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Everything posted by njee20

  1. You seem to have misspelled "London midland", far better livery than Virgin East Coast!
  2. Do you not have a debit card associated with PayPal/your bank account though? I can't see how Dave could restrict it entirely to credit cards.
  3. My former next door neighbour was clearly a bit of a drinker (and a complete psycho). On one occasion she had clearly reversed her car at some pace off her drive into the lamppost opposite. Glass everywhere from the rear windscreen, totally smashed bumper, tailgate stove in, paint all over the lamppost. She stood there, swaying gently, and said "I don't believe it, someone hit my car..." Mildly terrifying really.
  4. Awesome! Id be in for at least 2, if not more. Thoughts on planned liveries? I'd love grey with EWS Beasties logos, which I think is how many of the fleet are still today.
  5. Shame, had my eye on one of those, certainly looks the part, but too expensive to buy and stick in a siding!
  6. Well, no, other drivers' behaviour doesn't change the rules... If everyone drives at 90 that doesn't change the speed limit!
  7. Ah yes, violence is clearly the answer! They can't pass to close if you break their fingers with your hammer eh?! No idea what the sympathy thing is about. I have a car as well, like most cyclists. I am not one or t'other. You suggest there's always malice on part of drivers who pass too close. I would suggest that's not always the case, some are distracted, or drivers!
  8. As a cyclist I can assure you that vast numbers of people leave less than 18" room and overtake in stupid places. It's never once occurred to me to wave a lump hammer at them though, that's absurd behaviour, and utterly indefensible!
  9. Lane 1 is the left hand lane...
  10. You should also never 'flash someone out', flashing of lights is simply to indicate your presence, arguably the exact opposite to the circumstances in which it is usually used. Still, if everyone has the same mindset as Baby Deltic, and simply sits in the middle lane because 'everyone else is a bad driver' where does that leave us...?
  11. Why the thread then? Personally I just get irritated by protracted threads like this with no substance whatsoever. Of course manufacturers are entitled to work on something in secret, or not unveil forthcoming models until they're ready, but why post on a forum? I find it very similar to school children saying "I know something you don't know". Indeed there have been several posts say exactly that! For me threads like this are counterproductive, I find the apparent baiting frustrating.
  12. Overtake middle lane muppet. Move to inside lane. Drop back. Repeat manoeuvre. Hours of entertainment. Should be punishable by having your radio permanently tuned to Liza Tarbuck.
  13. The Dapol HST has excellent traction, you'll be fine. The bigger issue I find is that they're more prone to derailing when propelled, I think more weight in the dummy power car would likely help. Layout continues to look stunning!
  14. It's only the early bird price ending, you can still add 3 next month.
  15. What on earth is the "three fingers" thing? Is this some hidden signal for a warning? Is it like a secret handshake? Reversing round a corner has always struck me as a useless manoeuvre, and one I've not done since passing my test. Reverse parking is infinitely safer and more sensible than drawing into a space, even if I'm about 50/50 on my implementation of it!
  16. Small car seems to do the job just fine on the open road, but yes, HGV use is prudent in an urban environment!
  17. I'm always stunned at the progress some people make. You've laid all the track in the time it would take me to fit fishplates to my first piece!
  18. Are we? I thought the best way to murder someone was to give them a bike and then run them over. It's never the fault of the driver, they get called naughty and fined a week's pocket money. Mad skills by the Boris bike rider though for holding that together. Other bloke deserves to have his shorts filled with sharp sand and made to ride laps of Elephant & Castle.
  19. Getting there, but Why not post some pictures in this thread? Rather than a link. Did you actually finish it? The thread seems to end abruptly mid way through, and whilst it looks superb, I'd be most inspired by a finished product.
  20. Really coming together, going to be a superb layout!
  21. Some photos would be good too - I did happen to find that thread the other day, but looking through the last few pictures there were no photos of a finished product. I model N, so sadly not a prospective buyer - but you need to help your customers at least a bit! Rough cost, are these a scratch aid or a fully finished kit? One piece body shells or sides? Are you proposing to provide pantographs and bogies and everything? Your thread title could be better too. It reads like Resin 325 are a vendor. I'd go for something like "OO Gauge 325 EMU kit".
  22. Doesn't actually say it's a new livery - more a full refurbishment. Although it seems unlikely it'll be the same!
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