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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Why do I sense that the differential between rolls, baps and Barms discussion could be resurrected - Roll and Square Slice please!
  2. Gawd - can you imagine the divorce proceedings, the first party demands custody of all locomotives with numbers from 0 to 9999 (with the exception of those prefixed "D"), the second party shall have custody of all locomotives numbered 10000 and upwards, rolling stock shall be pooled and mutual access permitted at weekends but under third party supervision etc etc.......
  3. Despite Kenilworth station opening today "regrettably" there are still a few technical issues regarding tickets and information, station operator West Midlands Railways said. "Hopefully these will be resolved soon," the firm said
  4. So Sajid Javid is the new Home Secretary - I wonder if he has a secret temple with statues of the other members of the cabinet who come under his control when his eyes light up? Jim
  5. ...especially as the weather could (as you found out) could be miserably wet and windy even in the summer months! Jim
  6. Rangers had an unwritten rule that they would not knowingly sign an RC player up to the Graham Souness/David Murray era. Even then "RC" players were foreign imports, it is UK (especially Scottish) players that the hardcore Rangers Support have issues with - the one that springs to mind was Maurice Johnston, who was the first major Scottish born RC signing in the modern era, Some Rangers fans burned scarves and threatened to hand in season tickets over the signing and there is a story on Wikipedia that Rangers' kitman protested by making Johnston arrange his own kit and withholding from him the chocolate bars dispensed to other players. Jim
  7. Weymss Bay in its heyday it was a major interchange between the railway and the Clyde Steamers, On a summer Saturday back when holidays on the Clyde were popular the station would be thronged with holidaymakers heading from Glasgow to Rothesay. JIm
  8. Ruth Goodman could play that role without makeup! Jim
  9. In some goods yards there would be a "lye" siding (Scottish Term), basically a spare siding for parking empty wagons out of the way of the rest of the yard, perhaps there is a local industry nearby and wagons are brought in on the regular freight then tripped to and from that siding to the factory siding. Jim
  10. Steven Gerard must be off his rocker wanting to take on that role, he will soon find that the unbelievably high expectations of the supporters will far outstrip the resources that will be made available to him (the club are still not financially stable) and chances are that they will turn on him big style. He can expect to receive a torrent of abuse and sadly his religion will no doubt be one target of that abuse. If I was Gerard I would not go near Ibrox. Jim
  11. That's the 3, Kingsknowe was the first reopening. Jim
  12. Let's face it, that is an improvement, back in the 1970s there were only three. Jim
  13. She must be going to catch a train, I think she is definitely on the breadline. Groan button please before anyone else asks
  14. Also the livery of the 116 is a bit non standard, the grey seems to go further down than others I have seen, compare it with this from Wikipedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/T318_-_Birmingham_New_Street_%288961269573%29.jpg Jim
  15. There is an extensive thread on Millsend on the Mew Railway Modellers Forum https://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=46389 Jim
  16. That type of calling on signal was used extensively in Scotland for new MAS schemes around 1960, the Glasgow North Electrification scheme in particular, there was one which controlled the approach to the bay platform at Airdrie Station, so it could be used to control passenger workings, go to this link https://www.s-r-s.org.uk/ArchiveSignals/brscot.php and select the date next to Airdrie for the plan The Signal AD41 is described as follows Main Signal (no indication)-to Signal AD.42. Main or calling-on Signal with route indication B-to Bay platform. (Main if bay is unoccupied, call on if a unit is already there) Subsidiary Signal (with no distinguishing letter)-Shunt along Up line. . Right-hand miniature yellow-to Carriage sidings. Jim
  17. Thanks guys - Martyn - pinch away, I stole the idea for the three men around the bench from another layout on here so what comes around goes around Jim
  18. Reminds me of a pub I built for an exhibition - for the name I used the old joke "The Cockwell Inn", done tastefully in Ye Olde English Text - raised quite a few giggles The old joke in full was: Proprietor: Margaret Lykes, The Cockwell Inn, Tillet, Herts Jim
  19. The Golden Age of Steam - Steve Hackett
  20. Nearly there with this project! Added some further detail to the water tank by adding a platform/walkway so that the ladder access now comes up the side of the building and through a hatch, the another ladder from the platform to the top of the tank. Platform base is chequerplate plasticard with some reinforcement and plaststrut girders. I substituted ladders from Ratio signal kits in place of the rather crude ones that come with the Dapol/Kitmaster kit The water pipe which on the kit is from the centre of the underside of the tank is now routed from the corner of the tank down the side of the building, I used parts from the Knightwing pipework set to route the pipe General view of the (nearly) completed depot The office building is based on one that used to be at Alloa station, it is a card kit covered with brickpaper, windows are hand made from microstrip, At the front on one site is a bench with three figures that used to sit a bit out of sight at Gateside - the rack on the other side was built from bits of the disused ladders from the water tank kit plus a couple of bits of sprue from that kit, lamps are springside and on the top shelf are fire irons that came with a loco. General views of the nearly completed project Jim
  21. MFI = More Flaming Instructions (or more expletive if required)
  22. I worked for a major Tyre manufacturer for many years, what they did was an eye opener to anyone paying top dollar at a fast fit outlet, All tyres went through a "uniformity testing rig" which basically tested for vibration influences, tyres within certain limits were classed as "OE", the rest as "Replacement". The tyre firms had contract with the major car manufacturers and sold the OE tyres at very low prices, which suited both parties as the car manufacturer got cheap tyres and the tyre manufacturer had their brand of tyres fitted to the new cars, which usually meant someone replacing worn tyres would want to replace with the same brand, which would be the premium brand made by the tyre company = biggest profit. For each size of tyre, the factory made several brands, from high priced premium brands to the budget brands, but the secret was that it was exactly the same green tyre that went into each mould, same rubber, same fabric, same steel belt, the only difference was the tread pattern and what was moulded onto th esidewall. In addition, as it was more expensive to stop an extruder t to run different grades of tread for say HR and VR speed rated tyres they just ran the VR grade for the HR and VR tyres Something to bear in mind before you but your next top brand tyre! Jim
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