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pH last won the day on June 30 2021

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    Original western terminus of the CPR

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  1. So that would mean the model is not correct, and David is going to have to take the roof walks off if he wants the car to be prototypical. …. and shorten the ladders
  2. Somewhat complicated (which is why I didn’t try to include the information in the post above! 😕) Here’s possibly one of the better explanations: https://forum.mrhmag.com/post/roof-walks-12201997
  3. And the model still has a roofwalk (removed in the prototype picture). Restricts the time period a bit.
  4. I was in a Walmart store today - in western Canada! - and the muzak started to play “Hippy Hippy Shake” by the Swinging Blue Jeans. There’s a blast from the past!
  5. The rapid transit system around San Francisco includes a reference to the major water feature in the area, and so it is the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. When the rapid transit system in the Vancouver area was being built, it was suggested that it be named in a similar way. A major river, the Fraser, runs through the Lower Mainland to the sea. The suggestion was not taken up.
  6. If you’re going to be picky - travelling in a straight line from several New England states to any part of the UK, you will pass over some Canadian territory. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and parts of Newfoundland and Labrador are all possible, depending on the particular route. Then look at the Great Circle routes from the west coast of the USA e.g. California to the UK ‘over the pole’.
  7. I once went up Beattock hanging out the door window in the vestibule at the back of the last coach, with a Fairburn tank pushing. Quite the sight and sound experience.
  8. A couple of (apparently) different NB colour schemes in this (if you can see things in German 😄): http://britbahn.wikidot.com/nbr-d-class And another: https://transportsofdelight.smugmug.com/RAILWAYS/LOCOMOTIVES-OF-LNER-CONSTITUENT-COMPANIES/LOCOMOTIVES-OF-THE-NORTH-BRITISH-RAILWAY/i-wMHKJnv And one more: https://www.loco-info.com/data/photos/North_British_D.jpg
  9. Not meant in any way at all to be derogatory (and despite Stewart’s “agree”), I think that illustrates the differences between UK and US senses of humour (or humor!). “Monty Python” appears to be a very niche thing in the US, while it had a much bigger audience in the UK. And, typically, Canada appreciation seems to be somewhere in between.
  10. Luxury! I remember being on trolleybuses like that in Lucerne in 1966. Two of us had just spent a summer as conductors on town services from Greenock SMT garage on Bristol Lodekkas. To say we were envious would be a serious understatement!
  11. Some years ago, we were looking at buying a new car. Even the basic model had ‘features’ that we didn’t think were worth having and would just be more things to go wrong. We asked about the possibility of getting a car without those features. Well, yes, it was possible - I think the technical term was a “stripper”. However, it would be a special order and so would cost more than the standard version with the features included. So we ended up with these features that we never used.
  12. In Scotland (West of Scotland at least) the term ‘pug’ could be applied to any tank engine. Hence ‘big pug’: https://flic.kr/p/cPnwr1 and ‘Wemyss Bay pug’: https://images.app.goo.gl/9qF75zM7n55Futyd9 which obviously had rear bunkers.
  13. One of the reasons we would not have a cat. There are regularly “Have you seen this cat?” notices on utility poles around here.
  14. What is ‘largest’? - heaviest engine - heaviest engine + tender - longest engine - longest engine + tender - widest engine (see the Virginian engine) - highest tractive effort etc.
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