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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. Unfortunately I'm not sure because I don't have any of these lovely coaches to measure with but I can tell you the 17 is the shortest coupler Kadee offer, the distance from the end of the NEM box to the front of the knuckle is 7.11mm https://kadee.com/htmbord/page17.htm I have one spare pair kicking around, it's unlikely i'll use them for anything else, so If you PM me your address i'm happy to send them to you free of charge
  2. I'm sure a no17 kadee would fill that gap nicely, especially with no buffers to worry about.
  3. The current lord nelson really needs a lot of work to bring it up to date, doesn't it? it's almost like a gap filler between the older Hornby tender drive schools class and the current run of china produced models. Would be awesome if the re-tooled it (I mean at least we have one). I mean I guess if they're going to do one of those fancy 3d scans on a Q, they should do whatever else is kicking around? (O1, U) Having said that, am happy that we have been very well catered for recently, and still have a few things to look forward to, it's excellent seeing the samples for the P class tank and (finally) the B4.
  4. Are they raised or printed onto the glass? one is possible, the other is.. less.
  5. ah you see I was thinking of buying the olive green ones just to cover myself! That way I have both if they do, and a set to repaint if they don't! Of course I understand that it all comes down to me now..
  6. Hey hey, just thought i'd show you this comparison Pre-war malachite green (black and white lining) and post war (yellow and black lining) of particular note is, the lining and painting of the steps and cylinders, smoke deflectors (not applicable to your L1 though ) and the difference in the painting/ lining of the wheels. Also AFAIK post war all cab fronts were painted black and the style of lettering changed slightly. Quick disclaimer, not my pictures - copied from google.
  7. That would be so well received. Surely there's an 0-6-0 chassis that would fit properly, and I think they already have the 6 wheeled tender? (available on one of the KA's?). That being said - with the popularity of the Bachmann C and The H in their pre-grouping liveries, someone might take the hint and look at options for other 4-4-0's, E's D's etc... But back on topic, i'm really hoping that one of the retailers has some extra stock of the Olive green H class as hattons seemed to with the SECR version. And even though it stayed in that livery until later on, I need one, to repaint black
  8. Would be really interested to know how easily they fit in. I'm assuming they are the "Coach (SECR Clipped OVAL) Sprung Buffer (Pkt 4) "? On another note, has anyone taken theirs apart yet, or can see how easy it might be to remove the glazing? I currently have a set of the olive green ones on pre-order but I was thinking of repainting them Malachite anyways, seems like a shame to paint over (and pay extra for) the extensive lining out. If it's a relatively simple process I may just get some of the BR liveried ones instead. If anyone has any pictures of how the glazing attaches and how it might come out, or if anyone has done that I would love to see!
  9. White and black lining was pre-war and yellow and black was post-war AFAIK. Looks excellent, can't wait to see it finished!
  10. Hey Chris, You're spot on there, i've based my pictures off 926, which after seeing a few other pictures, is the wrong shape, luckily I have another tender spare, so I'm going to start over I think. the one used by the southern was a little more squat than what i've managed to produce. However I might see if anyone at the club would like the tender, or would be willing to repaint it into BR green and possibly model repton as is in preservation. Will post some updates when I start and see what you think! Thanks for your feedback and kind words! Alexandra, thank you for those kind words! No, no, I'm always interested in any feedback, critiques, or discussion points people raise, regardless of whether or not they've been brought up before I think the Schools class look excellent with those big bogie tenders, I'm thinking about trying to pick up a malachite lord nelson tender and use part of the DCC chip relocation in a spare schools tender I have and running another 'never-was' (as they only ran during BR days). Have had a look at your thread, sadly there are a few pictures missing, but the content is great none the less. Hopefully I'll have a significant update soon! it's been a bit few and far between recently. My apologies!
  11. Hey duke, thanks for the post! Hugely informative as per usual, such a wealth of information, you add atleast 50% of the entertainment value of my thread! I had some idea of the reasoning behind the SR purchasing the tanks, mainly as dock engines, for the sharp curves etc, etc. I'm sure that i'd also read somewhere that the Guildford allocated loco was the shed/station pilot for a while. I also think it's an interesting prototype, my plans for a layout have changed slightly, but either way I'm glad I managed to pick one up! I added a 3 link a wee while ago, It's actually been a very long time since I updated! Since I last updated I also added another SR tank engine to the fleet, this one started out life as the BR version Another odd prototype I wanted to model was the schools class high sided tender, While Repton currently has one of these tenders in preservation there was actually (AFAIK) one that was paired to a schools class (936?) I manged to find a photo of one in Wartime black so i'm thinking some time between 1943-1945. It still needs a few things to finish it off but it's all one colour now! Any input on this one would be appreciated! Thanks again for all your support guys, I am still lurking on the forums just been busy as per usual! That's all for now!!
  12. Update! Nothing hugely exciting, finished repainting and renumbering The C class and a USA dock tank. The C class had the cab repainted cream and the boiler backhead painted black. Still waiting on the detailing kit to arrive for the brake-rigging, and some crew/coal and it'll be done. Chose a number at random, from a picture of one of the class with this number at Guildford in BR days And the USA dock tank, again, number taken from a photo of one of the class at Guildford during BR days I'm still not sure if it should be a screw link or a 3 link coupling on the front - any advice would be excellent! thanks for reading guys!
