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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. I wouldn't worry if it will pay off - it looks excellent!
  2. Update! Still working away on the E4, will sort out the clack valves, steam heat pipe and the rest of the piping under the right hand step. Still not sure why I bought this version! Also started working on one of the two cranes for the coaling shed. this started off as a wills kit, but it wasn't quite right. This and the tender interior have been my only real forays into scratch-building, so they aren't really up to par yet, but it's good practice! Still needs a few details added. Not supposed to be exactly like the ones at Guildford but a close enough representation is good enough. That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  3. My sincerest condolences. Cats become a part of the family, our two cats had to be put down about 3 years apart and I still miss them. Sleep easy Toby.
  4. Update! Decided to finish off the N class over the long weekend! it's 6pm Friday here, and it's done! I finished the transfers off, and it really speaks for the quality when the 'Southern' on the tender survived the excessive handling required for this next step: Started by drilling out the coal load and gluing in some plastikard strips as guides. I then forgot to take pictures of pretty all of much the rest. But I filed down the inside of the tender to remove the lip as much as could be done, then used some putty to smooth it out and fabricated the bunker interior Glued in place and painted Finished! Will finish off the E4 with the rest of the tie i've got, and maybe tackle one or two other things. That's all for now though, thanks for reading!
  5. I would think there would be enough of a market, even as a limited release. Plus it would be a gorgeous looking loco...
  6. Contacted Bachmann, RE different liveries via their customer inquiries section. Nothing set in stone yet, but the person responding to my emails did say that they were looking into other livery options for future releases. Here's hoping a malachite green version makes it onto the scene!
  7. Update! Quick lick of dirty black for this one, looking at renumbering possibly. Speaking of renumbering, I need to sort out a number for this. Something close to guildford, or that atleast would've been seen there regularly - anyone have any suggestions? Now for the massive failure. Which is less of a failure and more of an oversight on my behalf, I' I only realised when I went to go look for numbering options.. OH WELL, I suppose i'll have a look into adding the SR details, mainly just where I can get them from or how easy they'd be the scratch-build. I will definitely pick up another one, as Guildford had one allocated, but I would like for it to be correct.. Nothing lost (really) but a little bit of experience gained That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  8. Update! P R O G R E S S ! Dealing with HMRS directly was the cure, and so, I finally have some transfers! Which means I was able to finish off the 700 as no 692 Looks a little wonky in the last one, but they are straight (Promise!). I think I may end up grabbing another one or two 700's as they are on special at a certain Manchester based online retailer. Also took arrival of another 902 'Wellington', which was quickly renumbered to 900 'Eton' Just means I'm now waiting on plates and chimneys for both 900 and 938 'St Olaves' and they will be done! Which means I am halfway through the 3 out of a planned 6 - just need to find a few more 925 'Cheltenham' donors, or Hornby could bring out another release with the high cab window in malachite.. I actually really like the methfix transfers, I think I still prefer the pressfix ones but these are definitely a close second. A few new additions this week, have been doing pretty well on ebay! Among them was a Q1, definitely a staple a Guildford, even though C21 wasn't allocated there, I've decided to leave it as is now, with a few minor tweaks, just the usual dirty black and a decent run in after some cleaning and lubrication. Unfortunately, some of the ebay bargains end up being a little worse for wear. I picked up the wide splasher 6 wheel tender variation T9 in Southern Wartime black, went to go and turn it on and all the only response was a grinding noise. Took the shell off and it was pretty apparent why it was going nowhere. You can get a rather nifty metal replacement one from Peters Spares, but the rear motor mount is out of stock at the moment, so this, unfortunately will take a back seat for a while. Luckily it gives me time to work on the next project, which has already turned out to be a massive failure.. Stay tuned for the next post for more -That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  9. Update! All quiet on the southern front, while we sort our stuff for moving and i wait for things to arrive. I made a start on the ratio signal-box interior kit, really enjoyable actually, although I wasn't aiming to be 100% prototypical with the levers, so I may indeed do another one of these when they track plan for the layout is final and try to match it. Now to find a suitable signal-box, as the gaugemaster one is, errr, rather inadequate. That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  10. Update! Snagged a real bargain from ebay, i'd been looking for one of these for a while, so i was determine not to let this one go, however, I missed this little red label in the top corner of the box, So for £70 I picked up this! This was post me giving it the usual treatment of dirty black to all of the black areas, but let me tell you, this thing had never been opened or run, the absolute definition of brand new. Stoked! I don't currently have a DCC controller, and i'm not sure if ti's okay to run DCC on a DC s\rolling road. DCC is the goal eventually, but not the most important thing at the moment. I also had some kits turn up, gaugemaster signalbox will be hacked up a little, but that's for a later date. The turntable had a LOT of flash around the parts, and the deck itself was warped, so i'm in the process of straightening it out Not sure where my transfers are, hopefully any day. That's all for now though, thanks for reading!
