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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Ah! Someone has uncovered the unreleased alternative ending to the Shawshank Redemption.
  2. 47798 - part of the national collection, exibit at the NRM. 47799 - stored in the open at Warcop
  3. A certain excellent Scottish Layout on this Forum has followed this idea! Jim
  4. One I am surprised that hasn't been done is the stretch through Union Terrace Gardens from Union Street Bridge to Schoolhill Tunnel in Aberdeen. Today it is just a single track but in the past had an interesting track layout with the unique partially covered turntable https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17.3&lat=57.14730&lon=-2.10274&layers=170&b=1 Jim
  5. I played about with the 25" OS map and reckoned it could be done as a 25ft by 3ft scenic area 00 gauge layout. With a bit of compression on platform lengths etc it would look OK at a do-able 16ft long. Given the variety of haulage that appeared I am surprised is hasn't been done by a club already. Jim
  6. Glasgow Buchanan Street. Would take a lot of space if it was done in its heyday, as the goods facilities were extensive. To do it as it was in the year before closure is very feasible, I drew it out and toyed with the idea of building it once. Jim
  7. Went on all the time, I copped my first SR EMUs at McWilliams yard at Shettleston! Jim
  8. A Minister, Priest and a rabbit go to donate blood. The nurse says to the rabbit "and what blood group are you?" He replies "I think I'm a type O".
  9. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
  10. ...and that's why cobras have flat heads, they didn't see them either, just before the elephants decided to come down.
  11. That though is not true Intercity livery, it was described at the time as "Mainline" Livery, which was really just a remnant that arose when IC locos were released from InterCity work and allocated to other duties, but were not due for a repaint into the relevant new livery, these 90s were common at Mossend on freight workings. Jim
  12. According to information widely available online, FU 2 has belonged to Hanna Smart (of Big Top Circus fame) for the past 25 years and is sported by her Range Rover. So I think this photo is a fake. It was previously owned by Fiona Richmond, but I am sure nobody on here knows who that was😇 Jim
  13. My wife's been reading all the words beginning with S in the dictionary. I think she's up to something.
  14. Even better when bleep is also there (if you are under 60 and/or never watched Blue Peter you won't know what I am talking about.
  15. There should be 26 rivets round the outside of that plaque, not 24 and I claim the Honorary Title immediately😁
  16. The mind boggles at the thought of the measuring device, are there a range of different seats that you test by sitting on them?
  17. Billy Connolly's thoughts on the National Anthem, think I agree (and Flower of Scotland is no better)..
  18. The wife has been binge watching "The Walking Dead". There are frequent scenes where the characters follow railway tracks that are completely weed free with shiny rail tops, years after civilisation has broken down, Network Rail should ask what the secret is!
  19. A lorry load of vicks has just overturned on the M6 Police say there will be no congestion for up to 8 hours.
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