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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. This is true, maybe it's been worked hard? The only continuity issue I have is that 1189 entered service in August of 1947, and i'm not sure it would've got this dirty this quickly!
  2. Thanks Connor, I wasn't sure about the B1. I thought it might be a little heavy, but I think I can live with it. I need to get some more tonal variation into my weathering at some point. As for the Arthur, I've moved my focus much closer to ex LBSC/SECR, which as you say, warrants a 6 wheel tendered Arthur. I have another one waiting in the wings, which I think might go green!
  3. That looks fantastic. The fidelity of those head-code discs is very impressive!
  4. Hello guys! A few projects on the go at the moment, I'll let the pictures do the talking - of course if you have any questions, please ask away! I got really sick of the HMRS transfers for the 'SOUTHERN' Soach lettering being rubbish, so I had some commissioned. Will update you on how they are when they arrive.
  5. My own recent modelling. I've been exposed to too many great Eastern layouts thanks to RMweb. Re-numbered, re-lettered and weathered. Still waiting on a replacement detail pack for drain-cocks and whatnot. I was going to scratch build them from some brass wire, but I have a fair few projects on the go so it seemed like the simplest option. Not sure if it the weathering is a bit heavy. It did look good at the head of a parcels rake on the club layout though. Here it is on a short mixed freight
  6. Ah thank you! I was thinking of replacing the corridor connectors... Any advice on where to source the bogies/buffers from?
  7. Hey guys, Rob I notice that my parcels train is starting to look a lot like yours. I was wondering if anyone has any tips for improving the Siphon G or H, having recently purchased some - google turns up a few results but most of the links are dead.
  8. Fantastic modelling going on here. Where did you get the Maunsell pattern wheels please Linny?
  9. I find that matte black mixed with a drop of semi gloss grey gives (imo) a nice rendition of 'railway' black. Probably in a ratio of 1/8.
  10. Thanks Steve! I'm pretty happy with how the P turned out too! The soot effect along the top is the same weathered black/brown mix as the lower portion gently wafted across the top with the airbrush. I personally find this to work much better than powders.
  11. It's been a little while since my last update. I've just taken two weeks off from work. While I've managed to spend a bit of time at my workbench, I've stayed away from the computer and have done other exciting things. Like going to the dentist and getting my hair cut. I'll start with the bad. I spent most of Sunday and Monday fixing a rather unfortunate mistake. I periodically take all of my locos out of storage to run them, dust them, and just generally check over them. I've started devising a register of what needs doing to what, and the condition they are currently in etc. Anyway, I had my P class out on the bench, resting on a paper towel. Unknown to me, the container of enamel thinner next to it had split at the bottom. Being that paper towels are rather absorbent - you can probably imagine what happened next. I managed to strip the P of all its separately fitted detail - which was surprisingly easy. Hattons definitely took a pragmatic approach to construction. Once stripped I cleaned it all up and the usual painting process ensued. Frustratingly, I wasn't able to find any 1947 condition photos of 1557, so I wasn't sure if the side tanks were lettered the same as 1558 which had the word and the number on the tank or the same as 1556, which had the word on the tanks and the numbers on the bunker. I also think because i've used 1558 as a base, it's incorrect for 1557, but I think the difference will be so slight that unless you're directly comparing them, you won't know! While the loco was apart I decided to paint the cab interior cream, instead of the odd yellow colour it was. I fixed one of the cab doors in the open position too, it adds a little bit of interest I think. Crew still needs to be added, as well as some further weathering, but I think the contrast in tones of black do a pretty good job. The next, kind of bad bit came after My lovely partner gifted me with this (birthday). It's no secret that I think the jubilees are one of the most beautiful locos ever built - and I've been hanging out for one for ages!: I gave it a coat of Humbrol clear (which I find amazing, thank you to whoever recommended it to me). And gave it a light weathering. In my usual fashion, this was before checking that the model was correct for a 1947 version of 'Australia' - thanks to @Brocp for shattering that illusion, but also providing me with plenty of Fowler tendered class members to renumber to. I managed to take the cab off and remove the numbers, however some of the paint came of the sides in the process, I have some Vallejo paint in that that is supposed to match, so I will try and patch it up as best I can. Here's hoping it will be hidden under the numbers anyway. I will update on this one once suitable transfers have arrived! In slightly better news, I managed to finish off this: I need to double check the number is correct and give it a coat of dullcote, there are a few more wagons that are in line to leave the paintshop soon, I should have enough for a sizable freight! Finally, there's this; Still waiting on transfers to complete. I am seriously smitten though. Both the Jubilee and the B1 are fantastic models, and I can't wait to finish them off, weather them further and add them to the fleet. Did they ever venture on to southern metals in 1947? I'm not sure, but do I care? Hmmmm.\ That's all for now Jack
  12. Do you have any photos of the finished wagon? It's unlikely that i'll be able to get my hands on any of the ABS ones, and certainly not in bulk - So same size, and general look is perfect!
