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Everything posted by njee20

  1. I believe it depended on the age of the mural - they started with "Edward Pond Associates", then gradually morphed into "Eddie Pond"
  2. Yes, the Wessie is stunning. Great job on the Eddie Pond murals.
  3. Lovely lighting in the second shot of the 66 on the JGAs, very atmospheric.
  4. It's usually when I'm in the car and not really thinking about it.
  5. They've always done it, nothing to do with TV rights. What does annoy me is that they start with the winner's name: "Lewis Hamilton has won the British Grand Prix", rather than saying "and in formula 1..." giving you time to turn it off! Great race though!
  6. The issue I have my with automatic (DSG Golf) is that I have to have my foot on the brake pedal to take it out of neutral. So at the very least I have to stop, brake, take car out of gear, handbrake on, Handbrake off, brake, put car into gear. If waiting at a level crossing or something it's not too bad, but the need to brake before putting it back in gear means that if I'm at a roundabout, or anywhere I'll need to 'nip out' the only real option is to sit with my foot on the brake pedal.
  7. Nope. Still massively selfish behaviour, even if he was the only car there.
  8. Looks good! Be good to see some stock running on it, looks like you'll be able to have some decent length trains stretching their legs!
  9. Farish have an N gauge 319 coming at some point, I suspect it'll be a couple of years still though.
  10. Did you have a price in mind? PM if you don't want it publicised. Nick
  11. Great photo though! Apologies for diverting the thread! They are indeed here now, obviously missed the update they weren't being air freighted. Not really relevant (and not trolling), was just interested as it seemed quite unorthodox.
  12. It's a moot point now, the only way to buy them is through retailers, who, I presume, will set their own pricing such that they make a bit. So yes, the text on the website is correct, but no longer relevant.
  13. The Holiday Inn in Sacramento, California has a decent view of the railway too, albeit not adjacent, remember watching some monstrous UP freights rumbling through the city, horns blaring. Awesome. Must take photos of these things.
  14. Interestingly the Jury's Inn in Glasgow is right next door to Glasgow Central. Perhaps Jury's like railway-adjacent properties! The Croydon one is close to the railway too.
  15. Yes, the lead time is a lot longer at the moment, but presumably because they only have one machine. I note they praise it for its smoothness, I wonder if the apparent graininess is less prevalent in real life. I've a feeling it may be a US test annoyingly.
  16. Got this email yesterday, I'm not clever enough to be a designer, I just buy your models, but this looks quite interesting to me. Same volumetric price as WSF, far cheaper than FUD, with a resolution that appears to be between the two. Looks quite 'grainy', but their bumpf about the printer itself is interesting.
  17. I joked about it previously Dave, but please don't use pie charts, they really are utterly useless! A bar chart would be vastly better at showing what you're trying to - the comparative value of a very finite set of data. Sorry, huge personal bug bear. They should be banned Good news on the rest of it!
  18. Swallow Jeremy! Definitely better than Executive!
  19. Nope. Still totally unclear on the concept. Sure it's not for me. As long as those who want to enter understand. If I may summarise... It seems they should either be small or big. Should either be Finescale or not. Should have lots of detail and either lots of or not much stock. And one plug. And be at a height.
  20. Isn't that most layouts? If you build in lighting how is it "natural illumination"? What's a "natural viewing height"? Where do those criteria define that it must be easy to move and require only a single plug...? I'm far more perplexed than before I read this. I'd assume a cameo layout to be essentially a working diorama - a very small layout focused on a very specific scene in which there happened to be a railway.
  21. I think Alex Zanardi has shown what can be achieved, a tragic incident indeed, but the rallying among the community is admirable.
  22. We had this written on a whiteboard at work for a few days and challenged folk to punctuate it! I work in IT for a finance company, but one of them did get it when we provided the list of the required punctuation!
  23. How can they give Verstappen a 9?! I get it wasn't his fault he retired, but he barely raced! I really enjoyed it. Proper racing, overtaking, some decent battles.
  24. I don't doubt any of that, I'm certainly watching this develop with interest, just not a fan of unnecessary rhetoric, that's not a slight on you in the least.
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