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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Model Rail Scotland is unfortunately already cancelled. Jim
  2. I am very partial to a drop of weissbier myself, Aldi's own brand at £1.25 a bottle is a very good buy, sipping a bottle just now.
  3. Ah! but the old Southern wasn't called the Death Star, unlike its modern replacement!
  4. Glasgow does it differently - they build the biggest hospital complex in Scotland next to one of the biggest sewage farms
  5. Didn't think robots could catch COVID-19....
  6. Getting back to Drummers, Carl Palmer must be wondering what he did right, Keith Moon, John Bonham and Cozy Powell all died relatively young, and tended to be the first member of the band to die, Carl Palmer has seem the rest of ELP pass away and is still going strong! Jim
  7. Let's face it, in most of the resorts, "two lager mate" gets the goods Jim
  8. Actually if you Google "Funeral Parlour Thank you NHS" there are several photographs of different establishments. Jim
  9. Not 100% sure what the message being displayed means in this context....
  10. I usually find "ein großes Bier bitte" Usually suffices Jim
  11. Thought that was a Swindon joke, 7929, that's Forking Hall?
  12. There are three pictures on the Britain from Above Website. If you register (free) then you can zoom in and there is some great detail https://britainfromabove.org.uk/en/image/SAW039543 Jim
  13. Whats missing is "It was the Chinese that caused the iceberg to calf off and float in that direction"
  14. Possibly the ultimate "Oh! Sh1t Moment
  15. Sorry mate, you just missed the pair of Bo-Bos that went by.
  16. Sounds like the sort of name the Pythons would use for a sketch
  17. Someone clearly isn't too sure of the idea of multi language signage
  18. So the expert gamer in the house has finished LOU2 (twice) and has found the Brio set, but I showed her the railyard and asked her to tell me when she finds it but no joy so far. Jim
  19. Work it work if you have been married for 25 years and the woman looks about 30?....
  20. Stage 1 - Buy a scale model of Thunderbird 3 Stage 2 - Add bits and pieces and apply some Mod-Roc Stage 4 - Paint black and weather - simples!! Jim
  21. Well if it hadn't been for Dopey acting like his name they would have been OK
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