  11. Update! The N class received some attention, I decided to pull the front steps off the donor schools class and file the tops down to fit the N I'm sure these aren't exactly right, but I think close enough will do. Possibly will need to remove the small lump that is suppose to represent the draincocks on the schools.I have of course noticed this, now that the steps are in situ.. Added some fire irons to the tender, i'm still not sure about the coal, or the irons to be completely honest, but until I cut it apart, it will also do just fine. ] So until transfers arrive, here she sits That's all for now!
  12. Just spent the last little while scrolling through this thread, absolutely excellent! Have followed for future updates
  13. Update! (please excuse the terrible pictures) She lives! The welcome arrival of the damaged donor schools class, who's chassis I nabbed for what will be 'St Olaves'. I didn't grab any photos of the process, but it was a relatively simple exercise in swapping out the wheels. The DCC Concepts Rolling Road also arrived the other day, and I can see why it's so popular, Makes me wish i'd got the 12 set! This means I'm still just waiting on transfers, name plates, and the chimney, then she'll be done! I decided to go ahead and order some Methfix transfers, this means i'll be able to finish off the 700, and also the spare schools tender, which I repainted into wartime black. I also had a go at changing the tender toolboxes over to the other type as they were quite badly damaged. Will also need to fab up another tender door as this has also gone walkabout I'm still not 100% what the plan for this is. An N class also arrived at the same time, so I made a start at converting from the early crest BR to wartime black, very simple as Bachmann transfers are extremely easy to remove! I'm not sure about the coal. I have a spare slope sided tender top but it looks like it may take some modification to fit, I may end up going with that and use the flat sided one as a test, cut the coal out and build the tender interior. We shall see! We have also just received news from the landlord that they are putting the property on the market, this means we have 45 days to find somewhere, so i'm not sure how frequent updates may become as modelling isn't the sort of thing you can really do in the midst of packing/moving. Fingers crossed that its a simple process, though I doubt it. That's all for now!
  14. Dave, Shite happens to the best of us mate, (I wouldn't actually know, as i'm definitely not the best of us). I'm sure you'll have it sorted in no time! Jack
  15. What do you do with the W/M parts, or do they remain and the brass is overlayed?
  16. Also has to be said that the SR varnished their coaches quite heavily, so they would have appeared a far different shade to the engines. It is a shame that the SR Malachite green looks to be exactly the same as the BR/S green.
  17. Hey Steve, Hopefully the pictures will explain, it just sits between the handrails. This means it can hinge up and down and the model can be handled, turned upside down etc without the fall-plate coming out. The end result is something like this: I think I'll end up replacing the one in 'Wellington', they are pretty simple to make the idea is just to make sure there is enough room at the back for it to pivot. Hope this helps to some effect!
  18. It was supposedly a mixed traffic engine after all
  19. This is a really excellent layout! The dioramas of the locos waiting rebuild are fantastic. May I ask, how you do the drop sheets?
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