Data Architecture Basics"!
  19. Anything that cannot be used would make a cracking scrap pile on a layout! Seen several photos of the piles of cut metal in the scrapyards of the 1960s and in most cases buffers, springs etc can clearly be seen Jim
  20. I once had a discussion with the local minister around the subject "what if the nativity happened today", and I jokingly argued that probably the star would have been assumed to be an assault helicopter with a large searchlight, the three wise men would never have made it as they would have been denied a visa and the shepherds would indeed probably have been armed
  21. Two 70 year old men, Billy and Pete, have been friends all of their lives. When it's clear that Pete is dying Billy visits him every day. One day Billy says, "Pete, we have both loved football all our lives, and we played football on Saturdays together for so many years. Please do me one favour, when you get to Heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's football there." Pete looks up at Billy from his death bed "Billy, you've been my best friend for many years. If it's at all possible, I'll do this favour for you.” Shortly after that, Pete sadly passes on. At midnight a couple of nights later, Billy is awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out to him "Billy......Billy" "Who is it?” asks Billy sitting up suddenly. "Who is it?" "Billy - It's me, Pete." "You're not Pete... Pete just died!" "I'm telling you, it's me...... Pete," insists the voice. "Pete! Where are you?" "I'm in heaven" replies Pete "and I have some really good news and a little bad news." "Tell me the good news first," says Billy. "The good news," Pete says, "is that there's football in heaven. Better yet, all of our old friends who died before us are here, too. Better than that, we're all young again. Better still, it's always spring time and it never rains or snows. Our wives are there too, and young and pretty as ever! And best of all, we can play football all we want, and we never get tired!!" That's fantastic." says Billy. "It's beyond my wildest dreams! So what's the bad news?” "You're in the team for this Saturday!”
  22. Undercover Of The Night - The Rolling Stones
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