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    Model Railways, travelling, photography, transport photography, walking etc.

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  1. Hello! The news of Hattons closing down has no doubt shocked a majority of the model railway community. The topic has been extensively covered by a lot of people so I won't rabble on! They will be missed and I wish the team all the best. With the sale on I made an impulse purchase of a second-hand Bachmann Class 168. This is well outside my era/area which is usually SE London around 1991-1995 but I do have my reasons, not that I need to justify it! 😂 Back in late 2003/early 2004 I visited the Signal Box Model shop in Rochester shortly after moving to Kent. Back then as a teenager I wasn't set on a specific era/area and I wanted whatever looked appealing. I remember going through the Bachmann catalogue and looked at the Class 168 in the original Chiltern Railways livery, it caught my eye. A few times visiting The Signal Box and it was there just released and I loved the look of it. I had no connection to Chiltern Railways until recently so it was the simple fact that I liked the livery which was reminiscent of the NSE livery in a strange way. It was the model that eventually disappeared from the shops and in my late teens I went off the hobby for a good few years. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when Hattons were having a closing down sale, I spotted the 168 at a decent price and I had to buy it. It arrived quickly and for a 20 year old model it has aged rather well! Now what to do with it? 👀
  2. I've made a start in running the fleet using DCC Concepts rolling road which I've had for a while. Space constraints makes this a very useful tool for running in. First up were the two latest additions, 60015 and 4308 then slowly going through the older stuff which haven't been out of the box in three years. So far so good! I am impressed by the Hornby class 60 with the level of detail and the weight is quite something! One day I would love to run this on a layout with a heavy load behind it. 4308 gets a good running in session with no issues to report. I did notice that it's missing a buffer on the motor carriage. 🤦 Will be sourcing a replacement soon.
  3. Hello! It has certainly been a while since my last post that was all doom and gloom. I was in a dark place from the messy divorce and the legal implications that came with it. I survived two attempts on my own life, looking back I really underestimated how bad things were. Now I'm in a much better position and even gotten into a better career path. The scars are still there but they are healing as time goes on. Taking a break from the hobby has done a world of good for me. It was a big reset that helped me get re-inspired and wanting to build something again. This time round I want to build small dioramas as space is at a premium where I live and truth be told I struggled to enjoy running a layout. I'm making plans for a carriage sidings diorama to showcase the rolling stock. I sold off a lot of the unused coaching stock late last year and used the money to buy the Bachmann 2-HAP unit. It was on my wishlist since it was announced and had it on preorder for quite some time and the delays were frustrating! By the time it hit the shops I cancelled my order because of life events taking over and I could no longer afford it! Fast forward almost 2 years and I managed to purchase one and I was so happy. It's not been run yet due to nothing for it to run on but it will in the future. I've recently purchased a Hornby class 60 as well to hopefully get the fleet list growing once again. It will never be as extensive as it used to be and I'm happy with that. A big fleet for me always meant the need to build bigger layouts and I pushed myself to the point where I was getting frustrated with the hobby. I will slowly add to what I've not sold on and keep things nice and simple. That's all for now! :)
  4. Hello all! Hope you are all keeping well. As usual, it has been a while since last posting on here. The recurring theme has always been losing interest in the hobby followed by regaining it for a short while, I guess it applies to all hobbies. I've hit the buffers well and truly this time due to personal circumstances. My marriage fell apart last November and the situation got really out of hand to the point where the ex got me arrested under false allegations, I was forced out of the house too. Her actions cost me the house, my job and my mental health was blown to pieces all because she lacked rationality and her family added fuel to the fire. Nearly 8 months on things have picked up, got my own place again and returned to my employer, there is still a way to go in regards to my mental health but we'll get there. I had to sell a good chunk of the fleet to get money together and also to get rid of reminders of my ex as she bought me a good number of them as gifts. My interest in the hobby has died off, I have no desire to restart and rebuild a layout but I do enjoy looking at other people's work.
