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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. An area in the town of Cambuslang, Scotland is called Halfway and Central SMT buses used to have "Halfway" in their destination board, I always wondered "Halfway to where" Have we mentioned Cockermouth yet? Always had that Oh Err Missus feeling about it Jim
  2. Typical Kilwinning weather! Great photographs, the 318s are long gone from this part of the world, only 380s and 156s venture down into Ayrshire Jim
  3. You forgot the caption "Infamy, Infamy - theve all got it in for me"
  4. Can we expect a massive increase of posts in the "Layout & Workbench Content" over the next few weeks and months? I would expect the prospect of "self-isolation" would be greeted with a degree of delight for most of us on this forum if it results in a minimum of seven days isolated in the loft/shed/railway room provided that the symptoms are not severe. This should result in a massive increase in productivity on the workbench or layout - as the pythons said - "always look on the bright side of life" Keep calm and build models!!! Jim
  5. "The North British Locomotive company admitted today that there were still a few teething problems with the internal wiring on their new locomotives" Happily still with us today, at the SRPS museum Bo'ness
  6. Breaking news - scientists in Italy are now investigating a rumour that a side effect of Coronavirus is that you turn into a pigeon
  7. Definately worth a visit, it was one of those places where two independent railway routes and the canal threaded themselves between the river and high ground https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=17&lat=55.93087&lon=-4.48143&layers=170&right=BingHyb The ex LNER(NB) route is still very much used but the LMS (Caley) was closed in 1965, the trackbed still exists (might actually be part of the cycle path) and the old swing bridge has recently been restored https://www.scottishcanals.co.uk/news/features/bowlingbridge/ jim
  8. Nora Batty vs Zombies, now there is a thought!
  9. Pretty Maids All In A Row - Eagles
  10. The lastest game to make the transition to another format is "The Last of Us" which is being made into a TV series. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-51767143 Jim
  11. Doesn't work that way in my village, some of the most expensive houses are in "Crummieholm Gardens"
  12. Wonder if they could get Rees Mogg to visit, he is the spitting image of Lord Snooty
  13. Not always! http://www.montypython.net/scripts/buttocks.php
  14. Sadly Gateside and Northbridge had to be dismantled as we moved house last Year, hopefully will be getting into gear to build another iteration of that concept and I have a location reserved for the little structure jim
  15. And as posted on that other thread in Ayrshire we have Moscow, bit the residents there tell you it is pronounced "cow" as per the animal. Jim
  16. Back to the tiolet paper shortage....
  17. But the best ones were the statement from Hank Snow "I think I got hit with a detached finger", and Sherry Smith. ".... I went outside, and right as I looked up, part of a leg slid down and whacked me in the head” Sorry but those made me giggle! Silly Barstads
  18. And of course Moscow is in Ayrshire, and the Volga* flows through Moscow *The Volga Burn that is!!
  19. The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) - Simon & Garfunkel
  20. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? - The Rolling Stones
  21. Here is one I made earlier, now sadly languishing in a box somewhere Jim
  22. Humped zebra - is that not really a camel that has excaped from prison?
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