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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun - Pink Floyd
  2. Hi Great idea with the bus - that is free transport all the way, bus pass into town and free bus to the SECC!! One question, which bus stop will it use in Union Street, there are two or three close together and it can be a struggle to work out which one the bus you are wanting is going to use. Jim
  3. Black Country Woman - Led Zeppelin again
  4. How about a terminus on a line that used to run through and now runs through again. Drumgelloch, which was for a few years the terminus before the Airdrie to Bathgate project saw the line reopened as a through route Keep them coming Jim
  5. Tonight was a bit of a "one step forward, two steps back" kind of a night. Straight away I discovered I had only two insuiating rail joiners in my stock, not nearly enough for tracklaying. So I t did a mock up to position the holes for the point actuators. I drilled an 8mm hole in the required positions and marked out a line to the edge to position the holes to take the bicycle spokes. am 4mm hole in the frame was required to take the spoke My initial idea was to use pins for the actuators, but I had difficulty fixing them to the spokes. A quick delve into the stock box brought up some 0.8 brass rod that I bought last year, this is quite stiff so I coiled a loop round the spoke and then threaded the spoke through the hoie that was formed once the spoke was in place. This was then soldered I tried a point in place and the mechanism works fine, will finish this off on Monday, will get down to the Uddinston Model Centre tomorrow for insulating rail joiners. Jim
  6. I note an interesting comment on the Engine Shed Site = " As many combinations as possible have been included and we can confirm there will be snow plough and cab tender variants." Could be an expensive year! JIm
  7. Would have been interested to see how the Tri-ang conversion kit worked, I had the Co-Co Diesel Electric (Deltic) and the Hornby Dublo Coupling was very securely riveted in place Jim
  8. Had a quick scan through one Geo C. O'Hara book (still two to go) and the Illustrated History of Glasgow's Railways last night and I has not turned up a J36 on passenger duty, J37s seem to have been preferred. Jim
  9. Always thought the ultimate in this was the original vintage "Mummy" films, where the young victims could not outrun a stumbling bandaged Mummy, Jim
  10. I use an Excel spreadsheet to plan my workings, as it is reasonably complex. I am happy to share this with you if you would like to see a copy. Jim
  11. The bufferbeam snowplough fitted to at least one J36 (example 65217 "French" at 65E Kipps) was an asymmetrical pattern that I have not seen before, The attached photograph show the pattern used Jim
  12. Does anyone know the reason why Triang Hornby went from Super 4 track to Series 6 track, was there ever a super/system/series 5 track? TIA Jim
  13. Try entering that joke into Google, it is amazing the variation in punch lines you get!
  14. If my memory serves me right from reading the magazines of the day, the class 56 filled an urgent need for locomotives to haul MGR trains following the oil crisis of the early 70s and were only ever intended for that purpose in the UK. The class 58 was for a similar purpose in the UK, but was designed for easy maintenance aimed at foreign (3rd world?) buyers, in the hope that the UK locomotive building industry could get back into the export market, unfortunately that aspiration was never fulfilled. Jim
  15. Have a read at this before taking the dreaded Picolax, it may be an urban myth but it is very very funny http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/this-is-a-very-long-read-but-i-swear-it-is-worth-it-it-is-the-greatest-violent-poo-story-ever-told.452628177/ Jim
  16. That joke is Rank, (as in J.Arthur Rank )
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