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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. I'm going to sit on the fence about this one....
  2. Is that not two in about the same number of months - These snakes seem to be getting a taste for tackle!!
  3. Just spotted this layout today, really enjoyed your photographs and I would love to see it at the Glasgow Show. There have been many West Highland themed layouts on the go in recent years, this is easily one of the best I have seen, really captures the unique atmosphere. Jim
  4. When did they start doing 4mm figures of Boris Johnson? Or is it Trump, I get them mixed up sometimes Jim
  5. Shame the Hibs supporters disgraced themselves after the match with behaviour that we have not seen since the infamous 1980 riot, unacceptable. Jim
  6. .....BBC commenting that it might be a possible way for the Old Firm to get their wish to be part of the English set-up. You are welcome to them!!! Jim
  7. With the Headcode 1A10 I would think that this would more likely be a southbound train, if it was heading for Perth it would be more likely to have a 1Sxx headcode Jim
  8. While I was trying and failing to get a decent still shot of 60103 at the real Waverley West my wife had more luck with her camera phone https://www.facebook.com/jim.howie.10/videos/1140981745933268/?pnref=story Damn those infernal OHLE structures!!!!! Jim
  9. Assuming that Livingston last that long, they seem to lurch from one financial crisis to another. Jim
  10. And a small piece of history was made in Scotland today as Edinburgh City became the first team to be promoted to the Scottish League via the new Pyramid system at the expense of perennial bottom club East Stirling. East Stirling will now play in the Lowland League. Congratulations to Edinburgh City!! (there is a very tenuous railway connection here, as Edinburgh City play at Meadowbank Stadium partially built on the site of St. Margaret's Shed) Jim
  11. It is with great relief that I can announce that the tenement building is finished, I took it down to the garden yesterday evening to take some shots of it in natural light, as the flash sometimes makes it look unnatural. The back is a total fudge, I took some screenshots from the rear of a tenement that overlooks one of the stations on the Cathcart Circle and printed it off on a sheet of A3, it is all that it needs as it will be very difficult to see once the building is on the layout. Jim
  12. Like the Depot code in his avatar, gone but will be very much not forgotten, so sorry to hear this news, will think of him when I am on the Kilmarnock bypass and look over to Hurlford. RIP Jim
  13. I particularly like the "freshly derelict" photographs you have in your collection, they are very much of a time, just shortly after the mass closures of the 1960s. Nearly every scrap of the closed station sites from that era has been built over or been absorbed back into the landscape, doubt if we will ever see their like again Jim
  14. If you are happy with the quality of Lima Mk3s, they did some in Scotrail Livery and they are available on Ebay now and again. Jim
  15. Two grans are outside their nursing home having a puff when it starts to rain. One pulls out a condom cuts off the end and puts it over her cig. "What's that?" "So my cig doesn't get wet" So the next day the lady goes into the pharmacy and asks for some condoms. "What brand madam?" "It doesn't matter as long as it fits a Camel." (Stolen from the BBC News Website of all places this morning!) Jim
  16. In the words of Winsor Davies - Oh Dear, How sad, never mind!! Could be tough for them to get back up, especially with Hibs not guaranteed promotion this year, time for league reconstruction perhaps? Jim
  17. May I be the first from north of the border to congratulate Leicester City on their Title win, wish we could find a team up hear to challenge the supremacy of the big two. Jim
  18. The tenement building is still edging towards completion. I have done the end that will be most visible using card coated with PVA then genuine Troon beach sand sprinkled on. Once dry the loose stuff was brushed off and some weathering powder and grey primer spray paint. The chimneys still need their pots made and I need to add guttering and down pipes, also the roof and chimneys needs a coat of matt varnish to tone down the glossy paper finish. Also need to darken the chimneys as they stand out as being lighter than the rest of the stonework. Jim
  19. Over The Hills And Far Away - Led Zeppelin
  20. You Drive Me Nervous - Alice Cooper
  21. I Dreamed a Dream by the magnificent(!) Susan Boyle
  22. "..... the "volcanic winter" that would result from a Yellowstone eruption would dramatically cool the planet. Some have projected that global temperatures would decline by up to 20 degrees." Look on the bright side, We can stop worrying about Global Warming!!
  23. In A Broken Dream - Python Lee Jackson
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