  5. Hello all, It has certainly been a while since I last posted much on here. Work commitments, personal matters and even losing quite a lot of interest in the hobby all played their part. With the current world events, I feel as though it is time to give it another go. This isn't my first layout that carries the name, the first being a APA Box layout from 2013. The more recent venture was from this year with a 2 platform station with a siding much like Caterham station, alas space constraints and the operational headache that it ended up to be put an end to that. The solution to me now is simplicity. I no longer enjoy laying complex trackwork and the headaches that come with faults, as much as I want to have a big layout to showcase my ever growing EMU fleet it is not feasable. This incarnation of Bromley Common will simply be a 1 platform station with a siding, now on to the setting.... Bromley Common is set in its namesake in the sectorisation era, more specifically 1990-1994 when the elderly EPB's were slowly giving way to brand new Networkers as part of the heavy investment of the Kent Link routes. The fictitious line to Bromley Common was part of an ambitious project to extend the Hayes Line to Orpington by the Southern Railway but with many similar plans, they were put on hold indefinitely due to the onset of WW2 and only went as far as Bromley Common. The line had a healthy existence until the 1980's when passenger numbers declined and local bus services increased competition. Despite this, there is the following services: 2tph to/from London Charing Cross via Hayes, Elmers End and Lewisham calling at all stations. This is usually formed of 2 two 2EPB's coupled together. 1tph to/from Addiscombe. An extention of the 'Popper' service that reverses at Elmers End. A single 2EPB and later a 466 would run the service. Peak time AM/PM to/from London Victoria via Elmers End, Lewisham, Nunhead and Denmark Hill. This is usually in the hands of a spare Kent Coast 4VEP unit. A rather ambitious early cross-London trial service to/from Slough via Lewisham, Denmark Hill, Kensington Olympia, Acton Mainline and Ealing Broadway using a brand new Class 166 from the Thames area. This was very short-lived owing to lack of demand at the time. (It's a good excuse to run my 166 ). On top of the passenger services, there is a healthy amount of mail traffic using the surplus MLV units and the sidings do play host to visiting locomotives. Construction has already started, pics will follow shortly!
  6. Railway modelling has been quite an emotional rollercoaster over the past couple of years. So many projects come up then quickly get scrapped. Th problem is that I push myself to build a layout that I have in my head but then I find myself not enjoying it or face an obstacle and that'll be that. I've built some layouts that I am so proud of, Chalk Lane being my first and Leahurst Green being the largest so far, but I feel as though I can't get the motivation to build one from start to finish. The enthusiasm quickly dies off and any project that gets started gets scrapped very quickly. This is the case for a layout that I've been trying to build over the past few months using bits recovered from Leahurst Green and it's been getting nowhere. So the decision has come to take a long break from the hobby, put everything into storage and come back to it when the time is right. A lot of factors have come into this decision: Time, money and motivation - all limited at the moment. Work has taken up a lot of my free time and has done for the past 5 years. Money is limited due to multiple house moves and a wedding to pay off. Motivation is just non-existent, the job has made me tired all the time and I rather focus on other things. Space - or the lack of it! The new house is substantially smaller than the last place, we relocated quickly, perhaps too quickly! This is only a temporary place until we can find a more suitable place, hopefully with a good spare room for a decent sized layout. My mental health - I was diagnosed with depression after losing my job as a trainee signaller, it was quite a big hit and still is after just over a year and my current job as a bus driver doesn't help it either. This plays a big part in why I don't have the get up and go with the hobby and why I get quite irate when things go wrong. In short, I can't keep forcing myself to engage in the hobby as it makes me not enjoy it, The main part of the hobby is enjoyment and if there is none then what is it? I think a break will do me a world of good and I can come back to it with a much better outlook and with some proper motivation! In the meantime, I will enjoy looking at other people's layouts and projects on here and on Twitter, there's no end of fantastic projects that you people have done.
  7. They are Bachmann's Concrete Lamp Posts (44-542) that have been painted and has one light removed. Cheap(ish) and effective
  8. First time in a while that I have decent time off work. I knew going back to bus driving was going to consume my life but not on this scale! Anyway! 2 weeks off and have been making some progress on Leahurst Green Scenic break now in place. This will either be painted or have a backscene fitted in the future. Work is slowly progressing on the carriage shed with one wall now covered with corrugated iron sheets and weathered. Next will be to figure out how to do a pitched roof! The area near the signal box will be a bus parking area for a nearby bus station. Spent today ballasting 70% of the layout, it was a horrible task but it's worthwhile. It is now drying and I hope it sets right. While running the trains last night, I failed to notice a rather large obstruction on the line.......
  9. Slight update on Leahurst Green. Laid and ballasted the abandoned siding, this will look more overgrown in the near future.
  10. I have played with that idea when planning it but I opted for an additional siding as it is based on Addiscombe
  11. Hello Mike, I've ballasted before adding 3rd rail on my first layout, Chalk Lane and had no problems with it I've added some 3rd rail on this one from the spares I had from a previous layout but not added any more until I get more code 60 rail.
