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Everything posted by njee20

  1. At risk of duplicating my sentiment from the other forum... This is awesome. I'm far more excited than any 30 year old should be about a toy train.
  2. Of course it was, I still prefer the Jeff Buckley version to the Leonard Cohen one mind!
  3. Hurt - Johnny Cash (Nine Inch Nails) Hallelujah - Rufus Wainright (Jeff Buckley) Sound of Silence - Disturbed (Simon & Garfunkle) Not entirely sure the latter is better, but it's bloody good, and earned Paul Simon's approval. Close run.
  4. Congrats Ben and Mike, a great result! Very much looking forward to my rake. And my pendo. And my KFAs. And my 321. And my hicubes. You really must stop making things I want!
  5. No idea why you're quoting my post in yours, it's nothing whatsoever to do with any breach of legislation, which seems something you're clinging onto, it was (to quote the man) a 'berk' thing to do. Massively unprofessional. Still, it's done, no point dwelling on it.
  6. More that he revealed another company's plans after they contacted him in confidence...
  7. Dave has unveiled the as yet unannounced plans of A N Other manufacturer, their hand is somewhat forced, but they've stood by their commitment not to announce until they've delivered a tangible product. We accuse companies of 'land grabbing', so I think it's an admirable stance. We don't know the details of the other product yet, so speculation about details such as liveries is a little pointless at the moment. To me it would at least seem to make sense to wait until the other manufacturer fully reveals their plans, in their own time, rather than someone else rather stealing their thunder. If people feel Dave's is the best model and/or want to support him then carry on, pay deposits, nothing need change (until Dave instigates a change). Others may wish to hold fire and see what the options truly are before committing.
  8. Looks great, hope the show went well, hope to see it at some point! Nick
  9. Mmm, they do look awesome. Loving 030 in later-NSE.
  10. Does Sir want DCC? that's a £70 upcharge! I've no doubt they're good, but for me they're just not worth it. Not least because RTR has closed the gap to virtually identical. 20 years ago when it was a gaping chasm of a difference... maybe. When I was close to buying a CJM 92 I thought factory finishes were better too - the painted lights don't look good at all. I get not fitting working lights, but at least glaze them! By the time you've done buffer beam detailing at one end, added the decoder and gone for lightly weathered (in for a penny and that) it's over £700.
  11. He said the Ford Focus, not the Lada!
  12. Great videos. Love the first one, There's something about watching stock snaking across pointwork, looks marvellous.
  13. Even having come back to post #2916 I still have to tell myself it's a model. Probably the single most realistic looking photos I've ever seen of a UK layout. Truly stunning!
  14. No, but presumably Stu isn't going to resolve his issues before money is required, which will still be prior to delivery.
  15. Looks great, I would also be interested in a rake of n gauge ones.
  16. They have indeed, in compass livery, it's a nice model. Layout continues to look great, hope to see it some time.
  17. Not really seeing much arguing, there's a healthy debate about something which is clearly subjective.
  18. Wouldn't it be better if people didn't need "protecting"...? Provide nice places to cycle, fine, few paths achieve it, but they shouldn't exist simply to get bikes 'out of the way of more important vehicles', as has been been said many times. Do you use it? Or are your assessments as a driver?
  19. There can be any number of reasons: - the cyclepath doesn't go where he wants - the surface could be poor/covered in glass/dog etc - there may be pedestrians - he may not want to have to give way at every side road that crosses it - he may not want to cross the carriageway to get to it - he just doesn't want to use the damn path. Why should he? There is absolutely no compulsion to use cyclepaths. Just as drivers aren't mandated to use motorways. Indeed it's advised that cyclepaths aren't appropriate if you're doing more than 15mph. I ignore most cyclepaths because they're usually very unsuitable for riding at any decent speed. Fine for bimbling to school or the shops. The problem is that drivers presume cyclists "should" use cyclepaths. This is .
  20. Seems it's an issue of semantics. I wasn't entirely sure on your post, but you did say it was deemed the cyclist was in the wrong place at the wrong time and should have been on the cyclepath. It's unclear if you think the cyclist should have used the cyclepath (and is partially culpable because he didn't), or if that was the verdict of some other judgement, and that the cyclist should be able to entirely ignore the provided cyclepath and use the road without being killed, which is of course the case.
  21. Oh virtually all of them! The usual in London is that when motor traffic is stopped they just walk out, not expecting bikes/motorbikes to still be travelling unimpeded. Would be wonderfully satisfying to just grab their phones on the way past! Might wake them up a bit.
  22. You're absolutely right to be delighted Ben, both models look superb. That you've run the project alongside a busy day job is testament to your, and Mike's, skill. I can't wait for my 15 Greenergy TEAs! You just need to stop designing models that I really want dammit, I've got no room on the layout!
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