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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. I think this is the crux, or it's the point I would try to focus on if I was a manufacturer, is that people will probably just add to their collection, the difference would be as chalk and cheese as it gets. Some people might, in the pursuit of accuracy (or whatever) replace all of their terriers, many others will (probably) hold onto them, and buy a re-tooled one. I'm surprised no-one has drawn a comparison to the new Lord Nelson. While I wait and hope they release a Malachite Version, I'm not going to move on my Bachmann one. I don't own a terrier yet, and If I was to buy one, it would be with the intention of heavily upgrading/modifying it, and as such the price I would be willing to pay for the base model would reflect that. I would happily sit on my hands and wait for a new one to be tooled up, as after you factor in etched chassis, wheels, gearbox, motor, small detailing parts, time and effort; £99 As with the P class, would probably be worth it in my eyes. Plus, as has been mentioned, the amount of versions available to produce, either through livery, or detail differences show that surely you could cater to many different audiences with not much more effort. Why not both?
  2. Cheers Chris! Will order 2 in due course and complete my set! Should really get around to numbering my LSWR rebuilds.. wonder if i'll finish this whole set before that happens? Thanks so much for the message(s) I am currently in the midst of replying to them! As for the mutterings about brass, how about my musings of moving to P4...? they are largely in my head at this stage but i'm looking at buying a small bit of track and a wagon to see how I go.
  3. Thanks Peter! Good to know, I did hear, either musings/wishlisting/or rumours that Hornby were looking at producing these. So I guess the race is on?? Duke, again to the rescue! fidning out they are not the ones produced by Bachmann, I pulled mine out this morning, I need some photos of the underside if you are able to provide some, I am confident I'll be able to make up the underframe details, but i'm not 100% sure of what they are/where they go, that and the door handle arrangement would be great! I think Hattons have one of the brake coach kits in stock, but I need 2 the hunt begins. I will also order some Bachmann Bogies, as I think you're right, for the price, and effort, they are a fairly decent replacement. In terms of the accuracy of the kit, I cannot comment, but it is good to know they are pretty spot on. They do build up quite quickly and easily, and I can see why they would've been very popular. The goal this year is to make the transition into brass, because then it opens up a huge scope for not only coaching stock but Locos as well (I desperately want a W Class). As for the 8F chassis, I bought it as an unused, unmodified chassis, and spent the better part of my Saturday night modifying the valvegear, removed the bottom slider, created the upper guide, and removed the end part of the motion bracket, I've cut this down a little more as of this morning. While it's not perfectly accurate, it definitely looks better than a simple 8f chassis (imho). The Z Class body is on it's way from GAP and so is an order from PDK and Markits. Hopefully I'll have this one done as soon as possible! Will update again when i've actually done something! Thanks for reading guys.
  4. Apologies for the poor photo, But part of the weathering process on this Bulleid Pacific included using the 'Nuln Oil' (black wash) I find that it sits nicely in all of the panel gaps, washout plugs, etc, and when it's applied with a large tipped flat brush and then, when wiped off leaves rather nice streaks, far more noticeable in a three quarter shot. I have used their paints too, and would rate them highly.
  5. Gary, Markits do an assembled sprung set, listed as: M4BufCoSECRoval Coach (SECR Clipped OVAL) Sprung Buffer (Pkt 4) £5.75 At nearly £20 inc postage for enough for 3 coaches, they aren't cheap, but they should be a direct fit - maybe a little fettling required. Once you decide to go screw link, it bites hard, you start realizing that sprung buffers aren't a gimmick, and become both practical and functional.
  6. I really hope they do another release, then I can shut up about wanting one in malachite!
  7. An excellent run of pictures Tony - you have again succeeded in making me green (malachite or olive?) with envy!
  8. Duke, WOW! I can't even explain how useful that is. You're very right about not being able to just pop down the road, and having never actually been the UK and being somewhat unfamiliar with the geography, it definitely makes things challenging. that definitely helps me with routes, however the more I learn, the more I feel i should err on the side of a layout based in not-a-real-place, but a combination, Fisherton Saurm Springs to mind, as being a plausible location with train movements and allocations assigned to fit in with said location. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that out! Hopefully the new years/Christmas period was good to everyone! here's a quick update! Of course I would start a kit only for it to be announced as a new release by Bachmann this year, A Bulleid Composite Currently working on the body, its an Ian Kirk kit, was relatively cheap. But my motivation for finishing it has suddenly vanished.. I wonder why! No doubt I shall come around and finish it once I've scratchbuilt some of the under-frame details, which are, lacking somewhat, and detailed the bogies. I did add bearings, and the bogies are very free-running. This new arrival turned up also, courtesy of a member on here. She's waiting for detailing parts and then a light weathering and crew, I have already added the number above the bufferbeam, and it was bought with no 'SOUTHERN' on the tender, so that's been added also. Really growing on me, these silly spam cans! I've also ordered some of the original cabs from the SRG to change 'Blackmore Vale', to something else. I probably should've done this before I weathered it though! Finally, there is something in the works here with this 8F chassis with modified valve gear, this close up actually cruelly highlights some things I need to address and trim still, the end of the motion bracket needs filing to suit, and once the body is with me, I'm under the impression it will need bending also: What could it be..? Here's some bonus footage from the club - Apologies, as the club layout is something like 25 years old and the track certainly shows it. Some of the running is also less than prototypical, The finished N class with slope sided tender is yet to be shown, however it was just a simple re-number
  9. Posting as a subscription to this thread. So many quality pages to get through, and so little work to skive off from..
