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Everything posted by njee20

  1. It's also a bit of a red herring IMO. As a general rule people buy into an ecosystem and then stick with it for many years. DCC systems aren't, in the main, modular where people are constantly buying bits that go with your control system. If you buy a ZTC today and they cease trading (again) tomorrow you don't really lose much. Worst case is that it fails within the warranty period and you'd have to pay someone to fix it or in the event of a total failure of the motherboard you may have to search NOS or second hand items, but that's a lot of ifs and "what-abouterry". As I've said I'm happy with my 511, I've started sniffing around other things because it's starting to play up a bit, but Taunton Controls do a very reasonable repair service I'll probably take them up on at some point. It has some shortcomings (and I don't use sound, so I'm probably not constrained by some), but it's a good controller. To loop back to (and arguably contradict) my initial point I have a 622 handheld controller for it, so I'm heavily invested in the ecosystem and slightly reluctant to start again with something I don't actually like in use. FWIW I think the Digitrax Zephyr feels really cheap in use, not a fan at all. As others have said, if you like the ZTC, and can afford it, then go nuts! The issue at the moment seems to be actually procuring one!
  2. I've got a 511, and really like the tactility of it. I've recently bought a second hand ECoS to play with. I don't like the NCE systems at all, just don't like the form factor. I also don't like the Z21 or anything else that uses your phone, I like nice tactile buttons and knobs (stop sniggering at the back). The ZTC is hideously overpriced, and the dealer support (or lack thereof) would concern me, it's also a very outdated controller (even the 611) compared to others a fraction of the price. Really though you just need to play with some and see what works for you. If you like the ZTC and are happy with its short comings then go nuts!
  3. Not to mention the 'scaling' of colour meaning the right colour can look wrong on a model.
  4. Surely finescale track would have the opposite effect? Yours is looking great, love the station building. Will look great with the Pendos streaming through.
  5. You appear to be talking power cars, whilst Phil is talking mk3s.
  6. In which ways is it that much better than the 511, out of interest? I've got a 511 with a bit of a dodgy reverser, half tempted to upgrade to the 611 but it's a lot of money for something which looks essentially the same.
  7. I had an HST go the same way - melty roof and all.
  8. He hasn't criticised, he's said "I think it's possibly undersized, anyone got any insight?"...
  9. Was just suggesting that "Regional" as srihaggis requested was broader than RR Express, which had the grey bodyside stripe. As you say, RRNW had blue. I was actually thinking of the "Provincial" livery which is what I personally tend to think of as 'normal' Regional Railways livery, didn't know it was an earlier incarnation. Point being that the only RR variant to have the grey, as srihaggis expressed an interest in, is Regional Railways Express.
  10. Or just get a Britannia Pacific one as Brian has.
  11. Yeahhhhhh... no. We could also pretend that mk3s are steam powered, but that would be equally crazy.
  12. Regional Railways Express, specifically. Regional Railways had the blue bodysides, not the dark grey. Always thought it really suited the 156s.
  13. Mmm, I sort of wish I'd done that, I've not got any off-scene crossovers between fast and slow, I think having an "up fiddle yard" and a "down fiddle yard" is more versatile than having separate UF/US/DF/DS ones.
  14. I do use y-cables myself, and haven't had issue with different throws. I did it primarily for reasons of economy, as it saved a lot of outputs! Ideally one would have multiple outputs controlled by one switch though I agree.
  15. Costs more than the order! I got radio silence when I tried, didn't pick up the phone over at least 10 attempts over a couple of weeks and didn't reply to mails. Gave up and bought elsewhere.
  16. I throw up to 4 servos from one switch on my MegaPoints boards, agree that having to switch a crossover individually would be a pain.
  17. Or been deflected off the underside into the driver's unprotected chest.
  18. Again, I just think that whole thing is a minefield. Look at the frothing on here about things which some would see as utterly trivial. We do see some examples of this - N gauge Dapol mk3s with one buffet configuration for all liveries, and roof vents the same between loco-hauled and HST stock. It would definitely have to be delicately played, and there would always be a minority who would still moan!
  19. It's an exaggerated example because some will shun a model because the window arrangement is wrong whilst some, and I guarantee there are some, would buy a 5-car 450 painted as a 444.
  20. Yes. Some would be 'overly concerned' by it being wrong. It'll always be the case the different levels of compromise will be acceptable to different people. Should they paint one white, stick a 5th coach in and call it a 444?
  21. You mean like Electra Railway Graphics...?
  22. The inference being they won't care once they lose the TV rights...
  23. Crikey! I'm more offended by the mix of fonts in your post! Amusingly I was just on a cycling forum where there's a thread bemoaning the lack of coverage of the Tour de France yesterday.
  24. Covering the para-athletics. They said as much. Good race, the last few laps with the tyre issues were mad, reminiscent of 2013 and the failures. I've seen it said that Silverstone has incredibly aggressive tarmac, and on this showing that looks to be the case. The Torpedo is a great nickname, amazed Toro Rosso have given him a new contract.
  25. Interested in future liveries Dave, are you able to say which operators...?
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