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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Ah! so definitely not the NBR line and not Uddingston East, 46222 being a Duchess Pacific and 70051 being a Britannia! These were the Caledonian Railway signalboxes in the area. and I am thinking that it could have been Viewpark Colliery https://signalbox.org/~SBdiagram.php?id= 446 as this only controlled the lines into the colliery and might only have been required a these times. For comparison - this is Uddingston Junction - much more complicated https://signalbox.org/~SBdiagram.php?id= 450 EdIt - nope - that box closed in 1938, so possibly Haughhead Colliery, which closed in 1960, otherwise I am stumped Edit Again: Bit more sure it was Haughhead now, as the 07:18 is shown on the 1955 timetable as a through train from Maryhill to Shotts which stopped at Newton at 07:16, sow it would probably passed Haughhead at 07:18 Jim
  2. Confirmed on Railscot that the box closed in 1955 being replaced by a ground frame https://www.railscot.co.uk/locations/U/Uddingston_East/ Jim
  3. My first question would be - which Uddingston box? The Uddingston signalbox on the WCML was Uddingston Junction, a busy Junction for the Bellshill line and the Main line to Motherwell which would definitely have been open 24hrs, but the former NB/LNER box at Uddingston East was on the a line that was on the brink of closure, the station closed in 1955 and the line completely in 1961, think that is the box you have the register for. Edit - here is the timetable for that line in 1955 https://timetableworld.com/ttw-viewer?token=66d160cc-d943-40f6-be38-842d1602845c still a few trains off-peak as well as peak so the box must have been opened to allow the small goods yard there to be shunted. Due to the sparse service it would have been "switched out" for the rest of the day Jim
  4. One that has gone form Classic to over exposed is Glenfinnan Viaduct, remember going up there to photograph the steam service in 1988 and I was the only one on the hillside - now you need to reserve your spot in advance. Jim
  5. Hi Alex, spot on with the low level station, the low level section will have a Central Low Level theme, and that station will be an amalgam of stations typical on that line. Allanshaw will be at the same level, so unfortunately I can't run the lines from the LL station under the bridge at Allanshaw, did think about it but it wouldn't work Cheers Jim
  6. Here is the plan, is the C.J. Freezer influence pretty obvious? Jim
  7. So if you are thinking of moving house just now, my advice is DON'T, we have just been told by the lawyers that that is our move finalised and we move on the 2nd of July, just over 3 months from putting in our offer. Everyone is blaming COVID but it is just sooooo slow. Still I can look forward to starting a layout in the not too distant future. As you can see I have changed the title of the thread, Northbridge is not going to feature in the new railway room, there simple is not enough space, so it is going to be a slightly larger Gateside Buchanan Street, more accurately based on the Glasgow Buchanan Street Station with five platforms, along with some expanded freight sidings and depots etc on a lower level. Allenshaw will be salvaged and rebuilt, needing some major repairs as the moving about and storage hasn't done it any good. Watch this space..... Jim
  8. There is a funnier Murray - the one and only Chic. Some of his one liners.... My father was a simple man; my mother was a simple woman; you see the result standing in front of you, a simpleton. It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it. After I told my wife that black underwear turned me on, she didn't wash my Y-fronts for a month. She had been married so often she bought a drip-dry wedding dress. We were so poor; the ultimate luxury in our house at the time was ashtrays without advertisements. The police stopped me when I was out in my car. They told me it was a spot check. I admitted to two pimples and a boil. I met this cowboy with a brown paper hat, paper waistcoat and paper trousers. He was wanted for rustling. I rang the bell of this small bed-and breakfast place, whereupon a lady appeared at an outside window. “What do you want?”, she asked. “I want to stay here”, I replied. “Well, stay there then”, she said and closed the window. I dreamt I was forced to eat 25lb of marshmallows. When I woke up, my pillow was missing. A Scot is a man who keeps the Sabbath, and everything else he can lay his hands on. If something’s neither here nor there, where the hell is it? If it weren’t for marriage, husband and wives would have to fight with strangers . It was raining cats and dogs, and I fell in a poodle. I felt as out of place as a left-handed violinist in a crowded string section. A luxury meal was prairie sandwiches – two slices of bread with wide-open spaces between them. I got up this morning. I like to get up in the morning; it gives me the rest of the day to myself. I crossed the landing and went down stairs. Mind you, if there had been no stairs, I wouldn’t even have attempted it. I took my father on a coach trip last summer.We were halfway there when the driver lost control of the coach, it flew down a hill around a bend and crashed through a brick wall. I wasn’t hurt but luckily my father had the presence of mind to kick my head in. My girlfriend’s a redhead; No hair, just a red head. My parents never understood me; they were Japanese. We’ve got stained glass windows in our house; it’s those damned pigeons. A neighbour put his budgerigar in the