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Status Replies posted by WD0-6-0

  1. Just one person last night apologised for stepping in front of my camera last night, just one! And loads of people got in the way, one person came and stood directly in front of me as I took a photo and all that shot showed was the back of his tweed jacket no apology or anything. I had to move around him to take the shot. Big SLR Camera not hard to miss!

  2. Andy challenged by Hornby for Ice Bucket? This'll be interesting!

  3. I keep getting some bloke ringing me up and singing 80s pop songs down the phone.....

  4. is Gaugemaster prodigy advance 2 worth its wonga?

  5. I'm a horrendous layout builder...

  6. I'm back in England... What do you mean you didn't miss me?

  7. Off to Holland in the morning

  8. As soon as I get back from Holland I'm having a ruthless clear out and sell what I can to get a C1 preferably 251. If there aren't any of them left I might not bother

  9. As soon as I get back from Holland I'm having a ruthless clear out and sell what I can to get a C1 preferably 251. If there aren't any of them left I might not bother

  10. As soon as I get back from Holland I'm having a ruthless clear out and sell what I can to get a C1 preferably 251. If there aren't any of them left I might not bother

  11. If you go down to the east Lancashire railway today, you're in for a big surprise. Because today's the day the teddy bears have their 50th birthday picnic

  12. If you go down to the east Lancashire railway today, you're in for a big surprise. Because today's the day the teddy bears have their 50th birthday picnic

  13. Mustn't glue drain cocks to footsteps

  14. It's D1011 and 70019 going on at the moment

  15. a "Thank you" is just a click away. So why do so few use it?

  16. New DCC fitted Hornby B17

  17. New DCC fitted Hornby B17

  18. Anyone going to see Western Champion and the Mazey day Cornishman tomorrow?

  19. Anyone going to see Western Champion and the Mazey day Cornishman tomorrow?

  20. Just had a spitfire fly over my house do a bit of a display then flying off good for me but it's my dad's birthday so gave him a birthday surprise too

  21. There's a video on Facebook showing hornbys K1 running.

  22. just had a look at 31 233 and DBSO at Penzance. very nice

  23. The J11 won over my wallet and its now sat on the table looking very nice.

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