  13. Adam, I think (think) that i've managed to sort out everything I should need to have a go of building some of these. Those 'illustrated history of southern wagon' books are invaluable. I'll have to check out Geoff's books!
  14. Thanks for the photo Adam, that's an interesting photo of the end you don't usually see! Indeed they do - I'd forgotten about that. I ended up buying some of the 51L BR self Contained buffers from Wizard (product code BRC003 incase you wondered) which look really similar, if they turn out to be incorrect i'll test out some of the Lanarkshire ones!
  15. Thanks chaps! Adam, That book is the reason for this call! I must've got my wires a bit crossed,I realise now that the Conflat B was clearly the more common one. Looking at plate 50 in SR Wagons Vol. 4 there's a Conflat A, (or atleast the branding on it says conflat A) listed as Diagram 1382 but without vac brakes. It looks like the brake arrangement is morton brake gear - possibly a cambrian kit underframe will suffice. As for the B's, i'm sure that a cambrian chassis is an okay place to start, but i'll need to modify the brake arrangement. On the D's the length and the J hangers are putting me off, i'm not sure my scratchbuilding is up to the task yet! That's a real shame, I managed to get about 15 of his various remaining southern wagons a while ago. While I haven't got around to building them yet, they're certainly very very nice castings and look like they should be fun to build! The brake gear should be possible with some etched brake parts from Wizard, and some scratchbuilding. It will be fiddly, but so was my Queen Mary, and I think that came out ok!
  16. Hello again collective Southern mind, I'm writing to you this time to ask if anyone can point me in the direction of an appropriate kit that I could nab the underframe from for a SR Conflat A. Or if there is an actual kit available from somewhere for this. Also interested to see any kitbashes or RTR modifications that have resulted in your own Conflat! Cheers, Jack
  17. That looks fantastic Adam, (as usual) where are the buffers from please?
  18. I've just discovered this thread, the quality of the modelling is superb. I cannot wait to go back and start from page 1. In the bolster wagon 71782 - what have you used for the chains and shackles please, they look really good!
  19. Thank you for that, I had though I had some LSWR books, turns out not the ones I want! I think 805 should fit the bill This seems to have been the case for a fair few engines. Very frustrating for me, as I model late 1947, they all seem to fall inside that window! Ah - Well now I can be a pedant about it too! If you don't mind me asking, what relocated the N15's by then, was it the Schools? I can't think of a way to model a black loco with green driving wheels convincingly without it looking like I've half finished the job!
  20. Hello again, collective Southern mind I am after information around N15's and which ones were still black in 1947 - i'm ideally looking for 6 wheel central section ones, but for the usefulness of the topic if anyone is able to advise of other class members and their repainting dates. As always; Alternatively if anyone is able to point me in the right direction for finding this myself that would excellent. I have vague memories of having found this information before, but can't find anything now! Thanks!
  21. Are either of these Acrylic by any chance Tony? I've spent the last few days trying some different Acrylic washes, and none of them seem to flow as well as the enamel ones, I can't seem to get a good middle barrier between enamel base coat and enamel wash - which seem to flow the best. I have tried Humbrol Clear, which sprays really nicely but gets cloudy when I attempt cleanup. I could always move to an acrylic base coat, but I do like working with enamels. Thoughts and comments appreciated from all
  22. Where's the angry react! I've actually bought a tin of olive myself.. just for a little bit of variety!
  23. They all look fantastic posed together Tony! Will you be adding a Bulleid Diesel shunter to the fleet - or is that too late for your chosen time-frame?
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