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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. I don't reeeeeally understand why they're taking so long to release this livery variation. I mean the actual model is done - and the livery doesn't have any complex lining.. where are the men in malachite?
  2. I'm sorry to thread hijack - You seem to know your stuff about kitchen cars, Could you possibly tell me if the position of the lettering is correct on this example? Also what a suitable number would be, and what sets it/they ran in? Kind regards
  3. I realise for some reason none of what I wrote is present in the above post - i'll go back and amend that soon (read: at work) I spent some of the weekend trying to make progress on the Maunsell Restaurant Car. It just needs numbers now - but before I do that I wanted to check, what do people think of the positioning of the lettering? It's a bit of a mix and mash between what Hornby did with the olive, and what the BR version looks like Hopefully I'll have more updates soon!
  4. If I could ask, whats the name of the layout that looks to be SR (IOW maybe?) Wartime themed?
  5. Thanks Tony! I feel that, at least I don't have any trouble sleeping! I am keen to go to Warley at some point in the future - I was recently advised that one of my uncles used to be development manager of the NEC. I was also told that the bluebell is doing a massive southern railway gala in 2020 and plans to have a large display of SR layouts - something i'll definitely need to go to. Always interested in seeing your progress, I think the weathering is really adding that final touch to the stock and locos. Thank you! There is plenty on this loco that I do think could've been done differently when it was redesigned - regardless I do think it is a handsome one, and is well proportioned! Without much to report on, I thought I'd post these: Just a fancy shot of my 2 KA's showing the differences between the oil burning, and non oil burning version This was a renumbering exercise I was asked if I would do by the club chairman, which of course I did!
  6. There's a lot of useful information here, would anyone here mind if I asked the opposite question - What Hornby Pullmans would be suitable for pre 1950's?
  7. Heya Tony, I'm A-OK just been hell-for-leather with work, coupled with a project car that's been taking up most of my weekends and weeknights, it's hard to find time for modelling - or even thinking about modelling! I appreciate you checking up on me nonetheless, sadly I don't really have many updates - perhaps this will serve as one? I've been plodding away at getting the lining finished, I lined out all of the wheels too, will just need a spot of black paint on the axle ends when it all goes together for the last time. I did have to crack out the soldering iron, take some paint off the chassis and add a permanent bogie mount (I don't know why I didn't think about that earlier?). No doubt it will probably foul on the valve gear - whenever it is I manage to get around to starting it! I also need to address the tender, and finish the H2! Whats new with you guys?
  8. Dave, looks fantastic as always. A very interesting prototype indeed, As for simplifying the transfer of phone to PC to website etc - download the 'Youtube' App on your phone, and then upload directly to there from your phone, this should then mean that you only need to grab the link for the video when you're on the PC and simply add it to the post. Hopefully this is clear as mud.
  9. Thanks guys! The motion shouldn't be too hard, as you say, the location makes it a bit easier than other locos. Luckily all of the locos I have lined up next have very simple outside motion - and by the time I've done all of those, I should have built up the confidence to tackle the PDK W class that arrived recently.
  10. Jesse, just had a browse through the thread! Very jealous of your space, the layout looks fantastic - the Holden doesn't look too bad either. Looking forward to seeing some updates!
  11. Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I haven't been idle - well, I've done more than nothing. Firstly I took a bit of a gamble on an H2 on eBay, it was advertised as being both in stock, and for sale at a price far below RRP, prior to the release of the H2 to anyone other than those lucky enough to obtain a review sample. It was advertised Sans box - but as I have my own storage for my locos/stock it didn't phase me, It also arrived minus the detail pack, but I have been assured by the seller that one is in the mail - of course I learnt that the detail pack comes with etched plates after I ordered my own - ah well. Here's the backdated Beachy head as she sits at the moment, still a wee bit to do to finish her off. Next the N15x recieved a coat of etch primer, I still need to sort the motion out, (which is the scary bit) but I thought I'd press on with the body regardless. No photos of it in etch primer, It did feel like a bit of a shame covering up the nice metalwork, but the etch primer went down nice and flat. There were a few areas that could've used a bit more cleaning up, but for the most part it looked pretty good. Once that had dried I added some Archers Rivets around the smokebox, as I had to file off the ones that came on the kit. Once I was happy, I gave the body a few coats of malachite green. Once that was dry I hand painted in the black areas, and started on the lining. This is where i'm at so far: The edges of the black lining look a bit rough, but the yellow lining really cleans it up. It certainly takes a fair amount of time, and lots of patience, the cab side is 9 individual pieces. It's certainly not perfect, but it's a start - only my second attempt at lining something out. I have noticed the chip in the running plate - its already been painted over in preparation for the lining.
  12. Sadly not in malachite, (holding out for Bachmann too!) but the Black repaint is nearly done.
  13. So Beachy Head wasn't painted Malachite until Oct '47? (Just to make 100% sure i'm understanding correctly)
  14. Sorry to ask again, but is anyone able to tell me if any H2's were still in black in 1947, or had they all been repainted by then? Here are some not so good videos and another photo for your viewing pleasure
  15. Here's a photo of the gorgeous cab interior I can also confirm you can straighten out the coupling rods once removed with no issues As this was more of a chance encounter than a planned thing - can anyone tell me if there were any H2's still in black in 1947?
  16. So as some of you may know, I purchased the H2 off ebay the other day, and I didn't have too much faith. Imagine my surprise when I got home tonight to find a box waiting for me, from Taiwan.. The tender doors are in the small detail bag that came with it, Which I haven't got around to fitting, because also waiting for me was a package from PDK - anyways, sorry about the not-so-great pictures and shaky phone video.
  17. I bought it, I'll let you know how I get on, as you say though, paypal offers buyer protection, which was really the main reason I hit buy now.
  18. Spent some down time at work reading through this thread, extremely impressed with the quality of the craftsmanship, Especially the flap over the door! (High praise from a Kiwi right?) Following with interest
  19. Things have been a little quiet as of late, but I have not been idle. I received my High-Level Gearbox and 1428 motor. The gearbox was actually really simple to build, the most fiddly part is getting it into the chassis, I also finished off the brake rigging, just in time for my Markits order and the correct wheels to arrive. All i'm really waiting on now, is trying to find a replacement set of valve gear. As I want it to be removable, i've got the rest of the chassis to a stage that i'm happy with. I also painted the other set of wheels, for another project i've been working on, while I was airbrushing the chassis. Nervous anticipation when I connected up power to the motor for the first time, thankfully it all runs as it should! I will use Alan Gibson coupling rods too I think. I'll need to be very careful of bushing etc, as I tried to bush the current rods with the Markits threaded crankpins and it didn't go too well. Hopefully that's my error and nothing to do with the wheels being crooked on the axles. The body is very nearly ready for painting too, and with some corrective surgery, the tender is also one step away.
  20. Seems like an odd place for it to be, as for both the BR and Olive green versions the lettering is below the third window in the dining section. I haven't looked at my version of 'An illustrated history - nor am I arguing, because I believe you! Just seems to be out of kilter when you compare it to the earlier and later versions
  21. Thanks mate, I might just give it a go. I just wanted the effect to be subtle - you can probably see it best on the coupling hook of the H. That Metalcote Gunmetal is such a good colour!
  22. Thanks guys, I can safely conclude that while there wasn't the huge movements that there would've been during the war, they still would've been common sights!
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