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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. 30 more days, although it depends where you are, the UK is +12, -1 but a day behind, I think. Depending on Daylight Saving. Which it is. Or is't...
  2. I come to you from the future, at the time of writing it is 9:46am, March 1st 2018. No sign of the H Class yet, I must say I am full of disappointment.
  3. Does anyone have any information as to when in March the Southern liveried ones are due?
  4. I'm surprised, they've been in the back of a few photos! All in good time (further down this post) In all honesty, I haven't a clue. I Must say, I think I know half as much s I thought I did, and that's still much less than the least knowledgeable on here - Bulleid Pacific's aren't my preferred SR prototype, and plenty of modellers better than I have covered them, So one or two (maybe three, and definitely a MN if Hornby release one in the appropriate condition) will do me just fine, while I try and focus on other locos/coaches. That being said, I would like to get it right, so I will make sure to do my due diligence before deciding on a final engine. UPDATE! As was probably seen in my recent post, I have made some headway with the Bulleid 'Shortie' Coach, and sadly progress is slow, the only reason its had some colour is because there was a little bit left in the airbrush after painting something else and I want to see how it would look. Still have to sort out door handles, another battery box and some other under-frame details, the interior and the glazing and it'll be done (yes that's all). Jumping to something of a rarer colour, this EMU saw some weathering, I also gave the interior of the cab a quick once over and dry-brush, but it now occurs to me that It probably wouldn't be that dirty in there, not sure if the interior was cream in colour, if so, while the glazing is out, i'll load some of the appropriate colour into the airbrush and sort it out. I will try and get better pictures next time too. Below is a rather filthy PLV, complete with tail lamp, this is actually finished. It won't be repainted and will form the final vehicle in my rake of similar vans. Next up is 21c159, looking very Ex-works, not sure if I should have a go at her with some Klear, and try make her shiny.. Will tone down the coupling rods though, as they are far too bright. And last but not least - I was wanting to keep these under wraps until they were finished, however I've had some difficulty locating the required transfers. My thanks go out to Lynda at Fox transfers (usual disclaimer, no association, even from the other side of the planet, just a happy customer) She has agreed to print the remaining transfers, however they will not be ready for a few months, which I suppose means I can get them well and truly finished in that time. LSWR Gate Stock - Repainting I'm also looking for the small white writing that should be on the cab end of the coach, no doubt someone already makes it as a transfer, but i'm sure I checked.. That's all for now anyways folks, as usual, please point out any error or flaws you may see, I always welcome it. Thanks for reading, until next time!
  5. Hey there fellow Southern modellers, I'm looking for some info on the interiors of (specifically) the LSWR Gate stock, in the post-war, pre-nationalization period, The Kernow Model has the interior 2 tone, with cream upper and crimson. I'm in the throes of repainting my set, and in removing the glazing, i've removed some of the paint, and I just want to know if I should be repainting the interior 2 tone again, or if it was fully cream at this point in its life. While I'm at it, I thought i'd ask about the interiors of other PLV's,Van B/C's, and other Coaches etc, did they have cream interiors too around this period (1945-47), I was under the firm impression they did. However some photos from the SEMG website show the interior of the guards compartment of one of the coaches painted in a sort of lime green, Was this a later addition, something done in preservation or was it correct for that period? I have a couple of books on the subject of coaches, but my copy of "An Illustrated History of Southern Pull-push Stock" hasn't arrived yet. Which I assume possibly contains the answer I seek. Hopefully this isn't too vague, and thanks to all that respond. Cheers
  6. I'm probably best to change the digit then! This isn't the first time this has happened either.. Thanks Chris!
  7. Both the crest and the safety valves ill be attended to in due course, She's in multiple bits at the moment, and isn't going to be re-incarnated as 21c123. Probably one of the first few locos with short deflectors. Thanks for looking out though guys!
  8. That brake detail is so fine! Such a beautiful model.
  9. Chris! Thank you, (But also damn you)! Could I change the layout of the cab to represent LHD or is the actual model incorrect for the number?
  10. Quick update: Painted up the chimney on Eton. After comparing it to the Hornby offering I fitted to 938, I think the latter needs to be changed out. Its frustrating, because looking at this side on photo I really think they need the rear bogie splashers, the lack of them is very obvious. I had considered having them 3D printed, but It's not something i'm familiar with. I've also been doing a few small things on the Z All the handrails are sorted, up to the cab, used some plastikard strip to represent the beading for the edges. I'm waiting on an Archers sheet of rivets to add, in no uncertain terms, a shitload of them. There are some prominent ones above the cab, as well as the front bufferbeam. Speaking of, the detailing of which is next. You can also see the rear bufferbeam being rebuilt. Still not all that happy with how I think this model is gonna end up, but the more I do to it, the more I'm convinced i'm going to get a brass kit. This will be a decent enough stop-gap though. Excuse the blurry photo! In the same re-painting vein, here's an N Class, one of the slope sided tender equipped ones. It's been repainted for a while but I've only just got around to finishing off the numbering Nothing special, Considering picking up another one to turn into an N1. Slightly more special is this Van B, I decided to repaint this one instead of just re-numbering, Adds a bit of a variety, but the more I do these, the more i'm tempted to repaint all of my coaching stock. Perhaps I should tackle a loco next? Excuse the overspray on the ends, it's not done yet, but I shall be attending to it after this post is written! That's everything for now, as usual, thanks for reading!
