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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. I wonder if its the flywheel hitting something inside the smokebox, IIRC some of the first SECR ones had this issue. Might be something else entirely though, does it draw significantly more current than other locos?
  2. Gosh, I wish! It's one of the Hornby LSWR rebuilds, would be excellent if I could build a coach to that standard!
  3. I thought I would ask here, http://www.ipernity.com/doc/philsutters/26520259/in/album/515657 the E4 in this picture has riveted side tanks, and a row of rivets around the back of the smokebox. When were the rivets added?
  4. Rt is excellent, They also do the SR 3 link couplings, which are very fiddly but do build up nicely! Finished off another LSWR rebuild, this was 320 now 373. I am looking forward to the release of the malachite birdcages to see how my colour compares, it's certainly brighter than Hornbys version. This one was painte with railmatch, the other ones I've done are with an old Humbrol tin, there is a slight difference, the railmatch is a bit paler. I need to sit down and mix my own some day. That's all for now
  5. That's a shame, Wyndal was an excellent little layout. Excited to see what you do next though!
  6. Now that it is all glued together, It might be a tad late to change them. Which is a shame, maybe i'll try and sort the correct ones for my next build, I need to order a few things from Comet anyways. Short update tonight, Finished repainting another (correct prototype this time) E4 into wartime black, added a fireman, and some cab details, and weathered the interior a little. Sorry about the dust, I need to remember to brush things off before I photograph them. My P arrived yesterday too, all I did was fit the detail pack, tweak the pickups a little and gave it a decent running in. Here it is in a sort of David and Goliath pose, I also fit out the WC with front steps and draincocks from RT models. I need to get on and finish the H off, i've chosen the number 1162, I just need to pull finger and get it finished. That's all for now, might be some more updates soon, i'm expecting one or two brass kit to turn up in the coming weeks, and thus should hopefully begin my foray into kit-building. Thanks for reading!
  7. Though I'd drop in now that my E4 is done, and just so happens to be the next in sequence numerically I took a bit of a gamble with the bufferbeam number, I've seen a few LBSC locos with the number on the left, and a few with it on the right. The E4's didn't need the triangle on the beam too did they? Would like to see OP's when it's done!
  8. My P arrived yesterday I can't get over how small it is! Runs so very smoothly too. Well done Hattons. Now roll on the other two small tank engines (B4 and Terrier)
  9. Would you say the ones on this ACV are the wrong type in that case? I did try and find some SECR specific ones, but had no luck..
  10. I regret buying the Oxford radial over the Hornby one. the Oxford one loses traction when there's even a slight dip in the track. Love the photos, I, like you, am born in the 90's and modelling late Southern (as you well know by now) it's fantastic to see your work. Any updates over the last month?
  11. I have only just stumbled across this thread but I am excited to read through it, looks superb so far!
  12. That SECR D is amazing! The quality of your work is truly breathtaking. One could be convinced they were the real thing with the addition of a background. Glad I came across this thread. Looking forward to future updates!
  13. I like the look of the D1, is it a SEF kit Graham?
  14. Coachmann, I've only just found this thread so I have plenty to go through. But the quality of modelling is superb!
  15. Wow, that looks fantastic. You've done an excellent job. not a wheel out of place up against those RTR models.
  16. I have that same tab open right now, that's why I wondered, as it was photographed at Brighton early 1949, I wonder if it would've ventured there in 1947.. Also interested in late SR photos of either of those 2.
  17. Oops, to be totally honest i'm not sure either. I'm after info on 1178 and 1557. Must be focusing too much on work, while at work.. have edited the original post to reflect this.
  18. First a rant, and now double posting (someone get rid of him!) Is anyone able to shed some light on if 1558 (the SR sunshine version) could be renumbered as either 1557 or 1178, I'm unable to find any info in regards to buffers, cabs etc. any help greatly appreciated
  19. I have to say 'snap' I just finished repainting one into wartime black and am trying to decide on the appropriate number. I'm not doubting you or your sources, but I was under the impression that black locos on had it only on the front buffer beam?
  20. I was always concerned about brake cleaner taking the lining off, but using it on a cottonbud isn't something i'd thought to do, will try this out!
  21. Not sure if it's been covered here, I apologize if it has, but I don't fancy going back through 68 pages to try and find it: Does anyone know the correct way for the vac pipes to be fitted to the front buffer beam for the PP mainland versions? cheers
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