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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. Ooooh, the K10 is loco that recently piqued my interest, I will be following along closely. Is there a current producer of a K10 kit?
  2. When I repainted my LWSR rebuilds, I opted for a dark/dirty grey, which I assumed would have just been somewhat standard after a few years without overhaul. Do we think this would be accurate-ish? As I plan to respray my Birdcages roofs the same colour.
  3. Sunshine black P duly pre-ordered, What an exciting time for pre grouping designed tank engines. P/B4/H etc
  4. Thanks Tony! If I can find the correct replacement transfers they will definitely be getting resprayed. They come apart really easily, and it looks like the glass wouldn't be too hard to get out. the the gate section,as you can see, just slides out. Will keep you updated with how I go! As for the WD, It did seem to me like it was geared slow, I got in contact with Bachmann who I ordered a new motor through. I did try and clean the existing out with electrical cleaner but it refused to turn over. As for the springing arrangement that John referred to, there are two axles the second and last set of the drivers that are sprung. I took the chassis apart and i plan to soak it in a a solution to try and get rid of some of the grease that seems to have got very sticky. 71000 (The Duke), Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you like the Nelson, I'm definitely getting more confident. If i'm ever over in spain i'll come say hi! Also If you need any further pictures of the gate stock in pieces let me know! A quick update! I decided to shorten the loco/tender connection on the King Authurs I've got, however in doing so, I lost the electrical connection and thus the pick ups from the 8 bogie wheels on the tender. If the front bogie had pickups, then I probably wouldn't have bothered, but for a loco with 18 wheels on the track it seemed a little silly to go down to only 6 picking up current. I ordered some Micro connections from ebay and decided to give it a crack I drilled a hole in the tender, above the bogie, but far enough forward to still allow movement, and then cut it into a square-ish, the closeup shows that it's almost closer to a triangle than a square though - haha Then made up a small plastikard spacer to make sure there was a tight fit with no glue Then soldered up the plug on the loco and made sure it all worked ok - I need to get some heatshrink All I need to do is paint the red wire, and its done. Also adds a little bit of detailing between loco and tender That's all for now, thanks for reading. More updates soon!
  5. I think this probably sums it up nicely. I was actually going to say that perhaps the preserved steam environment isn't quite what someone may be trying to model if their chosen period is late 1950's, but everyones aim is different.
  6. Duke, As stated above, this is excellent, and I do sometimes tend to forget both the size and the caliber of what you have going on here. Truly awe inspiring! Rather green over all of your coaches. I also appreciate all of the effort that goes into each and every post you put up, You've posted a few times on my thread, and you seem to have an unlimited supply of reference pictures and information, which only adds to any thread you choose to post in! Looking forward to your next update! Jack
  7. John, Thank you very much! I'm glad it's of interest to people! I hope you enjoy what is to come, and of course, opinions and comments are always welcome. We will start off with the WD 2-8-0, It was recently picked up at a local show for a ridiculously cheap price, but was LNER liveried. I posted up a thread asking about he placement of the smokebox door lamp irons, it came down to 'pick your prototype' as it turns out that there were a fair few variations between the class. I managed to decide on 77090 which was a Hither Green loco her whole life. Sadly After one run on the club layout (as can be seen in a previous post) The motor seized. Joy of joys. I did flick an email off to Bachmann in regards to a replacement motor. so will see what they say, hopefully in the interim I can get it finished. Sadly until the motor arrives it's out of action, the chassis isn't very free running so I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I'll see what I can do. I am currently in the process of adding detailing and a crew. I stated with picking out the backhead details I also tried to find the appropriate sized numbers for the cabsides, however I think these are a bit big And I now realise I didn't take any pictures of the bufferbeam, but I managed to find the correct size numbers. I also fitted screw link couplings and vacuum pipes front and rear. You can also see the smokebox lamp irons fitted - only just though. Next up is the LSWR gate stock set, 373: Which I had for approx 5 mins before I pulled them apart, detailing pack fitted to the driving end, and underframes, ends and wheels airbrushed dirty black. They are now apart again, hopefully for passengers, because their absence is noticed much more due to the open layout of the coach. The roof comes away, which is excellent as they are going to be weathered next! Now i'm not sure if I should repaint them the same as I did the the LSWR rebuilds - does anyone know where I can get the 'THIRD' in Sunshine style? The Bulleid HMRS sheet doesn't have it. That's all till next time, thanks for reading!
