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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Humour aside, the use of Black ink is usually discouraged in favour of blue ink, as black ink photocopies as black, but blue photocopies also as black (assuming the copier is set to Monachrome) and hence a copy would be obvious. Also the format of the date is not specified. Someone wants a refresher course in GDP. I work in an ISO13485 certified company, so this stuff is hammered into you to the point that you do it automatically. Jim
  2. Surely the Scots that go to Heaven would get the bagpipes, with the English that go to Hell having to listen to them 24/7?
  3. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
  4. In the steel mill that I worked some years ago, all the tube sizes were imperial for OD and metric for wall thickness, so you would have 6⅝" O.D. by 7.11mm wall thickness, which was of course sold to the customer as 6" nominal bore Jim
  5. How do you think the unthinkable? With an itheberg!
  6. So tomorrow is July 4th, the day when all Americans celebrate their Independence, we of course do not celebrate the illegal power grab by an army of subversive terrorists. Just think, if the War of Independence had gone our way then the colonies would have been under the control of a blond haired buffoon! Oh, wait.......
  7. Through The Fire And Flames - DragonForce
  8. What did the sub-Romans ever do for us?
  9. I think there are similar feelings about Gaelic in Scotland, very much a minority language but it has enough support to have a TV channel BBC Alba, which most viewers only tune into for lower league football, with the volume turned down so you don't have to listen to the unintelligible commentary, they even do the interviews in English! Scotrail added Gaelic place names to all the stations in Scotland, something itself that caused a lot of controversy as historically many parts of Scotland never had a indigenous Gaelic speaking population and a lot of the place names were never derived from a Gaelic etymology so Scotrail were accused of just making up the Gaelic version to be PC. Jim
  10. More coal fired impersonators. Not my video but I was standing next to the guy who filed it taking still shots!
  11. Groan buttons at the ready..... Steak pie in Trinidad £3 Steak pie in Barbados £4.50 Steak pie in Tobago £3.20 That's the pie rates of the Caribbean.
  12. Surely the PWM mode is for finding rare PW shunters?
  13. I vividly remember in the 1960s the class 303s went through a spell when you could barely see out the windows for the yellow scum on the windows. I seem to remember the explanation at that time was that the chemicals used to clean the trains were reacting with the brake dust, would that have been Ex-mover? Jim
  14. How do you think I feel - I remember the AM3s being introduced! Jim
  15. Probably the same guy that paints the faces on those cheap 100pcs 00 figures from China.
  16. EDIT: BBC too quick off the mark - One person seriously Injured https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-53141611?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk&link_location=live-reporting-story " One person has been seriously injured and rushed to hospital after a train hit a car in mid Wales. The car driver was severely hurt after a train travelling from Shrewsbury to Welshpool struck their vehicle on a single-track level crossing in Powys. The incident happened at Smith's Crossing on the A458 at Buttington, north of Welshpool, on the Powys-Shropshire border at about 13:45 BST. The Wales Air Ambulance has also been called to the "ongoing incident". The ambulance service also sent three emergency ambulances and a rapid response vehicle to the collision between a car and what is thought to be the 13:27 service from Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth. All trains on the Cambrian Line - between Shrewsbury, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, and Pwllheli, Gwynedd - have been cancelled as the line is blocked. National Rail said service disruption is expected until approximately 18:00 ." JIm
  17. I Can't Quit You Baby - Led Zeppelin
  18. Buffer testing at Glasgow Central used to be a regular occurrence, ,don't know if they still do it but the last time it was noted on the scot-rail enthusiasts site was in October 2017 when 37424 was noted buffer testing on platforms 6 and 7
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