  10. Phil, I too would be really interest to find out when they changed too, if it's any time after 1947 that means I'm going to need to change my pre-order to the olive green one, and then i'll have to re-spray it in malachite, then of course I'll have to do ALL of my coaches! (Although seeing Headstocks respray, it is a very convincing argument to do them all anyway) Fingers crossed.
  11. Guess its time for me to find my required prototype at the correct time... if the tank top details are separately applied it might make things easier!
  12. Oh dear. Need to pay more attention to posting while at work it seems..
  13. Hi guys, I'm after an N15x Kit, not fussed on the condition, can be unfinished or untouched. please pm me if you have one and would be willing to part with it! Kind regards
  14. Not sure If I missed it, but I was sure in the first announcement we got there were only 3 malachite green coaches to be released, but now it looks like there are 4 the new one looks to be 34-725A and 34-725. It's showing up this way on the hattons website. Are there now 4 or is there a mistake somewhere?
  15. Have pre-ordered the BR/S one with the intention to backdate to Bulleid livery, are there any detail differences that would prevent me from doing so?
  16. I got the southern railway Lined black one to, err, update, into Bulleid livery. Would this not be easier as there is no smokebox number plate or are there certain details you were trying to get with 30089? Simply curious. As I've already made a mistake with an LBSC liveried E4..
  17. Purely speculation here guys, but does anyone have any thoughts or rationale behind the Malachite Green releases being charged at £63.71, when they are surely less intricate (no lining) than the SECR/Olive green ones which are £55.21? Makes me wonder whether it's worth the effort to buy some Crimson ones and repaint them.. Hmmm
  18. I'm glad that there was an LBSC version produced. The H1 has a very complex looking running plate! Am I allowed to whinge about the lack of a Malachite green one though? I really shouldn't, as there's some new malachite southern coaches too. I probably will anyway
  19. I model pre-nationalisation SR... It seems that the majority of comments are, don't get rid of them because it hurts the resale value, but I'm really not worried about the resale. Admittedly. I may kick myself some years down the track, but for the last 10 years this has been the area and time period I am interested in, I do not see this changing any time soon. To add to that, nearly everything has been repainted or had weathering applied to some degree, so this would probably effect the price at resale even more. I might list them up and see how I go!
  20. Is there a market for empty boxes? For the longest time I was focused on taking the model out of the box, detailing, modifying - whatever,and then putting it back in the box. For a while this made sense as I had no other storage system. However after having been to the club, and having to get 10 maunsell coaches out of their boxes, and then back into the appropriate ones.. I decided this had to stop, and have now moved to another means of storage. The issue is, that I now have a huge collection of boxes that are taking up more space than my current storage method. I do not plan to sell any of the models I have, or plan to buy, so keeping the boxes is not a priority. There are some ebay sellers who sell empty boxes, but i'm not sure with what success they move boxes on, especially when they're advertised for $50 per box. However my question is, is there actually a market for empty boxes? Or am I better off just finding space to hang onto them? - Mods feel free to delete or move this topic if it's not in the right place, can't think of where else it would go
  21. I do like the lining on the olive green, however my time period necessitates Malachite, and I definitely prefer it. I'm also thankful that I don't have to do any coach lining! Thank you so much Duke, as usual your posts add more to my thread than I seem to. I haven't actually decided on a specific line, so the numbers were more of me just using up some old 7mm transfers that were about to dry out. I will see maybe if they fit with my proposed location. Which is ever changing at this stage - currently thinking of Norwood junction, but I think much like Fisherton Saurm, may end up being a mix of two real locations to make one fictional one. Hey Tony, thanks for that, just picked up a copy from ebay! I'm not sure if this will encourage me to actually use the appropriate numbers - we shall see! ________ Merry Christmas to all, and hopefully you all see the New Year in happily and safely! thank you to all that have read and commented and like my ramblings over the last little while, your presence and support is hugely appreciated!!
  22. This is fantastic! the track work and scenery is amazing, so realistic. There's been a nagging voice in the back of my head about moving to P4.. and this aint helping!
  23. This has been an excellent read and I am looking forward to seeing more updates!
  24. Nile - this link should see you right John - I had played around with the idea for other ways of shortening the connection and eventually decided on retaining the ability to uncouple the tender, I used the coupling provided on the Hornby schools class locos as the new permanent connection between loco and tender is not ideal for me as I would prefer to be able to disconnect the loco/tender without having to whip out a screwdriver. I still have another KA to do though so we shall see what else I can think of! Duke - The placement of this was thought out to some extent - the bogie wheel can pivot freely and the wires aren't too big so as they still allow free movement. I do however need to look into modifying the bogie wires as you have done. Maybe some more 'Clever design' is needed?
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