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Everything posted by njee20

  1. I can think of a few layouts that have done this - I believe Horseley Fields may have some painted points, and I think Hinksey Yard does too. Can definitely look good, the wooden sleepers always stand out unless you heavily weather the track (which isn't unprototypical after all!).
  2. Agreed, does look great. I'm deliberating painting sleepers on my points to match the plain track, did one 'on the bench' and it looked alright.
  3. Fair enough, I did think the gangway looked a little chunky on the blue/grey one, but anything pre-1990 gets nothing more than a cursory glance, so I only looked at the IC one! I'm not sure the 'indent' for the window needs to be as marked as it is on the Joeuf one, there is a bit of relief on the Oxford one.
  4. Wow, they look great. Red stripe still looks too thick to my eye?
  5. I doubt the prototype encountered such tight curves, that is insane overhang though! I imagine buildings were demolished when some people ran them!
  6. Agreed, I've often wondered about TC, but it's far too expensive for consumer software IMO, and charging so much for an upgrade is really poor form. Should either be free or a nominal cost. Even €100 from the old version is too much.
  7. Unlikely to make more than a 10% difference really. Just can't quite get my head around "I can afford £100 now, but won't be able to in a couple of months". Surely the OO gauge thing means you've just changed your mind too, that's nothing to do with timing...? Anyway, Apologies for derailing the thread!
  8. If you have the funds now why not just put them aside...?
  9. Most of the team (including all the leaders) were on intermediate tyres. Even before the ensuing carnage it was going to be an exciting race, in a way that any race with a drying track and a significant variation in strategy among the teams will always be. If the entire field deems extreme wets necessary (a la Interlagos last year) then maybe start under the safety car, but not when most (and justifiably so) thought the intermediate was appropriate.
  10. They have, in N gauge. I imagine it could be scaled up comparatively easily, but it would be prohibitively expensive as full body shells in OO are, let alone 4 of them.
  11. Personally I'm not sure that is an important point. Some people, such are yourself, are obviously dismissing the gloss finish out of hand, whilst others are more receptive, and are saying "yes, it's good" having actually seen it. I'm not convinced there's a significant market of people actively seeking out gloss finishes, there are very few after all. I think you're overvaluing your opinion.
  12. New livery? They removed the 'stripes' from the doors within the last couple of years, is there a wholescale change?
  13. Those flasher units look very interesting Terry, particularly if they'll fit in a container. May have to give that a go!
  14. Seems surprising given the massive amounts of torque most electric road cars have.
  15. Saw this on your thread, looks brilliant, shall watch with interest!
  16. Saying a manufacturer is too lazy to make a product is rude. How can you not realise that's offensive?! You're also now saying they're "wonderful" , when your opening gambit was "not so good". Come back when you've got that 10' one down to £600 retail. I'll buy one. I still think they're probably more useful for those with smaller layouts and the likely associated space constraints. Would still like one mind! I also think people need to remember they were designed for N, and have been adapted for OO (for once), perhaps things would have been different were the reverse true.
  17. I'm n gauge, so just watch this with half interest wishing Dapol had got the shape of the nose slightly better, but do the Hornby mk3s really have buffers!? For the record I think the gloss finish looks good, and the etched logos look good too.
  18. I'm looking forward to Mark's 10' offering at half the price.
  19. And performance will be far worse if you can't get TS17 working well! I find some routes worse than others - Trent Valley is bad, ECML is much better. Direct correlation to the level of detail unsurprisingly. Turning off dynamic lighting makes the single biggest difference.
  20. Sounds good, would likely buy it based on that. Think I've said it before - but please get someone to proof read it though, you seem to like random capitals based on your contents
  21. Both of them? It was top of my list for something else to try, it looks good for the money certainly.
  22. Be interesting to see that. The 611 did seem a bit of a halfway house - it did address many of the issues with the 511, but still looked outdated; tiny b&w screen, circuitous programming etc. At £650 that puts it square alongside the ECoS which obviously has a loyal following and well established distribution channels.
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