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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Apparently there are two potential reasons, Coconut meat (Copra) has a high oil content. It's regarded as highly combustible and therefore constitutes a fire hazard, a coconut is also cabable of containing more than 100mL of liqid, so proably some twisted thinking could convert a simple coconut into a potential bomb. Jim
  2. Three Cocks Junction railway station apparently is known colloquially as Lucky Man Junction, however there is an old saying - Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day, man with holes in both pockets doesn't feel too cocky! Jim
  3. SInce we seem to have drifted into a more general rail borne container discussion how about these! These are containers built to order in China for fitting out as power generating equipment at Aggreko. More normally seen as ones and twos on regular services, because of a ship hold up this special dedicated train was run to clear a backlog. Jim
  4. If ever a photograph met the context of the thread tag then that is it
  5. And it is known that some Polish pilots had some difficulty convincing said pitchfork weilding farmer that they were on our side! Jim
  6. Or even bett use Dehydrated Water. I remember "Tomorrows World" using that one as an April Fool! years ago, seems it is still around.
  7. The rationalisation in 1986 removed the last bit of the old Waverley route through the yard and all traffic arrived and departed from one of the four loops that still exist today. Any Speedlink traffic using the Bilston Glen branch after 1986 would most likely have been wagons being shunted into the small C&W depot at the south end of the yard. By this date according to Rhodes book there were 12 Trunk Speedlink and 14 feeder trip freights from local yards. There were also a number of block freight trains that used the yard to exchage crews. Jim
  8. I was thinking of this line while reading a new article regarding a huge new housing development on the southern outskirts of Ayr. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-59293681 despite the proximity of the Ayr General Hospital and the fact that the line skirts the whole north eastern flank of the development there is nothing to suggest a new station could be built, indeed none of the news articles even mention that the railway is there and there nobody is advocating that a station should be built. Edit - found the planning document which states that there is some thought on this, but nothing concrete: (16) Safeguarding land related to Rail Halt No development shall take place on the site until a scheme for safeguarding the land within the site which is reasonably required for vehicular and pedestrian access to a rail halt (and related ancillary buildings) capable of serving the wider South East Ayr strategic growth area has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The safeguarding of the required land shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved scheme. The scheme shall include: a) Provisions for such other agreements (if any) as may be necessary for the safeguarding of the necessary land on the site; b) The indicative location of a rail halt that could serve the South East Ayr strategic growth area; c) The location and extent of the land to be safeguarded; d) The arrangements for the safeguarding of the safeguarded land in perpetuity; e) The arrangements for transfer of the land to facilitate the use of the safeguarded land as a rail halt including for access, parking, turning of vehicles; and f) Provisions to allow the erection of any buildings or structures necessary to serve a rail halt. JIm
  9. Just to add to the above, the parapets of the old bridge are still in place JIm
  10. The side by side maps shows the line better https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16&lat=55.33572&lon=-4.80127&layers=170&right=ESRIWorld The campsite was built on the formation of the old line and what appears as the old formation is actually the old road alignment, I used to have a caravan at another site that was further down the coast which was also on the track of the old line. Gunnie was one of my old stamping grounds, this used to be Gartsherrie Iron Works and had a really extensive railway system, https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=17&lat=55.87327&lon=-4.03468&layers=170&right=ESRIWorld As you can see from the present day Bing Map there is nothing left. I have a photograph of the works shunter somewhere. Jim
  11. Hats Off To (Roy) Harper - Led Zeppelin
  12. You need Brains for this (or Gerry and Silvia Anderson)
  13. Mike Oldfields new album is set to do well.......
  14. Looks like what Serpell used as the basis of his infamous report. Jim
  15. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - Black Sabbath
  16. Aye, last time I was in Ayr town centre it was dead too. Jim
  17. edit - beaten to it Over the Hills and Far Away - Led Zeppelin
  18. Must be loads of cabless 117s lying on "bits and pieces" boxes as back then many layout at Model Rail Scotland had Hornby class 110s with modified Lima 117 cabs fitted to make a rudimentary class107. Jim
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