  13. Update! Bachmann C class While this is a nice model of an excellent and long lived prototype, I find that the model leaves a little bit to be desired. Some of the main issues for me are the brake details, especially on the tender where they are molded to the frames and not in-line with the wheels, the lack of any representation of inside valve gear, and the huge seam running down the boiler, there are a few other small things which with a small bit of effort could be better represented (I think) - also to my eye the numbers and lettering are an odd colour so will be replaced with some hmrs transfers. I've made a start at removing the molded brake detail, and will be replacing it with the brassmaster detail kit Thankfully the body comes apart easily enough, so will make a start on a few other things. That's all for now, hopefully more updates soon!
  14. Duke, I missed that huge wealth of information and pictures when I posted my first reply, please don't think I was ignoring you! WOW, those are some excellent shots, I've decided to model something like Guildford as to leave myself some creative room. It seems like the most common services were the Reading to Redhill ones. All of the information about coaches are excellent - I've just placed an order for southern coaches in colour by Michael Welch, hopefully that will give me some further insight! Thanks to everyone's help I've managed to decide on a number for my CK - 5653 from Set 203: I've also got a number on the malachite (ish) PMV. A decision has also been made to start using screw couplings and 3-link couplings on all of my stock as you can see here on both parcel vans - only the coaches which will have kadee's fitted, and run in sets. I still have NO idea when i'll start the layout or how it's going to be built. More and more I want to make it roundy roundy - with the station building and carriage sidings included. We shall have to see how much room i'm able to secure when we have our own house. This arrived today! Which means that when I get some time this weekend I will try and get my eye in and give some weathering a go! That's all for now, still biding my time, researching, and buying more books than I think I ever have! As usual, thanks for reading guys!
  15. Duke, excellent update as usual. You always have such a tasty amount of content! I struggle to write more than a few lines, but the information the accompanies each picture (even though they've gone missing in the post above) is fantastic and really gives a depth to what you are trying to create and the story you're telling! Please keep it up!
  16. Thanks everyone for your comments and graham that looks excellent, 243 was one of the ones with the dogs on the smokebox? Thank you very much, excellent photos there! gives me a good overview of the lay of the land. Hey Chris, Thanks for that, it's extremely helpful when trying to piece together sets! thanks for telling me now! they were pesky to do! I guess I was just trying to make them all the same, but it's very strange that Hornby has modeled them incorrectly. Hey tony! This was covered in another thread I believe, the malachite green applied to the Hornby SR liveried coaches and the Br ones are actually exactly the same, which is a huge variation from the malachite applied to locos or indeed the railroad range, It was discussed that the Southern varnished their coaches quite a lot so it may come down to the darker colour being because of that. It seems like a bit of a grey area to me, even though I'm not 100% happy with the colour as it comes from Hornby I doubt that i'll be repainting them, weathering definitely though! Thank you tony, I'm glad you're enjoying things! update again soon!
  17. Hey Duke, Thank you so much for that information! However I must point out, when I bought it it was in BR livery, I painted the drop-lights and added the SR numbering. I was at first confused about the 7 compartment as opposed to 8 because I was comparing it to an 8 compartment 3rd, thanks to you it should have a number fairly soon! I just need to decide what set to make it a part of. The information about coaches is extremely helpful, I'm still trying to figure out is coach 1267 (part of set 328) is a 1st or a third, are you able to shed any light? You will most likely prove to be a valuable resource when it comes time to actually build a layout. It's going to be a representation of Guildford I think as opposed to an accurate replica. So King Arthur's made it on shed? Sadly I've not been able to find a photo of that. another benefit of being a representation is that everything can be Faux accurate and I can run whatever takes my fancy!
  18. My workbench link is in my signature also here - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/120327-southern-motive-power/
  19. Update! Took a trip up to my local model shop - which is also on the steam preservation line, there are a bunch of restored coaches and water tenders about too! I also found this inside the shop, I think it was 5" gauge and coal fired, It was fairly hefty, and so was the pricetag, $4000nzd (2200gbp approx). Slightly cheaper was this BR maunsell coach, which I ended up getting for about half of what was on the box - It was too good to pass up and I didn't even really think about it, i just snapped it up. The only issue was the window on the other side looks like it's smashed. Oh well, I thought this was no big deal, then I realised that it's actually a 7 compartment coach and not an 8, there's piping on the roof, etc.. This was all starting to look a bit pear shaped. Of course, being me, this was after i'd done this - This is where I come to you, my audience to tell me what this coach needs to be backdated to SR, both pipes on the roof need to go? I've also left it un-numbered for now as i'm not sure what fits best. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! That's all for now though - off to the club tomorrow so will hopefully get some good photos there!
  20. Hey Duke, That Schools class makes me cry! If you need a hand repairing it please let me know as I have some spares kicking around, and have taken more than one apart! really enjoying the updates!
  21. Update! Another spot of renumbering has left me with 741 'Joyous Gard' - waiting for etched plates and she's done! crew and all Also spent some time on this, to prove i can do more than paint and renumber: What an excellent taste of kitbuilding in 4mm, will order more cambrian kits quite soon, as they do an excellent range of prototypes! In the same vein of kitbuilding I was prompted to break out this - With my airbrush arrival imminent, it means I can finally get this 7mm kit (that i've had sitting unfinished for the past 2 years) painted up and finished! That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  22. Thanks Steve, glad you like them! Definitely plan to weather everything, waiting for my airbrush to turn up in the post and then get my eye in with it and then i'll go for it!
  23. Update! Thanks again to chris who advised me of the correct number for what is now the final malachite M7, any future ones - hoping to procure a long framed version, will be black. I think that probably concludes most of the renumbering for now, sadly this basic repainting and renumbering is the majority of my modelling at the moment. But i'm enjoying it anyways! Thanks for reading guys, will update again soon hopefully!
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