  8. My Set 373 in malachite arrived on Friday, and at the running session at the club today I found that a fellow members Olive set arrived the same day. Please excuse the Non push-pull fitted M7. See my workbench thread for a few more pictures
  9. Hey Steve, thank you! It's an aspect that brings the models to life. I will endeavor to grab a few more next time i'm at the club! I dunno! I started a thread called WD 2-8-0's pre nationalization, and in the thread it was advised that there were recorded histories of WD's running passenger trains (only one or two occasions though), however, it won't be running on any more passenger trains as the motor went pop shortly after the video! Thank you!! I'm really taken with them, I've been seriously considering repainting all of my coaching stock. (That would be a tedious undertaking i'm sure) It's an old tin of Humbrol Enamel I was given by one of the club members, I'm worried that I won't be able to find anything similar when it runs out though Might have to try and mix my own colour-match with acrylics. Hopefully more updates soon!
  10. Quick addition, videos! Ooooh Need to work on it a little, the club layout isn't the easiest to film on. But it's nice to see some movement every now and then! Sadly the WD only got one shot in, because after the clip was filmed the motor seized, sadly the chassis isn't very free rolling so I have a feel that might have contributed to its early demise. Ah well, it will be fixed in due time, and will feature in my next update!
  11. Thanks OnTheBranchline! That's high praise for sure! Hey there CoY, First up thank you for such kind words! If you scroll up a little I actually re-liveried a BR(S) Bogie Van B into Southern Livery - it's very simple, maybe even enjoyable (if you're that way inclined), I'd love to see the finished article. As for olive green stock, without a doubt they were around post-war, I would put money on it that some must've lasted into BR ownership even, I do actually have two olive green vans, rather heavily weathered though. Modelling the Southern in the period I've chosen affords some small mercies, in that the coaching stock is in simple block colour, and most of the locos are unlined black. I wish you luck with multi-coloured coaches and lining, certainly not an enviable task! I could definitely add more variation if I expanded my time period up until about 1950ish, however much like you. I can't bear to bring myself to model anything post 31/12/47! The desk lamp was from 'The Warehouse' Which I suppose is similar to Ikea in some ways, a very handy lamp regardless Here are a few pictures I took at the club last night, Finally got Blackmore Vale finished, with draincocks and front steps, and a few replacement parts. Will update again soon, Thanks for reading!
  12. To bang on about it some more - It gives me hope for a Malachite green one!
  13. Following the trend, who's going to do LBSCR stock do we think?
  14. Looks excellent Tony! it's all practice. Some of the best advice I ever got in regards to weathering was simply 'Work from photos - Paint what you see, not what you know'. Can't wait to see your attempt at a loco
  15. I said this 16 days ago. To start with though, I finished the open third. Looking at it now, I think the numbers are spaced out a little too far. It's had a coat of matte varnish now so it's a bit late, i'm pretty happy though. Just like the bogie Van B, this isn't something that's available RTR as yet, So i'm happy that I was able to add something else of interest to the fleet of coaching stock that i'm slowly building up. Up next, and to reference my quote from the start of the post. I wasn't really happy with the Olive green Rebuilt LSWR stock, I bought them on a whim, but i'm trying to model specifically 1947, so that narrows my options for stock right down, not that i'm complaining, but obviously I'm the one that has to adhere to the guidelines I set. So, I decided to try my hand at 2 things i've not done before; 1) Repaint some coaching stock. 2) Airbrush with enamels. The result is as follows - Strip down, remove the glass, and mask up And spray. If I was to do this again I would leave the guards ducketts in, I masked up the windows regardless. Repaint/pick out the details again, refit the glass and guards duckett, add compartment numbers, 'Southern' and 'Guard' lettering, and refit to chassis. I also took the opportunity to repaint of the the BR(S) green PLVs, which is much he same process, but the roof detaches, so painting was even more of a doddle. Currently no numbers on anything yet, simply haven't had time yet It's my least favourite part! I think they will end up being set No. 46, and the PLV will be 1056. I'm pretty happy with the outcome, and now i'm tossing up repainting all of my coaching stock.. oh dear. Well until I've decided i'll leave you with a few more pictures, and thanks for reading!
