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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Get It Right Next Time - Gerry Rafferty
  2. Given the extreme weather that is becoming more common, perhaps the owner is actually wiser than we think!
  3. My Northbridge Station has two bays at one end, ending just short of an overbridge, the big "V" at the other end was filled with a crew amenities block as shown below. Hope this helps Jim
  4. The word association is there CatFish > Cat > Pussy.........
  5. Long Train Runnin' - The Doobie Brothers - SNAP!!! Last Train to Clarksville - The Monkees
  6. One thing I am aware of (and it is very annoying) is when my colleague and I are on a conference call to the USA using separate phones, there is a couple of seconds delay between him speaking and me hearing what he is saying on the call! Jim
  7. Will the class 21 model have operating cab corridory doors - we have proof that they were used! https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20953932_1772750209420423_777869782343507030_n.jpg?oh=ff189ae0f1b13cbe423695d654f00974&oe=5A147039
  8. Jordanhill is in this lot somewhere as is Kilpatrick. Lumphinnan,
  9. Fake news - The signwriter and the guys who erected the sign have been sacked.
  10. Too easy - the clues are there - "Maryhill Pharmacy" - so it can only be Ned Central - Maryhill, Glasgow. But all is not what it seems..... https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/scottish-news/1216863/police-car-spotted-with-four-wheels-stolen-in-glasgow-but-all-is-not-what-it-seems/ Jim
  11. Yer've failed Jimmy, but only because we have a tighter limit than they drunken English FTFY Jim
  12. Think how much ballasting you could do with that size of bottle, on the other hand lets not
  13. Great name for a station!! My Northbridge is already partially colour light signalled (just got it working again after wiring problems). Best of luck with your project. Jim
  14. 1S75 was the down "Royal Scot" if my memory serves me correctly. Great photographs! JIm
  15. By the Time I get to Phoenix - Glen Campbell - 1936-2017 RIP
  16. Traveling Riverside Blues - Led Zeppelin
  17. .....from a similar vein you have the the barman wearing a T shirt with the slogan "Free Nelson Mandela", and the local drunk walks into the bar and says - "two pints of Nelson Mandela please"
  18. This Flight Tonight - Nazareth (originally by Joni Mitchell)
  19. Still think that Model Rail Scotland 2018 (23/02/2018) will be their target. Dapol Stand heaped high with boxes of 21s and 29s being snapped up quicker than the prototype failure rate. Jim
  20. Explanation here https://www.gooseygoo.co.uk/site/goathland-incline/ Jim
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