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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Thanks Guys, I have about seven or eight card index boxes full of photographs taken between 1981 and about 1995, keep telling myself that I need to get scanning these but other things get in the way. Jim
  2. I would say that Reporting Scotland is very well presented, however what is very annoying is when there is a story that warrants inclusion on the main BBC news why do they have to repeat everything word for word 15 minutes later in the Scottish news, or when there is a story that vaguely affects Scotland they have to repeat the main story with the minor influence that the issue will have on Scotland. There has been a political push for a separate Scottish 6pm news, might be a good idea if it eliminates this repetition. Jim
  3. I must get round to re-scanning my stuff, my old site still exists on the wayback machine, but the size of the photos reflects the dial-up age of web design https://web.archive.org/web/20040406062129/http://www.jhowie.force9.co.uk:80/contents.htm a few of the links are broken, the site was hacked and had to be dismantled after complaints of viruses being transmitted, this version is clean though. Jim
  4. It has never stopped Kyle MRC and fair play to them, there is always a place for the big roundy-roundy with lots of rule 1 variety! Jim
  5. The Three Fates - Emerson Lake and Palmer
  6. Standard Haynes response to this "refer to professional mechanic" or works along those lines. :-) Jim
  7. Try this thread, some of what you are looking for there! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/113270-hunterston-to-ravenscraig/?hl=ravenscraig Jim
  8. Thanks for the tip, bought myself a copy today, nice book Jim
  9. When my ex-wife and I split up, there was about six months before we got divorced, I went round to get the papers signed up and she told me I had clearly left a legacy. She had been at the station waiting for the train to Glasgow when a freight went through and she told me that she knew it was a class 37 at the front, despite having no interest in railways, real or model! Jim
  10. Part of Renfrewshires superb trio "Elderslie", "Greenock Princes Pier" and "St Enoch", I would love to see photographs of those layouts. With regard to the prototype, I always thought that it was the daftest decision to close the Canal Line, it should have been kept even if the Kilmacolm branch had to go. Jim
  11. This old Fowler was sitting at the site of Ballachulish in the 1980s, don't know what happened to it Same again Jim
  12. Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce
  13. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/130500-bonnybridge-model-railway-exhibition-2018/
  14. Grangemouth was the last shed I ever bunked, mid 1990s and a lovely Summer Saturday Afternoon, only one old caretaker on site - "Can I take some Photos" - "No Bother, just let me know when you are leaving" Eastfield was always OK on a Sunday, not midweek or Saturdays, the foreman at Ayr got a bit of a reputation in later years too, would chase you if you were even hanging around at the gate by the football ground Jim
  15. Hi JJ, and welcome to the forum. Jim
  16. I am going by the diagram for Carlisle New Yard dated 1963, but there were six tracks at that time, the middle two going to Viaduct Yard, if they were lifted by 1967 then I am sure of my location suggestion. Edit - Carlilse No3 to Viaduct Goods was closed in August 1965, so I am confident in my suggestion! :-) Jim
  17. Think it is Carlisle, with No3 box in the distance, just to the north of Dentonholme Junction, would have been taken from the A595 overbridge Jim
  18. All I can say about the last photograph is that it looks so real! JIm
  19. Quick question which popped into my head when reading Chris's post above, when was it made public that the 3rd of August was to be the last day of normal steam operations? Jim
  20. If you follow the link a the foot of the page I linked to there is a more detailed explanation https://www.rssb.co.uk/Pages/improving-industry-performance/rail-vehicle-numbering-explained.aspx Jim
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