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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. Ok Bachmann, I've done it, now you have to!
  2. This is certainly exciting news! I (and i think many others) would welcome an SECR D with open arms! I do think though, (and i'm sure this has been discussed 1000+ times) the way model prices are going, it's reflective of the end result, from what I understand, the people that purchased the GNR Single were happy with the price for what is (arguably) a more niche model than the D would be. Look at OO Works prices, they produce 'expensive' limited runs and still manage to sell out. I am by no means trying to incite an argument here, but I was actually astounded when I looked at the prices of Continental and US models, $300+ USD for an unpainted brass model is not uncommon. To get back on topic though, I do agree that it is very restrictive if a model is priced as a 'one off' 'big buy', I think Hornby have kind of hit the nail on the head with their terrier there - cheap enough to impulse buy one, maybe two - and if there are more liveries or variations, maybe a couple more!
  3. I love the music! Absolutely fantastic modelling too!
  4. Thank you guys! Exactly what I was looking for, managed to get in contact with Hubert from MRD, and will have a look through my options from Dart and Wizard!
  5. Another update! I received my Narrow Planet order of some SECR and LBSC works plates and fitted them to the first H class. They are really fantastic, they have the full printing on them too. I was scrolling through some of the photos on my camera last night and I noticed this one of the H2's tender. I do not want to come across as boastful or conceited - but I feel like I have improved immensely when this is compared to the N15x's tender. The lines are straight and even, it's by no means perfect, but its better than the last one, which I think is what's most important! My version of 'Beachy' is painfully close to being finished. All it needs now is the thin black lines added to the boiler bands, and a light weathering. 100x more effort than another black repaint, but so, so worth it, I think I've even learned a few things along the way. All told so far, I think the lining alone has taken me maybe 25 hours? I've been trying to branch out from what feels like the usual, as such, I've got a flood of Cambrian kits to get through, and I have more on the way, it's time to start focusing on rolling stock, goods trains, milk tankers and sprung buffers. Without getting too sappy; It may not come across via RM, but I am hyper critical of what I do, and as such, being able to actually acknowledge to myself that I am improving has been a big stumbling block up to this point, the Patrons of this thread, (and the lurkers) have absolutely helped me get to this point - so thanks guys! To finish, here's a little preview of what's next:
  6. Hi guys, I am frantically trying to find a supplier of sprung buffers for the constituent companies of the Southern Railway (and the SR itself). It seems pretty easy to find loco and in some cases coach buffers, but I am on the hunt for wagon buffers. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction, or detail what they might've done to make do? Am I missing a very obvious option? Cheers!
  7. Another quick update - Had my first crack at a road vehicle today. I decided that at least one my of Warwells needed a load, and a tank wouldn't really be right for late 1947, but in keeping with the military theme I decided on an Oxford Diecast David Brown RAF tractor. I still need to figure out how to secure the chains to it. The tractor has been given a light weathering, it's supposed to represent one that's work-stained but has been given a recent clean. I also started weathering the Warwell too, only a light pin wash on the rivets on top I removed the box from the left hand step, just to make it slightly different from the factory oxford one. I also drilled a hole in the bottom of the cable drum and wound some 10amp fuse wire around it to try and represent the steel cable. I then folded the end up and painted it red as per a reference photo. Weathering so far has consisted of matte black paint to pick out some details, black and brown washes and drybrushing - Looking at it, I think maybe some powders would finish the wheels off nicely. I need to figure out how to secure the it down, and where i'm going to fit the chains and then I can crack on with getting the Warwell finished. That's all for now!
  8. Tony, That looks fantastic! I would be well pleased. It is a shame about the windows going white - did you happy to use any super glue inside the coach at all? I know that some glues will fog clear plastic in a similar fashion. Also, would you be able to explain where/how you cut the ends to make sure that when the replacement sides were added, the coach remained the right width? (I hope that makes sense!) I only ask because I've just ordered some replacement sides myself - so any tips you may have would be appreciated! Jack
  9. Thanks Broc, it took a little bit of trying to get it there, weathering/cleaning/weathering/cleaning - just like the real thing I suppose? The cream is Humbrol 103 Matt, I think it looks pretty good - nothing seems to match the manufacturers colour for cream though. The other H has a cab where the front and rear sheets are brown!
