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Everything posted by Ponthir28

  1. My only experience with horses is they go where they want to go.
  2. It’s all go this morning.
  3. All quiet for now. But only one person knows what’s going to happen in the next few days.
  4. Excursion train now is coming or going to somewhere?
  5. That’s all a little bit to complicated for me on a Saturday morning.
  6. I still think those potatoes need harvesting.
  7. Is it a spitfire more likely a new hurricane in 1938?
  8. It will stop in 1953 for a cup of tea.
  9. Should be there by in time for the queen’s jubilee in 2022.
  10. That looks very busy for a Sunday morning.
  11. Do like a eye level view it feels like you’re there.
  12. A little bit like the hogwards wall disappeared to who knows where.
  13. The excitement is starting to build up for the squadron leaders fly past.
  14. What’s not to like.
  15. It’s just the small detail that makes it look so magical.
  16. Towards the wall of disaster.
  17. But where to nobody knows?
  18. If it’s the signalman doing the talking. If he is anything like my Grandfather who ran a illegal betting shop from his signal box before the Second World War it would be horses.
  19. It’s a good box brownie.
  20. That’s a beautiful view of the garden. Good enough for Chelsea.
  21. I think and I am no expert the second one looks more in the landscape. Which I think always looks better.
  22. It’s gone backwards typical little Muddle.
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