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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Incredible, the dream continues, hope they beat Portugal, I have taken a strong dislike of Ronaldo, on tonight's performance no reason why they shouldn't. Jim
  2. Much as I am tempted to gloat, I fear a backlash coming up in the WC qualifiers, so I will just say best of luck to Wales in the quarter finals! Jim
  3. Seriously - if you hadn't removed the coupling, I would have thought that was your research photographs if the prototype! Jim
  4. With many predicting war with Russia following Brexit, the British Military have been reassessing their Nuclear options. Trident may be scrapped after all, as to maximise destruction of Russian assets all they need to do is put a warhead in a taxi and send it to Chelsea. Jim
  5. Come On Feel The Noise - Slade (the official spelling of C*m is not appreciated by the profanity checker)
  6. J3595 - very unusual view, I take it the loco was running tender(s) first. You could use this one as a warning - "Don't trespass, this could be the last photo you might take of Flying Scotsman" jim
  7. Couple of variations in livery in this photograph I took at Mallaig in July 1988, the BSK has the yellow line above the First Class and there are no "Dugs" on the doors. This particular coach number is not quite visible but I note that the adjacent coach has a suffix "C", what this denoted I don't know Jim
  8. Aye, as these games progress it just makes us feel increasingly frustrated at our continuing failure to qualify.
  9. A previous thread existed discussing Keith Parkin's Book http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/52639-br-mk1-coaches-keith-parkins-book/. The copy I have has a different front cover from those being advertised on various second hand book sites (£84 seems to be the going rate) Contains an interesting link to carriage diagrams http://www.easybuildcoaches.co.uk/TOP/DRAWINGS.html Jim
  10. Australia does not have one of the most ferocious beasts known to man The Scottish Midge!! Singularly of no consequence, but there are billions of them and they all know how to bite!!! Jim
  11. This one made me giggle!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36580448/welsh-woman-on-bus-shuts-down-racist-who-told-muslim-passenger-to-speak-English Jim
  12. The only piece of full size rolling stock you can buy which if modelled in 00 gauge would at least be the correct gauge http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GLASGOW-CORPORATION-SUBWAY-TRAILER-CAR-T7-/371661389176?hash=item5688bebd78:g:Q1YAAOSwmtJXZ-UC Jim
  13. Waiting For the Worms - Pink Floyd
  14. Jumping on the bandwagon How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, the lightbulb has to want to change itself
  15. I was once told a tale about the Methil yard by a Lloyds Inspector. His job was to sample check welds using an ultrasonic tester, this involved being lowered down inside the tubular leg of the production platform on a type of harness with a rudimentary seat . It was a warm summers day and as he worked lower and lower he became more and more aware of the horrible smell. On finishing the job and returning to the top he asked the yard supervisors about this smell, the reply was that the welders were on piecework, and if the call of nature came on them when they were down inside the tube, they didn't waste time getting back to the top and going to the toilet - it all dropped to the bottom of the tube! Jim
  16. Dare someone to rate this post informative/useful!!! Jim
  17. Well done Wales, what was the other result again?
  18. So familiar to me!! I worked in the Tube Mill that is to the left of photograph C8975 - "BSC Clydesdale Works". There was a drawing office just out of shot to the left of that photo, I filled a book with spotting notes during the summer I was employed in there. Motherwell 27030 & 27049 14th Aug 87 C8981, both locomotives had already been withdrawn, 27030 would be cut up at Vic Berry's in October of that year. Jim
  19. Just had a thought of something I don't think I have seen before, a bit controversial but would fit in perfectly on my layout - An Orange Walk (parades from other groups are available) Jim
  20. Overheard at Athens Airport earlier this week: Customs Officer - Name Please? ..Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Customs Officer - Occupation? ..No, not this time, I am just here for a couple of days Jim
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