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Status Replies posted by WD0-6-0

  1. Soldering iron not working? Do you give up? No, just light up a gas ring and heat a spoon

  2. Soldering iron not working? Do you give up? No, just light up a gas ring and heat a spoon

  3. I had my final event with my secondary school tonight, the presentation evening. I was very surprised and happy when I got a Cup, a cup for endeavour named after an old Head teacher and an award for resistant material work. Overall a great evening but rather sad that I won't see a lot of those people again (some of them I'm not that sad about)

  4. Officer Crabtree.....

  5. 'Wheal Tiny' is at the Cornwall Gauge O Guild exhibition this Sunday at Carn Brae - come & say Hi

  6. I want to fly Yorkshire Airlines!

  7. Just fired up a laptop I haven't used for a while - 45560 Windows updates now being applied.

  8. Town bonfire done. No incidents and 4000 happy people. It's now beer o'clock

  9. All supermarkets should have an isle devoted to Finescale Railway Modelling......

  10. Is wondering whether to open a can of worms?

  11. Is thinking that daytime TV is The Establishment's way of encouraging the masses out to work

  12. The most tense 50 seconds of my life but I won, a DCC fitted Thompson O1 is now mine for sub

  13. is off to the bluebell railway tomorrow all i said to the wife was A4 she replied where going

  14. KMRC O2 or Hornby D16

  15. Mrs Valentine: Do you know what time it is? Valentine: Yes, my love: summer double time.

  16. Has just eaten an M&S cheese & onion pasty with the hallmarks of being made in Callington....

  17. Mrs SG made me a Bacon Sandwich this morning before my first proper full day at the new office. a really lovely treat I thought and was very grateful. Then I saw the news. I think she really is trying to kill me!

  18. understands that it's the funnel web spider mating season in Australia. Apparently there might be a shortage of antidote....

  19. Another reason to hate YODEL, van came hurtling down the left hand lane for turning left and went straight on nearly putting the old couple in front of me onto the roundabout, if only I'd got the number...

  20. Rather irritatingly, the geography essay that I'm currently writing is rapidly becoming a history essay - about which I know I'll get into trouble about - but I have not got the energy to do anything about it...

  21. I am reminded that it is not advisable to keep ones bacon in ones slippers.

  22. Has forgotten my password and the email hasn't come through, genuinely a little concerned that the password has been reset and I couldn't begin to guess what it is. Just glad my phone is still signed in

  23. Has forgotten my password and the email hasn't come through, genuinely a little concerned that the password has been reset and I couldn't begin to guess what it is. Just glad my phone is still signed in

  24. Pizza for tea, didn't mean to but hey when in dominoes

  25. has just enjoyed some of 10800's superb rhubarb with cream and Mrs CK's delicious crumble to come!

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