mincing machine and invented shredded tweet. Kippers: fish that like a lot of sleep. I first met my wife in the tunnel of love. She was digging it at the time. I was out walking the other evening. This fellow accosted me, and asked if that was the moon up there in the sky. I replied that I had no idea, as I was a stranger there myself. There’s a new slimming course just out where they remove all your bones. Not only do you weigh less, but you also look so much more relaxed. I won’t say I was slow developer, but our teacher was quite pleased to have someone her own age in the class to talk to. My sister wanted a cat for a pet… I wanted a dog, so they bought a cat and taught it to bark. She’s a classy girl though, at least all her tattoos are spelt right. The boat was so old; it must have been launched when Long John Silver had two legs and an egg on his shoulder. My mother was so house proud that when my father got up to sleepwalk she had the bed made by the time he got back. My wife went to a beauty parlour and got a mudpack; for two days she looked nice, then the mud fell off. I went to the butchers to buy a leg of lamb. “Is it Scotch?”, I asked. “Why?” the butcher said in reply. Are you going to talk to it or eat it?”. “In that case, have you got any wild duck?”. “No”, he responded, “but I’ve got one I could aggravate for you” So there I was lying in the gutter. A man stopped and asked ‘”What’s the matter? Did you fall over?” So I said “No. I’ve a bar of toffee in my back pocket and I was just trying to break it.” It was a pretty posh place. They were so used to fur coats that two bears strolled in and ordered lunch and nobody even noticed. This friend of mine had a terrible upbringing. When his mother lifted him up to feed him, his father rented the pram out. Then, when they came into money later, his mother hired a woman to push the pram - and he’s been pushed for money ever since. My father was from Aberdeen, and a more generous man you couldn't wish to meet. I have a gold watch that belonged to him. He sold it to me on his deathbed. I wrote him a cheque for it, post dated of course. Jim
  9. Bit of jeopardy for the film crews, watch it snatch a minute soon JIm
  10. Lockerbie was the original plan, might change due to the 3 late
  11. Running as 180Q on Tracksy if you want to follow it there. Jim
  12. Looks like a serious attempt, other passenger services being looped or sent on the Slow Lines to ensure an uninterrupted run, should be interesting to watch on Traksy Jim
  13. Avanti are going to try and break the WCML London to Glasgow record held since December 1984, when a prototype Advanced Passenger Train (APT) completed the journey in 3 hours 52 minutes. On Thursday 17th and with a potential repeat run the following week, 1Z57 class 390 Pendo set is timetabled for a 3hr 51 minute non-stop run. https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:S00619/2021-06-17/detailed if my experiences of northbound WCML expresses are anything to go by, chances are that it will get stuck behind a local somewhere between Carstairs and Central! Jim
  14. Well Scotland look to be performing as per usual at a major championship, heading for the exit before everyone else, not even the prospect of a glorious defeat this time. Despite the hype on TV in the wider population there has been quite a lot of apathy about the Scotland games with only the die-hards summoning up any pre-tournament enthusiasm at all. Fact is that we initially failed to qualify by the usual method then sneaked in by a back door (and only just at that), and our general performance against any team above us in the international rankings has been poor, it already looks unlikely that we will qualify for the next World Cup. Fact is that the quality of football in Scotland is utter garbage, and has been steadily deteriorating for decades. Seen the day when I could reel off the names of Scotland players no problem, the current bunch - who? The SFA do know that change is needed and there has been committees and enquiries put together to try and improve the game, problem is that the Old Firm are only interested in themselves and as they carry a huge amount of power they are not interested in the general well being of the rest of the game and will not support any proposals that will not be a financial gain to them. Sadly I think that the decline will continue and that this is probably the last time they will be given the opportunity to embarrass themselves in front of a major audience. Yes Sir - we can boogie, but we canny play foot-ball! Jim
  15. Got really exited this morning when I received an email promising.. "Learn how to read maps Backwards!!!!!!" Turns out out was Spam. Jim
  16. I'VE BEEN BANNED FROM TESCO. Yesterday I was at my local Tesco store buying a large bag of 'My Dog' dog food for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had an elephant? So, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Dog Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in hospital last time, but I'd lost 10 kilograms before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with My Dog nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in queue was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked me if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off the kerb to sniff an Irish Setter's arse and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. I'm now banned from Tesco. Better watch what you ask older people. They have all the time in the world to think of daft things to say. Jim
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