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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. Howdy Tony, I pulled the glazing out and then used a fiberglass pencil to take the transfers off - I left the plaque on the side so I knew where to stick the metal one onto. I just masked up the ends and with some careful positioning made sure to keep them clear of any overspray! Still havent'got around to putting new transfers on yet though! Hope this helps with the laziness Jack
  2. Sort of on the same track as the current subject, Structure building. I am making a start on my first little photo diorama and have only just started working with structure building materials, In this case Wills brick sheets. Does anyone have any scratchbuilding advice, or can point me in the direction of some good reading material/threads. I decided to start small
  3. These look great guys! I think they're a nice little model. I'll certainly be keeping my eye out to see if they drop in price being the 'wrong colour'! Something slightly different on the workbench at the moment. First weathering steps completed last night, I need to mix some different shades and colours of grime, as well as adding some powders. The loco isn't mine, I offered to weather it for a friend in the UK, but it's nice having the opportunity to play with models that I would otherwise not buy. It is also great practice for me, meaning I get to try out different techniques and look for reference photos from different regions. I've also started working on my shed scene diorama on my photoboard. I've never really worked with plasticard, or materials needed to build structures so i'm a bit tentative about it all, but it's slowly coming together. I managed to scratchbuild a water tower and a little hut from brick sheet, the water tower is even almost square! If anyone has any tips they wouldn't mind sharing or can point me in the direction of some interesting how-to's etc. I would be most grateful! That's all for now! JP
  4. Message Allen, (Worsley Works), I know that he often scales up the 3mm designs he has, and I think he even advertises on his website that he can. I would imagine you'll get a positive and prompt response, much like any of the times i've dealt with him! No affiliation of course
  5. Excellent, flick me a PM if anything comes of it! I suppose the other option would be to get one of the low window D2101 sides, plate over the ducket hole and not fully form the tumblehome?
  6. No luck from either Mousa or Worsley it seems. You could contact them and see if they would be willing to do a run of etches? I'd certainly put my name down for some. Good luck!
  7. I've just been browsing the rest of your work, this is Jaw-droppingly amazing! Truly micro engineering. Looking forward to more updates!
  8. For those asking i'll quote the answer Tony gave me, I found it extremely helpful - but have only just got around to ordering "Southern Coaches Survey". For anyone interested I thought i'd add some in progress shots of the weathering/detailing achieved on my crane so far:
  9. Managed to get some 'actual' modelling done over the weekend, First up, a strip down and repaint of the new Hornby LSWR Brake Van. It just needs transfers and couplings to finish it off. I also started weathering the Bachmann Crane; I also added some details in the form of planks and chain. There's also a few other bits and bobs to go on the match truck. That's all for now!
  10. I spend a little tiume over the weekend stripping and repainting my BV. Still waiting for the right couplings and transfers, but i'm much happier with the colour. With some careful masking I was able to retain the red ends too. Were the lamp irons on the body supposed to be picked out in white?
  11. Just a brief update. For those who know, I've had a pretty mediocre workstation so far. However, Having recently moved, and being granted more space, this meant I had options. Over the summer (if you could call it that here), I've done precious little modelling. I have however spent some time building myself a half decent PC and sorting my modelling space out. Hopefully this means that when things do kick back into gear, i'll be ready to go. What am I waiting on you might ask? Well the rest of my models are still at my parents place and I need to make time to go and get them all! It's also meant that my photo box is one step further to being done. It now has its own lighting! That's all for now, but fingers crossed there is some more soon!
  12. Oooh, any of the current versions suitable for a repaint? or maybe with some minor modification?
  13. foolishly I haven't got around to purchasing any of he Tatlow volumes on cranes. But I would assume oxford have not covered all variants of this crane - can anyone advise if any of these cranes were present on the southern pre-nationalization? TIA
  14. Mine has just recently landed on my bench, I'm struggling to get the glazing out, did you find there was any trick to it, or was it just brute force and something sharp? And for those in the know, should the SR one have a brown solebar?
  15. In that same vein - does anyone know how long 2644 stayed in olive green for?
  16. There's a large block that the wheels slot into, the space between the inner side frames of the crane is slightly over 22mm. Its about the same on the jib runner and match trucks. I hope that helps!
  17. I'm happy to have a look tonight and measure for you if that helps? - Just let me know what you need measured, or if photos would help. I would imagine from my brief look underneath it would probably be feasible. A little off topic, but at my local preserved steam railway, they have a Ransom and Rapier crane, not the 45tonner, but still interesting I thought. The cast warning plates on the side are the same as the ones on the model!
  18. Not 100% sure yet, i'm looking to just lend my hand however possible. Fireman would be interesting, but then again, most things would be.
  19. Thanks for that info and the photos Dan, the Ab looks fantastic! Sadly I haven't really made much progress on my Ab due to moving, but I have been slowly but surely removing the lost wax casting from their sprues. I also took delivery of a drill press, and went ahead and drilled out the slide bars for the rods, also seen mocked up with the valve chests: I've also started (looking at) another coach kit, this time it's the 47' 6" Guards Van, another Northyard Kit, With the contents laid bare: I recently put my application in to volunteer at The Silverstream Steam Railway (local Preserved steam railway). A link to their website can be found here: https://www.silverstreamrailway.org.nz/ After I put my application in I was invited to have a look around the premises, which also included the shed and workshop areas - OH BOY! I was excited to see what they had in there, but I was absolutely foaming to have a look at the Big C (Named due to the existence of a C class loco of 1873 which was a smaller tank engine). The visit did not disappoint. She is currently awaiting an overhaul to be returned to running condition. Nothing particularly major, but my understanding is the steam reverser needs attention, and due to it being 'not right' (for lack of the technical ailment) it's damaged other components. Thankfully she is still very very clean and tidy. I was even allowed to climb onto the footplate A rather unflattering shot of me in the drivers seat - despite the look on my face, I was happy as larry! A rather unusual looking 2-6-2 locomotive I suppose, with 3 domes (2 sand, one steam dome), a myriad of outside pipework and sloping tender - a knock on of this locomotive being designed specifically for shunting work. I immediately fell in love with it, and am looking forward to the re-release of the updated JG models kit! Not my photos, but that of the NZ railway rolling stock lists, shows the C class at Silverstream in full steam, and shows off the profile a little better An exciting time was had by all. That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  20. Heck! That would certainly be one hell of a project! Rail-UK has semi recently gone down, which is a crying shame. Specifically does anyone know how long 2644 stayed green for?
  21. I asked this earlier in the thread, from memory, the answer is no - not of the current releases. I can only echo Green Giraffe's sentiments that hopefully the announce them (Or 'Brighton Works')! But i'm happy to paint one if need be. My question would probably be, when was the olive green one repainted?
  22. Thanks for that, it does actually help. The smoke deflectors being painted and lined means that it shouldn’t be too difficult at all!
  23. Any update of when these are likely to come to fruition?
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