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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West) - Benny Hill
  2. 47052 in Railfreight Distribution Livery - MIllerhill 16/06/1990 Metals/Petroleum/General still to go Jim
  3. There is already a class 59 appreciation thread, I posted these photographs of 59104 at Motherwell on that thread. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/81788-the-class-59s/?p=1543729 Jim
  4. Having been looking for a Clan, I would say that they are definitely in the "look rare" category Jim
  5. Looking at this map http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=18&lat=57.1323&lon=-2.0973&layers=170&b=1 the trackwork looks to be quite simple. Jim
  6. Much as me preference is for a J36, I can see a lot of sense in making it the 812, like the J36 is was a loco that had a long life spanning pre-grouping, grouping and BR eras, being buitt from 1899 and the last being scrapped in 1963, it has a pretty preserved livery, but also it could be released as a railroad version in the Thomas range as Dougal or Donald, which were 812s Jim
  7. The guy using emery paper on a job in a lathe brought back painful memories to me, tried it once as a first year apprentice and the emery paper snagged on the job, tore my thumbnail clean off and gave me the fright of my life, as for a moment I thought I had lost the tip of my thumb. Jim
  8. And you can almost guarantee that the track in the shed yard will be bullhead rail, so the new Peco bullhead points would be the most appropriate. Jim
  9. The only blue Class 56 I saw north of the border, 56008 leaving Millerhill with a MGR 26/07/1992 Lets keep it Blue. Jim
  10. If it had been a Pink Floyd Tribute Act maybe he would have been feeling Cymbaline (interpret that as you will)
  11. I prefer Tracksy, they have a better range of diagrams https://traksy.uk/live Jim
  12. Amazon already have a range of new products aimed at those on this thread https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=froth+maker&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=155826572281&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8625871182113348696&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007336&hvtargid=kwd-116961700&ref=pd_sl_40dxdhigih_e
  13. Although I can see a lot of good sense with this proposal, I cannot see this being constructed any time soon, having read some of the supporting on-line documentation there is an important statement which suggests that this is still just a pipe dream "No decisions have yet been taken regarding the extensive engineering works required in respect of Prestonpans, Longniddry and Drem stations which clearly cannot exist in their present form in light of the four track proposal (and hence no finance proposal is in place)" In order to facilitate the freight paths I would have though that any additional track would need to start at Monktonhall Junction (where there is still the remains of the former 4 track section for a short distance) Jim Jim
  14. Putting things into perspective... Jim
  15. Thanks for taking the time to work that out Andrew, 46.5mm track centers sounds good, I will plan the track layout around that. Chhers Jim
  16. The photograph of the 25/47 reminded me that I had this photograph, I don't think 47s were that common at Glasgow Buchanan Street Jim
  17. A rather pleasant weekend in Scotland for a change, both sides of the bigot brothers soundly beaten, the 4-0 win by Hearts was particularly pleasing JIm
  18. Bog standard station clock to the left of the photo - Blackpool North. Keep the clocks theme going for now Jim
  19. Just a very quick question on this kit, what track centres is the kit designed for please Thanks Jim
  20. J3973 There is still a bridge over the road there, but it is a modern lightweight girder bridge carrying the cycle path over a much more complex road junction.https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.968365,-3.240047,3a,75y,106.31h,90.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skZLcAaIykJzUXEywmqk_Og!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Jim
  21. Tomorrow Belongs to Me - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
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