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Everything posted by njee20

  1. Well they've got form on that - the Pretendolino buffet has a satin roof, whilst it's gloss on the other coaches, and the first class stripe on the FGW buffet is different to the separate coaches. Poor, at best!
  2. Great view! Do you get a warm cookie on check in like the DoubleTrees here too?!
  3. Totally agree, and no reason to think its been happening. As you say - easy to check anyway!
  4. Order #435, great to see. I just hope that is a true reflection of the retention of Kickstarter backers, rather than the link being shared around!
  5. One decoder in each powered coach - which is the two end vehicles, so two needed.
  6. There's a clip of the sound chip in a Voyager somewhere in the thread!
  7. From Mike's post: So timescales TBC, but 50% will still be required up front, and I would assume pretty soon, the balance to be paid at some point in the future.
  8. Hi Jim, Assuming the Kickstarter succeeds then the money will be taken in it's entirety in the days immediately following - ie by the middle of next week. If the Kickstarter doesn't succeed, we now have this brilliant offer from Ben/Mike/Jason on the table - and from Ben's post a few above yours there will be a period where a 50% deposit will be required. If it looks like the Kickstarter will fall short this actually has the potential to work in your favour - pledge at 21.59 on Sunday and you qualify for the discounted price, but will only need to put 50% up front in the first instance, so from a cash flow perspective it's actually less lumpy than if the Kickstarter succeeds. Nick
  9. I think Andy put it most eloquently - pitching in to a thread about a very specific product to say that you don't want one, but you do want a different product, only to be offended when it's suggested that a bit of pro-activity could yield results, is a little off! 89% on the combobulator is great, and we've had £600 more pledged since that last updated.
  10. A definite surge in the last few days - consistently getting £3-5k/day, but that still leaves us short, I imagine the weekend will be busier. Interesting the Success Predictor thingummybob had us down to a c40% success ratio, and has shot up this morning to 83% likely to succeed.
  11. Except for the likes of Great Western who either don't have the funds available now or perceive some element of risk, stopping them pledging. I can't see there will be a huge flood of availability when they're released - so I imagine turning a profit would be rather easy! Edit: too slow! Stupid tube with no signal!
  12. As £300 is an arbitrary selling price it seems a moot point... Surely you'd sell at a price where you did make profit, if that was your intention.
  13. Not had a rush of folk to sub you then ;-) Like many, I think you're being far too optimistic with regards to the likelihood of a model appearing regardless. If you can't afford a whole set why not get the 2 coaches to use as a 'delivery' set? Every little truly helps, that's why I've not reduced my pledge, if too many people think like you that they'll just wait for the 'inevitable' model to come out of this there will be vast numbers of disappointed modellers I say. Not least the 368 backing the project already!
  14. The only justification for the late pledges I can see is about knowing what financial position you'll be in when the money is taken. I pledged on day one for a 9-car DCC set, then upped it to an 11-car. Right now that's a scary prospect, as I've had a load of unexpected expenditure come my way since. I may have to scale it back, but I'm desperate not to do so unless we reach the funding goal regardless. That, and I'm sure the short term pain will be worth it in the long run... Still the last week has seen a good surge, and if it does continue then it's looking not at all unlikely.
  15. Why would anyone do that? You basically want someone to loan you £300 on the vague promise that you'll pay them back "a little later", with absolutely no interest? If you said you were prepared to pay 20% extra or whatever you may be more in luck, but I'm afraid that's not an appealing proposition as it stands! Why not just get a 0% credit card, rather than using other forum members?
  16. Nope, mine neither. Not through logging on, or my confirmation email.
  17. Upped my pledge from a 9 car to an 11 car set, can't manage two complete sets sadly, although if we're really close I may change to two 9-car non-DCC sets, as that's actually a fairly modest jump from an 11-car DCC-sound set! Seems momentum is still quite high, so if this final push continues it does seem doable. Cheers, Nick
  18. It's all just supply and demand really though isn't it? If someone sells an item on eBay for a price that "takes the piss" then it's because someone's prepared to pay it, and clearly didn't deem it to be extortion, even if you do. If they keep listing it at a stupid price and not selling then it's a valid point.
  19. Great to have Chris Marchant's endorsement! Interesting to see how volatile the success calculator is - but still generally quite high c70%. I've been trying to find out the 'profile' of successful projects in terms of how big the spike is within the last week(s), but unsucesfully!
  20. Still showing 76% chance of success, and interesting to note that pledges have really picked up in the last week, you may expect a post christmas lull, but we've had £2k+ per day the last couple. After a few days of <£200 a day or so.
  21. Interesting to see a spike in pledges, whether on the news of the Poppy model or the newsletter. Great work getting RBL on board, well done acko.
  22. Looks like yesterday was the first day with no pledges at all, had to happen! Hopefully a small weekend resurgence will follow!
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