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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Even when Radio 1 started it was only on for a limited time, on a Sunday Evening it went off at 7pm. Then it was back to hunt the Luxemburg. JIm
  2. Which Number was "Accurascale Manor"?
  3. From that era I always had a laugh at the competition between the BBC and ITV, BBC had the flagship Blue Peter, so ITV came along with Magpie, Blue Peter adopted the locomotive of the same name, so Magpie producers thought it essential to have a loco named Magpie and phoned round the preservation organisations to get 44806 given the ficticious name at Haverthwaite. All very petty. Jim
  4. One I forgot to mention was they were regular performers on car/light truck trains to and from Bathgate, one working around 11am every morning going towards Glasgow through Coatdyke was one highlight of the day. Only photographed the working once, by which time 40s and 47s were the mainstay. Jim
  5. If you can get your hands on a copy of the Bradford and Barton book "Diesels on the Scottish Region" by S. Rickard there is an amazing photograph of an extremely dirty Peak D116(?) on page 44. It is heading a short transfer freight consisting of a van, two tanks, two 16T mineral wagons and a brake van at Balornock Junction, and appears to be coming off the "switchback" line from Rutherglen. It is also in this book that one of the Buchannan Street photos appears, with the peak just leaving the tunnel at what the locals called the "stinky ocean". This was a particularly nasty area where all sorts of chemical wast was dumped from Tennants Chemical Works. Despite a concrete cap being put in place in the 1970s the area still tends to have a unique odour! Jim
  6. Even if id did have a spacebar it would have no atmosphere......
  7. Just hope the review of indoor events on 25th January is positive, I want to go to Mode Rail Scotland!
  8. Would be funny if it wasnt so bloody true!!! Jim
  9. Apparently this one has been making the news in Liverpool, something to do with a local saying.....
  10. According to Derbysulzers.com they did make it as far as Perth around 1966, I have seen two photographs of peaks working out of Buchanan Street. "Peaks continued to work out of Glasgow Buchanan Street, the 12.00 Dundee - Glasgow, 18.00 return and the 16.25 to Inverness (to Perth) were favourites with D89 noted on Feb 5th & 9th on the former two and D46 on the latter on 26th. Despite their presence in the Glasgow area the EE Type 4s were rare performers on the Dundee turns, Peak failures were normally covered by Class 5s, with the 20.00 hours from Dundee being a favourite for steam substitution. Another working to bring Peaks into the area was the 14.20 Waverley - Stirling, this was normally covered by a Gateshead Peak. A stranger on the daily Auchlochan colliery turn (formerly the Coalburn branch) was D40 on March 8th" https://www.derbysulzers.com/66.html Jim
  11. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Genesis
  12. The data on the maps is somewhat inaccurate, if you scroll to the comment at the bottom you will see that I have tried to put them right. The exact location of Langloan dump is here. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16.05536540039183&lat=55.84643&lon=-4.01346&layers=170&right=ESRIWorld Jim
  13. Tomorrow Belongs to Me - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
  14. Merry Xmas Martyn - dont give up the good work, you are an inspiration to many. As the song says "Things can only get Better" Jim
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