  10. You're very complimentary Dave, especially considering this was the first kit I ever built! hopefully it's not too much of a hassle having to remove the brake gear, I obviously haven't learnt to do much futureproofing. Also, if it's easier to strip the chassis of paint, feel free, i'm happy to repaint it.
  11. That Bogie looks great! I actually considered doing something similar on the N15x! Update! I spent a little bit of time doing odd jobs over the weekend. First up is my second H class, This one was always going to be a little bit more involved than just a repaint, because in 1947 there were only two of the class that had the large headed buffers on the front and rear, while many of the class had them on the rear. Luckily Branchlines were able to supply me with Kean Maygib SECR pattern sprung buffers. I had to remove the square baseplate for them to fit into the Hornby bufferbeam with the least modification, a quick snip and a spin in the drill with a file held against them (DIY lathe), did the trick. I managed to get the Hornby buffers out by wrapping a cloth around them, then gently pulling with some pliers. One just popped out, but the other broke off at the base, a quick spin with a cutting broach loosened up the remaining plastic and I was able to glue the new buffers in place. They were painted with Tamiya XF-7 Flat red. You can see the difference it makes to the 'face' of the loco. This photo also cruelly exposes the smokebox join, It seems to be worse on the rear one, but they both need some adjustment to sit flat. Prior to all of the modification I pulled the body apart, removed all the lining, painted some of the nooks and crannies with the airbrush, and hit the rest of it with Satin Black out of a spray can. There were a few things I wanted to do differently from the last one, the first of which was to paint the inside of the cab with cream (I'm not 100% that this is prototypical, but I prefer it), and the second was to model one of the cab doors open. Due to the right hand side seat being down, the only one you can model open (without more modification) is the left hand door, this still wasn't as easy as I thought. Hornby has created the door part to include the piece of the cab that sticks forward that the door hinges off, so I scored the join, and glued them at 90 degree angles. In hindsight, I should've just taken a photo. Hopefully my closeup shows that you're able to see a little more of the cab detail though. I still need to glue the door in place. The loco is by no means finished, It sill needs to be screwed back together, certain things need to be picked out - and it obviously needs to be numbered and lettered. I have already decided on the number though, 1319. I've also painted up my Modelu order, Lamps and Oil Drums. One of the longer term projects is to detail all of my existing locos, this includes adding lamps, route discs, crew, fire irons, coal and making sure everything is weathered and runs properly. These should go some way to helping with that. I also finished off the weathering on 912 'Downside', Etched plates are on order to finish off all 4 of my schools class locos! I leave you with this shot of a few LBSC and SECR locos that are sitting on my desk at the moment. I've definitely made a start at moving to more of an Central/Eastern focus. Cheers!
  12. Hey Javier, I have spoken to tony about your models, and seen some of the finished ones on his thread, they look absolutely fantastic. Tell me, do you take comissions/suggestions? Cheers! Jack
  13. As a quick update, I've been doing a few things, Added sprung buffers to my Birdcage set, they don't look to be exactly the same, but I couldn't find a better option sadly. I picked up two Oxford Warwells, I must've done some incomplete investigating - I thought these had sprung buffers, but sadly it's the Hattons ones that do, Does anyone know of a suitable replacement set of buffers? (I need 4 sets!) I repainted the decks in tan, because on the other one I removed the little spigots that hold the chains in and filled the holes, I plan to mount a RAF tractor to it, but it's still 'in the works'. This one has had the deck weathered to look a little bit more like wood. It still needs dirty washes, and overall weathering, but I would like some feedback on the wood effect! And finally, this arrived the other day from Tim Horn, Assembled on my bed in the wee hours of the morning, it went together a treat. I'm excited to finally start on a diorama.
