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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. And for a change of scenery they used the Hamilton Circle as well The ultimate configuration was Ardrossan and Ayr, both depots were built within a triangle, curiously Ayr had a turntable but Ardrossan didn't. Jim
  2. Take me to the page where is shows me how to overhaul this Westinghouse Brake Pump
  3. Reports are coming in that a shop assistant has successfully fought off a robber using only his labeling gun. Unfortunately the man got away but police are now looking for a man with a price on his head...
  4. Time to look out that groan button again Why did the scientist remove his doorbell? He wanted to win the Nobel prize. I thank you Jim
  5. The "Question" Mrs Luckymucklebackit uses frequently starts with "Would you like to.....". It is no more of a question if I would like to do something, it is a mandatory instruction whether I like it or not! JIm
  6. Marriage is like a deck of cards in the beginning all you will need is two hearts & a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club & spade. Jim
  7. I Remember watching the film adaptation of "On The Beach" on telly back in the 1970s, didn't sleep much that night. Films like that were worse than Horror movies as there was every possibility of them coming true JIm
  8. Last Train to Glasgow Central - Billy Connolly
  9. I wonder where the stock was serviced at Glasgow, WCML stock was serviced at Larkfield and the locomotives at Polmadie, but old traditions died hard and even after the services transferred from St. Enoch to Central the locomotives off the Thames Clyde and afternoon Leeds were serviced at Corkerhill, The stock for the Leeds didn't leave the station but the Thames Clyde stock needed an overnight stay, might have gone to to Bellahouston CS? Jim
  10. Where Were You Tomorrow - Wishbone Ash
  11. When you look down vertically, the turret is obviously round, but the way the it will pass through the roof will result in an oval hole in that surface due to the angle of the roof. I remember there is an old technique and it is demonstrated here Jim
  12. Some "development of true shape of surface" going to be required for the roof, hope you haven't forgotten your tech drawing fundamentals Jim
  13. Englishman: "That your dog?" Welshman: "Aye" Englishman: "Mind if I speak to him?' Welshman: "Dog don't talk.” Englishman: Hey dog, how's it going?" Dog: "Doing all right." Welshman: (look of shock) Englishman: Is this your owner?" (Pointing at the Welshman) Dog: "Yep." Englishman: How's he treating you?" Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food and takes me to the park once a week to play." Welshman: (Look of total disbelief!) Englishman: "Mind if I talk to your horse?" Welshman: "Horse don't talk.” Englishman: "Hey horse how's it going?" Horse: "Cool." Welshman: (Extreme look of shock!) Englishman: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing to the Welshman) Horse: "Yep." Englishman: "How's he treating you?" Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking, he rides me, brushes me down often and keeps me in a nice stable to protect me from the weather." Welshman: (Look of total amazement!) Englishman: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?" Welshman: "That sheep's a bloody liar!!”
  14. Noticed the name on the first water tank was "Joe Jordan" I am sure the big man would approve! JIm
  15. Is that app available to the general public? Jim
  16. Sorry Guys, I wasn't making any criticism of the team that preserved it, that particular paint job just makes the loco end look somewhat odd, somehow it manages to make the windows look smaller, my first thought was that it makes it look like a Lima class 33 conversion (of which I have an example) Jim
  17. Couldn't help thinking how wrong that looked yet couldn't put my finger on why, then I realised it is simply that the yellow end goes slightly higher than normal, amazing how a small detail difference can affect perception! Jim
  18. Shields Road never had an allocation of any type of diesel loco, only electrics http://www.brdatabase.info/sites.php?page=depots&subpage=arrdep&id=800
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