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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. I hate to get on here and complain, but, honestly, NZ post is just as bad. Hattons advertises avg. 5 working days, it used to take this long, now its double that, and regardless of when I order I always seem to receive stuff on a Friday. I just want my P! / rant
  2. This is such a nice build, I have enjoyed skiving off work to read through. Seriously makes me regret moving back to 4mm.. Maybe I need one of these anyway.
  3. Tony, Thank you for your kind words Re: my work. I'm glad (albeit a little surprised) you took up my suggestion! My only ask (aside from you cataloging your entire fleet, of course) is that the photos are uploaded somewhere stable. The Photobucket crash means that there are so many threads out there that are reduced to almost dead content, due to broken links, and photos that aren't there anymore. This collection of images is very important, as I would say it is up there as one of the biggest Post Grouping/Pre-BR collections of SR stock out there, and it would be a shame for it to be lost. Chris Phillips is an excellent modeller, I have browsed the pages of his website more times than I wish to mention, I've seen, what must be plenty of your models in the BR/SR part. When you're done with the loco's you can make a start on the coaches, maybe in set number, or would diagram number be easier?
  4. Lanakshire Model Supplies (LMS), they supplied all of the whitemetal parts on this model, and while i'm listing things, the two black vacuum hoses are Hornby, and the coupling is Roxey. Thanks very much for your comments! I now realise all of the photos are quite washed out and pale, still trying to get used to a proper camera, and get my head around editing software. My apologies all.
  5. Thanks Chris, I think I've found one or two that would be suitable. Those buffers are a minefield! 1519 looks promising, i found a negative on ebay that shows it in this condition (am going to make sure before i leap though) Getting closer to finishing the air control van, tonight I managed to add the buffer-beam pipes, get the glazing done, test fit couplings, and get the torpedo vents on the roof. I still need to do the end handrails, but I've just noticed, my last .50 drill bit, snapped. Damn. While the H is still un-numbered I fitted the buffer-beam details, a slightly modified Hornby screw link, and the vac pipe. I'll leave you with this shot of the weathered (and incorrectly lined) M7 243. Thanks for reading!
  6. Excellent thread! I will try and get through more pages when I get home from work
  7. I'm sure someone said in this thread that the next one in sequence, (1325?) did also. I think 1519 is a potential re-number. Had the larger buffers - unless anyone has any other info to the contrary
  8. If anyone is able to ask at any upcoming shows, (or has any insider info) any updates to the release date of the Malachite coaching stock? (or an H2?)
  9. Absolutely, check out a few of these pictures https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/SR-and-BRS/SECR-tender-engines/i-6dhxFGx/A https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/SR-and-BRS/SECR-tender-engines/i-J4zxhSv/A
  10. I hope you mean that! Anyone with any suitable number suggestions - please let me know!
  11. Sorry for the double post, But this is the state of play for my H, just over 24 hours later. Anyone have suitable number suggestions? Will post future updates on it on my workbench topic (link in sig) Wonder if this is one of the first ones/the first one in the world to be repainted?
  12. Obviously due to be announced any day now! (Is it the only main livery left?)
  13. I assume that means Beachy head will be a 2019 release too? That's a bit of a shame, but still quicker than it would take for me to build one!
  14. Wow, all of these photos of the P's, some excellent 'apart' shots too. Really can't wait to get mine now!
  15. Heh, Torpedo vents on their way! Glazing was finished last night, looks pretty much the same though, plenty of air pipes ready and waiting to go. I appeciate the comments RE-weathering, I'm not all that happy with the schools class, it's a bit much I think (less is more), so more refinement is needed, but I have duly taken your feedback on board, the only issue I can see myself having is that the only malachite green I have is Enamel, and I use Acrylics for weathering.. Maybe I should start mixing my own paint, and change the title to ashford works? (can you tell it's late) This little gem also arrived today I do really like the olive green, but... TBC
  16. Those are excellent, I particularly like the Photo of the River Class at the entrance to all of that lovely pointwork. Thank you very much for posting!
  17. Worth throwing out there - if anyone doesn't plan to use the coupling hooks provided, (or the entire detail bag) PM me and i'd be happy to make an offer to take them off your hands!
  18. My H arrived today, what a stunning little model she is. Half an hour in each direction, and she is so smooth straight out of the box! Will post some more photos after the weekend!
  19. Thanks GWR Joe! Yeah, I decided quite early on I wanted to have the schools class well represented, I have 4 currently. I need 2 more to have filled the roster!
  20. That S15 looks gorgeous. SR stuff doesn't appear much on these pages, I don't suppose you have any more photos of anything Southern?
  21. Oh absolutely, it wasn't so much a question of - will the Hornby one be sufficient. Just curious as to how bad the tender that came with the kit is!
  22. Good to know you have local model shops that you can support with things like that. Due to my, err, global position, I rely pretty heavily on the internet to get what I need. How much left to go now? Surely using a Hornby tender instead must save a lot of time, how bad was the kit tender?
  23. That K10 looks fantastic! Been a while since I checked up on this thread, excellent as per usual!
  24. Dave, Understandable not liking Waterslide, If you do decide to go with them, Fox Transfers do a general White/Black lining sheet. I'm not sure if the sheet you mean from HMRS is this one, but it looks like the pressfix option is available, is this an error? Possibly someone may have a spare sheet, or a partially spare sheet? Loco is looking fantastic, by the way, always seems such a shame to paint over that beautiful brass! Best of luck!
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