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Everything posted by njee20

  1. MPV and IPA car carriers to be shrunk would do me!
  2. Agree with the above, I've also got a ZTC which is now playing up, tempted to replace it with a Sig-naTrak, but worried I'll miss the handheld controller too.
  3. Great news! Really pleased to see this moving at pace.
  4. I'm quite surprised by that. Not because it's not a great choice, just expected a narrower appeal than the TEAs. Testament to your market awareness though!
  5. I hadn't actually noticed that the photos of the fiddle yard have all the surrounding content photoshopped out! Curiouser and curiouser...
  6. It was more the bit about diamthermy gauge of class 92 that bamboozled me. I shall check here for drawings, but agree timing is peculiar and likely to be overshadowed by other simultaneous events at Warley.
  7. Awesome! How are sales looking? Will come and have a chat at Warley, looking forward to it! Nick
  8. Is the repurposing of NMT power cars based on a prototypical example?! The flashing tail lamps are excellent in use too, very impressive.
  9. Enjoyed watching for a bit on Saturday, the EWS TEAs look great, really impressed with the sound fitted Colas 66 too, sound in N definitely a very viable prospect now. Which decoders are they? Presume they're Farish 66s?
  10. That'd be interesting, would offer a genuinely different proposition too, rather than being akin to a more frequent SWT service.
  11. No, that won't help you. Quite likely to be M5 or M6, but could be any number of sizes. Is there another bolt the same size you can check?
  12. That's the horribly pedantic part There are distinctions though, which risk taking us further off topic, again. So... class 92s!
  13. Yes, fair enough, should've caveated to say "within reasonable bounds".
  14. I have a 90 and a Voyager with split gears, both purchased second hand in that condition, so can't confirm their life before I encountered them! I have had no such issues with multiple 60s, 66s, 350s, Voyager (another one), 90s (other ones), a 170, 37s, a 57 or a 70. Most are used somewhere between annually and weekly, and are stored either on the layout or boxed in an insulated garage with moderate temperature changes. I do agree that the frequency of use certainly shouldn't be a factor in this.
  15. The converse of course also being true - the proportion of the modelling population who don't use RMWeb aren't here to say "it's never happened to me".
  16. Sorry to be horribly pedantic, but Kickstarter are a platform (read: company) to help companies/individuals/entities with crowdfunding. What Dave is doing is crowdfunding, and is nothing to do with Kickstarter.
  17. I'd say so, yes! Or there are some other issues, as you're alluding to. No it doesn't. You have a statute of limitation of 6 years to bring a case for 'not fit for purpose', but there is no hard and fast rule about how long something should last. Otherwise you could claim this on every product that doesn't last 6 years. We've already done this!
  18. Despite some of the tabloid-esque gnashing of teeth, I don't think it's as endemic as some. I definitely think temperature is a huge factor, would be interesting to know if people who experience it regularly store their locos (no apostrophes please!) in somewhere with significant temperature shifts.
  19. Maybe. So what, doesn't get you a refund or a product. Not being flippant, they didn't run off with the money, they tried for years, had a working prototype, expected to deliver finished products in May, but just couldn't get it across the line. They can't magic money, nor a finished product, whatever the Ts & Cs. Company dissolves, it's a virtual certainty you're never getting anything back. An established business is, of course, far less likely to fail anyway, and KS updated their terms and conditions a few years ago to attempt to offer more protection to backers. Anywho, we've totally digressed from the topic at hand, although it's keeping it on the front page of the forum whilst Dave suns himself! Getting back, mildly, OT. I don't really have too many qualms about backing a company I believe in and trust. Crowdfunding certainly has a place, and as mentioned above the Revolution TEAs are testament to that.
  20. Exactly like a holiday, but totally different
  21. But it's just not that simple. On an item over 6 months old the burden of proof is on you to prove the item was not fit for purpose. You can't just send Bachmann a pile of locos with split gears and demand replacement, or say that you'll see them in court. Within 6 months you'd be hard pushed to request a refund not a repair too, given the small cost and low effort involved in a repair. It is a problem, for sure, but there are definitely some environmental factors. I've got about 30 Farish locos, two purchased with split gears, and they're the only ones to date which have suffered it. I've heard temperature shifts being blamed, as the axles expand the inflexible gears split.
  22. Any such claim has to be reasonable. There is no legal definition of reasonable in this context. If you bought a loco that had a split gear within a month, you'd definitely have grounds to demand replacement as not fit for purpose. If it happened after 2 years your case is diminished, and after 5 I'd argue that you have no case. You can't use it as an excuse arbitrarily on anything that breaks, otherwise what's to stop you returning a broken 30 year old washing machine on the grounds of it "not being fit for purpose"?
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