  11. Fantastic. Makes me want to go back to 7mm.. UGH.
  12. Thank you kindly Rob! I would like to think I'm getting better - Slowly slowly! I've been doing a few small things recently, Don't feel like I've got anywhere enough done though! I ended up removing the number on my re-numbered composite coach and applying it slightly further inboard than it was I did say small things! I also managed to get transfers for the WD, Replacement motor still hasn't arrived. but at least it looks the part now. I also fitted a crew to the WD, and while I was at it, I also removed one of the Cab doors, from the USA tank, and fitted a crew in there too, bit of a tight squeeze though! I also gave 900 Eton a bit of a facelift, PDK Lemaître Chimney and a SR 3 Loop screw coupling which was partially built from a Hornby coupling and the RT etched fret It's currently in the paint shop. Here's the freshly weathered Blackmore Vale It is a bit of a shame that I got her to this point, because she'll need to be repainted! Finally, My Z class Kit arrived from GAP. Which required a fair bit of filler in some of the holes. The front steps were damaged, so I used some strips of plastikard to rebuild them. I also fitted the lip under the smokebox on the saddle. The rear cab plate was quite badly out of shape, so I cut it out and made another from plasikard. I made a start on reforming the cylinder covers to try and get them to be more accurate to the prototype profile. I also cut the cab doors out and fitted the handrail knobs, washout plugs and safety valves. I am currently working on cab handrails and getting the rear cab spectacles cut out. I also sanded down the rear buffer beam and removed the footplate lip at the back, and fabricated a new one out of plastikard to try and get the profile right. This sin't shown in these photos but i'll try and get a few more soon. I'm currently also working on the bunker steps and hand rails as there are a few. I have the SOUTHERN BIG TANKS book number 3 which has proved to be invaluable and shows that even with such a short run of engines, each one had very small differences, I haven't done anything specific to a certain prototype yet as i'm still deciding which to model. Having said all of this, it does make me wish I'd started with a Brass kit, as there are so many compromises and i'm not sure how good the finished product will be. I'm seriously considering selling it on once its complete and buying a brass kit. Ah well, as usual thanks for reading, and hello to any new browsers! What's going on here though...?
  13. Thank you kindly Mark! I'm not sure about skills and knowledge - Lots of the information and know how comes from other people, 71000 contributes almost as much as I do! A quick update: Will post a more in depth update tonight to bring everyone up to speed!
  14. Forgive me if I've misunderstood - but wouldn't it be up to those who design the stock as opposed to those who produce it to determine the height the nem socket would come out at?
  15. Manna, An excellent thread, really enjoyed coming up to speed. You don't half muck about do ya? I like the look of the Klondike, you must go through a fair bit of plastikard though!
  16. Looking excellent. What do I need to send you to have my own one made? Any updates? Where do you plan to get the lining from?
  17. I agree whole heartedly, the heat has been insufferable - that is, except for today, Tropical cyclone weather! Although looking out the office window over the waterfront, at least the rain has stopped. Nearly a decade before my time, but I do remember seeing them, also remember seeing them out of service on the far side of wellington station, what seems like a few years ago, but was probably close to 10!!
  18. General question - if one was to look at replacing the corridor connections on these coaches, where would they look to find the required bits?
  19. Would like to know also. That Picture of Normandy is fantastic, would love to see more if you can find them
  20. That's an ingenious solution if i've ever seen one! As always, excellent and inspirational modelling
  21. Hey guys, I am hopeful the collective mind of the Southern Railway Group, can hopefully provide some answers. I'm simply after the approximate colour of the southern railway steam loco crew uniforms. However for thread completeness, Would also be interested to know about shed staff, EMU drivers, station staff etc, if anyone has photos of anything they have inherited, that would be awesome! Obviously the colours faded with time/washing/wear but just looking for the original! Thanks guys
  22. A very interesting way of doing things, I particularly like the look of the capped rail. Had you considered simply doing the sleepers in template for points? With, as you say maybe just the check rails and the wing rail extensions printed, along with maybe some half chairs? While the Sintered Nylon doesn't look as clean, with some ballast and weathering, it might look like track grime, maybe a little thick but close? Definitely interested to see how these progress!
  23. How the ??? have I not found this thread! Excellent Nile! But why would I expect any different from you!
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