  12. It has been a looooong time since the last update! For those that might have the misfortune of following me on Twitter, you may know that Leahurst Green is now at a good stage of construction I haven't put any updates on here due to the computer being problematic but now that it is partly fixed, I can post updates a bit more often. Started construction just over 3 weeks ago when I purchased three 4x2 Plywood boards with timber framing, this is the first attempt at building a ''proper'' baseboard and it has actually gone well! The layout rests on 4 Ikea 'Lerberg' trestles, an idea I got from a fellow railway modeller on Twitter and the overall construction is sturdy - much to the surprise that I actually did it! Track laying was a pain in the rear as the Peco track pins are flimsy and many decided to buckle even though I was tapping them gently with a hobby hammer. After 3 days of swearing and quite a few track pins on the floor, the track was finally laid. Prior to track laying, I sprayed the track with RailMatch Sleeper Grime to give it a more realistic look without the tedious task of painting the rails in a rust colour. You may notice that I used Peco trap points for the Platform roads, this is simply to avoid wiring in isolating sections for the double slip and it works quite nicely Next up is the 3 road carriage shed. The basis will be Balsa Wood construction and then eventually be covered with corrugated iron sheets. The scenic break will be a footbridge in a heavily wooded area (They do exist in SE London! ). The footbridge is a Ratio kit which I found to be more suitable for the setting. I almost opted for a road bridge but having done a few in the past and never been overly happy with them, I opted for a simple footbridge instead. I also purchased Bachmann's Kent Coast signal box which was a bargain and looks more suitable than the tiny Hornby SB that I will use for a future project. Station platform is Balsa Wood construction with Peco edges. The terminus end is from the Capital Commuter train pack, I like to re-use as much as possible from previous projects and what not. Hattons did a bargain on Bachmann low-relief flats and couldn't say no to it as it will help with the SE London setting. At this moment in time, I have ballasted the Platform 1 road and aim to get the rest done slowly. That is all for now
  13. It has been a while since the last update! I have been busy with bus driving once again, it is only temporary until I find a job that has a better work/life balance (wishful thinking perhaps? ). Finances were a bit tight but is certainly recovering and early next month means that I can *finally* start layout construction (how many times have I said that already?). Baseboard will be plywood/hardwood with a frame that will be supported by six Ikea 'Lerberg' trestles that should be at a comfortable height. I did have a look at baseboard kits but the prices for the size I want is too prohibitive. Laid out the track plan on the floor once again and noticed that I can, at a push, run 6 car unit or a loco+5 coaches. Unit wise, I doubt I'll run 6 car formations with the stock I have unless I couple 2 MLV's to the VEP for a Kent Coast service? Otherwise it'll be good for specials and railtours that will no doubt make an appearance .
  14. It has been a while yet again since posting anything on here! After losing my job with NR, I struggled quite badly it did hit hard and left me feeling quite useless and forever asking myself what I did wrong. Fortunately I gained employment as a bus driver once again! Not the best job but it pays the bills for now and it should be short term before finding something better. Railway modelling took a massive back seat in the process due to restricted finances but now things are improving, I can make a start on Leahurst Green early next month! I've spent today finalising the track plan on the floor and realised that I can *just* about fit a 6 car unit on the platform, not really planning on 6 car running but to have the option is nice. I can also have a loco plus 5 coaches which is something I'm looking into for special workings and railtours, now to buy more rolling stock...... Keep watching this space, the layout will start very soon!
  15. Bachmann & Hornby have recently announced new models as they do every year. Some announced models aren't to everyone's taste and this year there's nothing much to appeal to me, that's personal taste. Can't please everyone at the same time, it's as simple as that. My biggest criticism towards Bachmann has always been that from announcement of a specific model to when it reaches the retailers, there has been a rather large time span. The retooled 158 for instance, was announced about 5 years ago and still nothing. The same applies to the 2HAP which was announced more recently than the Sprinter and still nothing other than the price going up and up. There has been a very evident backlog of models that are yet to be released that the manufacturer keeps adding to and it is frustrating to railway modellers who are looking forward to the release date of the said model but are still waiting years later. I get that announcing new models keeps the public interested but adding to the backlog that will take years to clear at this rate will only cause frustration and bitterness towards the company. Some models do make it through the net and have a short ''Announcement to reaching retailers'' time span but most of the time that is not the case. Another thing that railway modellers get frustrated by is the hefty price tag of models these days. It is getting less affordable by the year with constant price hikes, not everyone is on a good pension or in a well paying job! Railway modelling used to be an affordable hobby but now it seems to be a premium hobby that fewer people can actually afford. I get that the standards of the models has improved massively in the last decade but I don't think the rising prices reflects that fairly. The prices that got me recently was the recently announced retooled Bachmann Class 159 in NSE, a three-car DMU and it is listed on Hattons @ £263 - wow, that is steep for a model that isn't DCC sound fitted. By the time it gets to the shop floor, it could easily reach £300! It makes me happy that I got my old tooling 159 for just £90 and it's a good model for its age. I can't justify well over £260 for an updated model. The others that got me are the yet to be released Class 414 2HAP, when announced it was £186 and now it has gone up to £212, so it has gone from being unaffordable to downright extortionate. The same can be said about the 170, which dates back over a decade ago when it was first released and the 2 car variant is nudging £200! I remember when a 2-car 170 was £65 brand new and £75 for a three car! It's ridiculous. There are various factors as to why the prices have gone up such as the factories in China paying a higher wage to their workers, which is a good thing in that sense but manufacturers moved production to China because it was cheaper than the UK. Now with the rising wages there, it has cost a lot more for production and they have to reflect that with the prices of the models now. Brexit might be playing a part as well as inflation but it still barely justify the extortionate amount they want for their products. Surely there must be a cheaper alternative out there that must be explored before they end up losing money from a waning number of customers. Sorry to ramble on, it is something that really gets to me and it ruins the hobby in my opinion.
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