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Everything posted by njee20

  1. Probably work out cheaper too!
  2. Still nothing from Hattons on mine, I remain twitchy.
  3. Some bits that would be welcome recipients of the shrink ray - forthcoming 90 and the MPV spring to mind. If we're wish listing though... 92. Mmmmmmm. Also need to finish my kit, that should make it more likely.
  4. If it wasn't clear the first time Ben, it certainly was the second ;-)
  5. I'm getting twitchy as mine is on order with Hattons and not a peep out of them!
  6. Delayed whilst they fix the errors I assume. Hopefully they'll only half fix them so they match all the other erroneous coaches.
  7. It was the inconsistency that frustrated me, the delay between control input and seeing the change is fine, realistic after all. It was the fact you could do the same thing 5 times in a row with wildly different results.
  8. They had a large display of these at Warley, and the very friendly chap there wouldn't let us walk away for about 15 minutes, and insisted we try driving one. Have to say I can see why people gave up on them!
  9. Wires are so easy to plug in I'd have no qualms about just unplugging any cross-board joints for an exhibition layout.
  10. I'm using them, only wired up a dozen or so, but impressed so far. You can use y or splitter cables to change multiple pairs of points from one output - such as a crossover, or scissors crossing. Makes them even cheaper, just means setup is a bit more of a faff as all servos have to have the same limits. I've glued the aluminium channel to the board rather than screwing, allows a bit of fine adjustment before it sets. Not had any issues so far. I bought all my servos/leads/switches from AliExpress, took a few weeks, but ridiculously cheap.
  11. 86s on sale at Dapol at the moment - £50 for EWS/FL grey, NR pair for £60. I paid £45 for my IC Swallow one from Kernow a while back! Never even run it, maybe I'll have to part with it! Track work does look superb, keep it up!
  12. The Autoballasters (and Polybulks) do seem anomalous to me though, presumably it's just the detail which drives the price up, but there are plenty of other wagons which to my eye have more than enough detail for 'N' - these TEAs, the Farish JPAs, the Dapol Megafrets etc, which are far cheaper. I'd definitely buy some of the double-deck car transporters, but not at a theoretical £80+ a pair. Shame really. Sorry for the OT post. I'll instead be very content with my TEA rake!
  13. Just to back up a bit: So you mean there is a model from a previous era, and 3 versions of the same wagon, of which one is a kit (which requires some hard to source wheels), and two aren't actually available...? I think a lack of car transporters is very accurate... I'd be really keen on some of the red STVA car transporters. Back OT, the TEAs look stunning, I've not actually ordered a rake yet, can't really do more than 10 and still can't decide which livery. The Greenergy ones looked really good, put the cat among the pigeons a little as I was dithering between VTG and EWS before!
  14. They do look superb! If it's two lines filtering into one then would there be a feather though...? I'd only expect that arragement if the RH track had a facing crossover in the next block.
  15. In their defence I'd say that'd be a big 'just'. I'd have thought a better compromise would have been to simply have them painted on those which have them, with no actual relief. They hardly protrude in real life after all.
  16. That's exactly what they've done with the current blue/grey mk3s though? They still have a moulded door control light, just painted over.
  17. Yeah, but the coaches won't actually match the loco ;-)
  18. But you'd buy "4+" 321/3s, in NSE, which surely aren't prototypical...?!
  19. In my usual mouth-frothing excitement I've not seen where I can express my interest. But I'd absolutely have a London Midland 321!
  20. Layout looks good, and good to see the Rocky Mountain and the Stumpy hardtail!
  21. Sounds subtly different to my problem then, albeit consistent symptoms as mine did it regardless of loco (tried about 5), and was instantly remedied by changing decoder.
  22. Be interested to know if it is a decoder issue, or how you fix it, as it's been driving me crazy!
  23. Mmm, odd. Like I say, I had 3 brand new decoders exhibit exactly the same behaviour, irrespective of model, so it may be easier/safer to try one of those decoders in another model, see if it behaves!
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