  16. I had a feeling that they would. I also recall reading that the buckeye couplings were only fitted to express passenger stock - probably should've thought about that. I'll have to have a play around with screw link coupling, although the corridor connections will probably make it difficult for repeated coupling/uncoupling. I would be very interested in your go at replacing the corridor connections.
  17. Don't those T9 front wheels have traction tyres? - Actually having said that, I have one that refuses to grip regardless.. needs some looking at. let us know how you get on!
  18. I'm not a wealth of knowledge, but I think these look a little more accurate to the pictures - Dunsignalling is right though something I hadn't thought about, in that the corridor connections will actually prevent buffers touching anyways. I'm not sure if knuckle couplings would've been used for gate stock, but asa happy compromise I use No. 18 Kadee's on the Hornby Maunsell Corridor stock and they sit flush against each other on straight track, so possibly something to consider?
  19. Do you know of any replacement LSWR buffers? I know that (markits?) someone does the SECR buffers for the birdcage stock. But unsure of ones for these coaches. If you are wanting a more prototypical appearance, sprung buffers and a screw link hook would do you right.
  20. Having just moved to Screw link coupling on all of my stock, I've found that it is really only possible on anything other than prototypical radius if all of your stock has sprung buffers. it looks to me like the gate stock doesn't have sprung buffers, which is a bit of a shame, but as my set hasn't arrived yet, I can't confirm. The only downside of this is that it would make it hard to use any of the options out there that don't utilize the NEM pocket.
  21. I would really appreciate that because i'm struggling to find appropriately sized numbers for the cabside, It looks like the HMRS SR Bulleid sheet has the coach set numbers, which would be the correct size, but are in yellow. The BR sheet has the same ones but they look to be in more of a cream colour. If I could just use the sunshine numbers that would save me the hassle! If not, does anyone know of an appropriately sized number that I could obtain from somewhere?
  22. In case anyone missed it, Hattons have the Olive green brake ends in stock now too.
  23. Just be glad it doesn't have smoke deflectors, that would be an unenviable task i'm sure! Really looking forward to seeing this finished The L1 is one of my favorite prototypes, and the sooner you get your finished, the sooner one of the big manufacturers can announce their release The way you mounted the bogie is interesting, do you think you'll build up the sides of the chassis where they've been cut to fit it?
  24. Seems pretty clear cut, You pay a premium to be allowed in to see the EP's, and livery samples. Pictures of these, which are slightly less blurry than some of the pictures taken at the show (hat, coat, etc) end up all over forums and social media anyways, as Andy Y has already posted. Thanks Andy, and others that have posted pictures. As someone on the far side of the world, this is the only way I'll ever be able to see these items without purchasing them. So it actually has the opposite effect for me, without these, I would actually be purchasing blindly. I'm not sure that there's anyone that would be so offended that they weren't able to see these items that it would stop them from buying them, but each to their own I suppose. I for one am not game enough to attempt to scratch build my own H2..
  25. I'm blown away with how beautiful that H2 is. Now if you're listening Bachmann, Please, PLEASE, release one in Malachite - I don't care what you want. I don't need both arms, or legs...
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