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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. I notice that D423 is depicted with snowplough fitted, I cannot recollect ever seeing a 50 with snowploughs from that era. Is my memory playing tricks? Jim
  2. BREAKING NEWS: Ivan Toney has denied that the recent betting allegations cost him a place in the England squad and states he is gutted and will not be involved in Monday’s 2-0 win vs Iran.
  3. Or in certain countries "Star Special Military Operations"
  4. This guy got a shock when his model of D1667 didn't turn out as expected.
  5. For sale 90s iconic puppets Sooty and Sweep Any offer accepted, I just want them off my hands.
  6. So a return for this bad boy in two scales?
  7. They shouldn’t mess with Celebrations by taking Bounty’s out, these kind of things upset people… I swapped the wrappers around once and my wife really got her Snickers in a Twix...
  8. Keeping the Horror film type genre going.......
  9. My wife has one, quite unsettling when delivered with a plastic bag over its head.
  10. My wife accused me of achieving nothing so I told her, 'Well I won the Leslie Nielson award at school.' 'What's that?', she said. 'It's a big building with kids in it.'
  11. Ultimate pedant point, most of the rectangles on this diagram should be diamond shaped decision boxes. Jim
  12. Well, we still have some class 27s that worked the push-pulls next project?..........
  13. If they all took the train the road would be empty!
  14. I had a giggle at a post on Facebook..... "Leicester City have refunded and stopped all birthday announcements for their game on Saturday due to requests such as Zak Rodgers and Brenda Nout."😀
  15. My best mate's just called in floods of tears. He says his wife left him last night and she taken all his Bob Marley CDs and their satellite dish. Poor guy, now he's No Woman, No Sky
  16. Also of note is that the two men are discussion horse racing results, a the winner was "Blink Bonny", but that horse died in 1862!
  17. How do you work out if a Jelly Baby is illegitimate? Turn the open bag upside down and the b@$#@£ds fall out!
  18. Nonsense! The Rolls Royce of Chocolate Biscuits. Mind you if you struggle with them I would give the Caramel Log a wide berth. One thing I will say about Tunnocks products is that while the milk chocolate biscuits are delicious, I don't like any of their plain chocolate versions.
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