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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Unfortunately under "make offer" they do not have "here is a bin bag for them"
  2. If you don't like it you can always take it to the pawn shop!
  3. Sod the football, Scotland just beat England at a certain game called cricket, LOL!!!!
  4. That really made me giggle, it reminds me of the clip of the farm hand trying to stop the spray from the manure spreader!
  5. Well if the Virgin Branding went on this quick, it will come off equally quick! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1bcuWglugA&feature=youtu.be Although I hear that they are just removing the Virgin logo and replacing with LNER logo (white initials on red rectangle). Jim
  6. All Over The World - Electric Light Orchestra
  7. Stones of Years - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
  8. Why do the names Clary and Lamont suddenly come to mind?
  9. Not only Crocs - the curse of the ripped jeans is with us! https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/shortcuts/2018/may/21/ripped-jean-tanlines-the-curse-of-summer-2018
  10. But does she pine for the Fjords (curiously I am writing this post in an Oslo Hotel Room, Haven't seen a parrot all day)
  11. Corrected, we arnott amused. There is only one Tunnock's Teacake,made in Uddingston (Along with caramel wafers and caramel logs)!!!
  12. Must admit I genuinely laughed out loud at that one, so no knighthood for me either JIm
  13. OK something a bit different here, a residential caravan site and a windfarm! So how about something else that you don't normally see on a layout Jim
  14. Through the Fire and Flames - DragonForce
  15. J3263 is the 1S39, 11 20 FSO Manchester Victoria to Edinburgh, at that time one of the few trains to use the Carstairs South to Carstairs East Line. Jim
  16. Which itself is illegal - Rule 112 of the highway code Use your horn only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence. Never sound your horn aggressively. You MUST NOT use your horn while stationary on the road!
  17. Hope they got the wee Fireman out in time!
  18. I found a mention of the service in the book "British Main Line Services in the age of Steam 1900-1968" by Michael Harris. "To improve through journeys for service personnel, two trains were put on during 1940 between Colchester and Leeds and Colchester and Edinburgh, both routed via March and Peterborough and the ECML rather than the GN/GE route through to Doncaster." so the train ran from 1940 to 1971. Jim
  19. Hope not - it was perhaps the dreariest of all the post privatization liveries
  20. I hadn't been on Robert Carrolls Yahoo site for a while so went for a look this morning, his list of data has expanded and there is now a 1968-69 working book and the Glasgow to Colchester is still there! The Core formation was now 1 x BG, 1 x SK and 1 x CK with an additional SK on Fridays Only. Additional vans (3 x BG and 2 x GUV) from Colchester, Liverpool St, Biggleswade, Spalding and Yarmouth which were detached at Edinburgh for Glasgow Parcels Station (Salkeld Street). Interestingly the train now was used to convey the Kings X to Fort William overnight Sleeping/Day cars (BSK/SLF/SLSTP and BCK) from Edinburgh to Queen Street (MSX) which were detached from the Aberdeen sleeper at Waverley and were then attached to the 06:00 to Fort William (see my post above) so the train must have arrived at Glasgow around 05:30. Edit Further reading shows that the train did not appear on the Carraige working booklet from 1971 - 1972, so this service met its end in May 1971, in its last year it ran under the headcode 1S38 (down) 1E50 (up) JIm
  21. Ooooh Carol! - Would love my ridge of high pressure to come into contact with her warm front
  22. Yes I managed it - BUT - you need to make twice as many as you need as once in position the slightest brush with a sleeve during an uncoupling operation results in them breaking! Jim
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