  14. Tony, Firstly my apologies for the ill health of your wife, All my best for a speedy recovery. Exciting times that the Layout will appear in a magazine! Do you know a date yet? I have also been toying with the idea of building some restriction 1/0 stock on Hornby maunsell donors, where did you get the sides from, and how are you getting along? Jack
  15. @BSW01 That looks like an excellent build, I would love to see more! @Wilton 34041 thank you kindly for that - I hope that is of use to you @DLT !!
  16. It really is a shame/annoyance. The chassis at least is very, very good. My CAD wizard friend has already designed the door, and sent me the file to have it printed, if for any reason this turns out to be not great, i'll look at the 14xx door!
  17. Hey guys, Unlikely, but i'm looking for a oo Works I3, not worried about livery or condition. If you have one and will part with it, PM me your price! Cheers, Jack
  18. Matching it to anything at all is very difficult!
  19. Thank you both! @Karhedron that link was very helpful indeed. I was advised by John Harvey that even post war - the tanks were indeed owned by the milk company and the frames were owned by the railway company. He also mentioned there is some information in 'The Southern Notebook' It's probably impossible to know for sure, but I would assume this meant that SR tanks would have a Black sole-bar - but is there any chance they would've been in the SR freight brown? Does this mean it would be likely to see a mix of LMS/SR/GWR tanks in one train, or did they very much stick to a specific region? (Again i'd assume that pooling meant that they went everywhere) This link may be of use to anyone else that's interested, not just in SR tankers, but in general. It has a wealth of information about Milk Churn wagons and Milk Tankers (no affiliation): http://www.igg.org.uk/rail/7-fops/fo-milk.htm If anyone else has anything to contribute, or any pictures of their modelling attempts, please speak up!
  20. I'm positive that there's a number of people that are holding out for a malachite green one (it can't just be me!)
  21. Robin, What an excellent thread! I decided to start from the beginning, thread started in 2013, great! I love reading through old threads that are still current, but got to about page 18 and realised that they were still posts from 2013, Hmmm, I wonder how long this thread is, 1389 PAGES?! Jeez, heaps to catch up on then! I never thought i'd be drawn to GWR stuff, but then again maybe it's the time period! The stock all looks excellent, and the photography, very atmospheric - I'm looking forward to the following 1371 pages! Apologies if this has been discussed before, but have you considered using a for of close coupling between the coaching stock? Jack
  22. I forgot to add these in my update, but here's a view of the club layout, and Beachy Head running with an 8 coach Pullman train Enjoy!
  23. Haha, I wouldn't want to sleep in and miss it! I start at 2pm my time on Mondays - the trade off is I don't finish until 10pm, but u'm in an office, so it's hardly the hardest thing in the world. I may have made a bit of an error, it's just A board (single) - I've decided that I need somewhere that's not my desk to display stock, and take photos. It also gives me a chance to do some scenic building for a change! Yeah, the Tim Horn ones are what I went with, lots of those lazer cut baseboards look relatively similar in design anyways, i'm looking forward to building it!
  24. I think this is fantastic! It's awesome to see a manufacturer getting so involved in the discussion, and taking points on board. May I ask though, are the current buffers sprung and if so, (it may be too early to answer) if you change them will they still be? Cheers! Thank you very much! I am impressed and slightly jealous of your intimate knowledge of the class. Maybe I will bide my time and hope that 'BRIGHTON WORKS' appears in IEG, alternately i'll consider a repaint/tweak of 2422. Jack
  25. Gary, The chassis is fantastic, well detailed and easy to build, I can't imagine. you'll have any problems there I think the Nickle Silver looks nicer than brass too. The body only has a few pain points, its not difficult to build, but I would also question the accuracy of the measurements of the body - where it would become more difficult to build if you were to try and fix these issues. I would love to see some retooled parts!
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