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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Was Dick Dastardly based on Graham Hill? Look again! Jim
  2. Warning - Taking Viagra can damage the environment!
  3. From where it was quickly collected and taken to fertilize allotments - and some people think recycling is something new! Jim
  4. ...there was a big axe on his desk, I asked him what it was for, he replied Splitting headaches!! Jim
  5. 44871 at Dumbarton, Stabled overnight in the CCE sidings while working north to take up the Jacobite workings - 04/05/2016 Jim
  6. The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn) - Yes
  7. I think that you do Dish Mops a dis-service, dish mops serve a useful purpose. Jim
  8. Gateside and Northbridge is 100% an operational layout, built in 14ft by 10ft (approximately) it represents Central Scotland in the 1960s with the focus on operation between Glasgow and Edinburgh, Glasgow to all points north and Edinburgh to the ECML and Waverley route. Jim
  9. Silly Rhyme time I wish I was a glow worm A glow worms never glum, ' Cos how can you be gloomy, When the sun shines out yer bum? Jim
  10. The Bairds and Scottish J15 also worked out onto the main line. It was nominally based at Gartsherrie Iron Works (Coatbridge), but was permitted to work over BR metals to the nearby Northburn Iron Works which was just to the east of Kipps Shed. I remember seeing it at Sunnyside Junction from a passing class 303 around 1960. Jim
  11. As someone who also travels extensively as part of my work, I would agree totally with rockershovels comments. In all the hotel bars I have propped up I am yet to engage in conversation with any member of he opposite sex, never mind that conversation leading to other things. My wife watched George Clooney in the DVD "Up in the Air" the story of a travelling executive and I was grilled about liaisons in hotel bars, took a lot of persuading that it was only Hollywood. Jim
  12. Prestonpans - May 2nd 2005 90027 on a North Berwick to Edinburgh working Jim
  13. Thanks Martyn - The original idea was to have it as a removable section in the event of something going badly wrong at the back corner of the layout, but it was a the back of my mind when I started the build that if I set it up that it could be a stand alone or be modified to plug into something smaller then in the event of the big layout having to be dismantled then I would have something to operate. The wife often takes unpredictable flights of fancy about moving to the coast so it might be best to plan ahead. I do have an outstanding idea to build a removable inglenook above the fiddle yard as another potential standalone project. Jim
  14. Hi Everyone from a very snowy Eaglesham, looks more like January outside rather than April, we are almost exactly on the 200m contour line so when it says snow above 200m - we get it! Before I position the new depot in its place on the layout I wanted to improve the embankment behind Mavisbank Locomotive Depot as it had been one of the first parts of the layout that I had applied scenic materials to, and it shows. Before the snow fell I had managed to prune off last years Hydrangea flowers and salvaged quite a few for tree making purposes. I went into mass production mode last night and made about fourteen trees and planted them on the embankment. That retaining wall still looks poor though but I think that I will leave it. The depot facia, done last week. Hope to get the depot into place later this week. Cheers all Jim
  15. Fabulous amount of detail on this layout, really hope to see this at the Glasgow show in the next couple of years, it would be most appropriate. Jim
  16. In 1975 I went with Coatbridge High School Railway Club to the outdoor study centre at Beattock Summit, which was located in the old school building (now demolished), we spent a week there spotting at the lineside, walking the Wanlockhead branch and visiting Moffat and Carlisle - One evening just before dinner the class 20 banker dropped off the rear of a northbound freight and the driver offered to take us down to Beattock and back up on his next job, unfortunately as he was not sure when that would be we had to decline! Very much an opportunity lost. Jim
  17. Hi All - can I add a gripe that I have not seen discussed - I have noticed recently that the recommended method of "when turning right, move towards the centre of the road" seems to be ignored. Several times I have been unable to move forward because the car in front of me is turning but is blocking the whole road when there would have been enough room to pass on the inside had he/she positioned him/herself correctly, really annoying. Jim
  18. This is at Ballancrieff between Prestonpans and Drem, the train was a special (1Z26) organised to take protesters home from Edinburgh (The G8 Summit was on at Gleneagles). locos were 47826 "Springburn" +47145 "Merddin Emrys" (DIT). Jim
  19. Welcome to my Nightmare - Alice Cooper
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